Under 1,000 followers, intro yourself, let's connect!

And if you want to show off what you're working on -- use this 24/7 video room https://vibehut.io/build-in-public

Update: really interesting to see what people are working on, post your Twitter too, I'll follow

Second update: btw my twitter is twitter.com/1dolinski

  1. 5

    Helping SaaS founders get listed on +300 directory with +1 billion monthly traffic.

    Grab your free list and get your first 100 customers at https://lasalesmachine.brizy.site

  2. 5

    Hi! I'm Gonza, I'm working on Kamara, a VS Code extension that writes code for you. I'm launching in the next couple of days.

    It's amazing what all of you are building, looking forward to being part of this community!

    1. 2

      that sounds good, I'd love to try it out when you launch

  3. 5

    Hey all! my name is Tucker and I am an up and coming product manager currently finishing up a music festival app called Festa! I am also currently exploring potential other ideas

  4. 4

    Hey! I’m a frontend dev hacking together https://www.whirr.co - a no-code app & flow builder designed to work like Figma 🙈

    It’s a lot of work, so follow along on Twitter https://twitter.com/seandotexe

    1. 1

      This is awesome! Is it just you?

      1. 1

        Appreciate it ! @ColabDog - myself + 1 cracked designer co-founder :)

  5. 4

    I am building a Chrome extension called https://checkget.com
    You can use ChatGPT on any website or software by clicking Cmd/Alt+K!

    1. 1

      Just checked out checkget! Looks like a slick extension. I'll try it out this week :)

    2. 1

      Just tried it - very cool! Is there a limit to how much you can use it?

  6. 4

    I'm building https://senec.ai

    We are this 🤏 close to publicly launching exporting AI created websites to Next.js code!

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/jim_stef

    1. 2

      Just tried it! Very cool - however i was unable to publish / download the website i generated.

      1. 1

        Just yesterday we pushed on production export code requests. You can see them in your dashboard. Currently only available for early access users behind a $10 lifetime subscription. Hit me up on Twitter if you had any trouble / questions, would love to hear from you!

  7. 4

    Hi everyone, I'm Santiago. I'm a programmer, and currently looking for my next project. Looking forward to following everyone's progress!

  8. 4

    I'm building a collection of early stage SaaS with MRR > 500 at Microsaasdb.com
    Twitter- SubroSaaS

    1. 1

      This comment was deleted a year ago.

      1. 1

        Cool, I'm be moving microsaasdb to a new platform next week. Your saas will be added then :)

  9. 4

    i'm Eric. I run a fast growing newsletter. Just achieved 2,500 newsletter subscribers in 6 weeks. No paid ads!

    feel free to hit me up. let's connect!

      1. 2

        That's insane! I've just started a newsletter and it sounds like a dream :) Congrats - I just subscribed!

        ps. I might want to learn your tricks...

    1. 2

      Whoa really cool, would love to chat with you. If you're around at 1pm tomorrow, join the call above at 1pm.

  10. 3

    Hey! I am a polymath, studied architecture, self taught developer with a sense for design. Currently I am building the journaling app https://memoiri.app the simplest way to start journaling!

    1. 2

      Mood tracker is a nice feature! Would be cool to see themes for similar mood ratings, trends, etc 🤓

      1. 1

        thanks a lot for your suggestion! Will put that on the list! Would you mind leaving a review with a few nice words?

  11. 3

    Hi. I build the community management tool of Web3 projects, which is called Tribeviz.
    Hope i can connect with you guys!


  12. 3

    Hello people, I am building a smart way to purchase things , using blockchain. This is the web https://shiivi.vercel.app/ also this is my twitter https://twitter.com/MateoM147

  13. 3

    Hi all. I'm building an sms music marketing app for music discovery.

  14. 3

    Hi all, I'm building an interactive, gamified survey builder that helps brands connect better with their customers. My twitter handle is: @smorethoughts!

  15. 3

    Brand new hear (as in minutes ago!), but I'm excited to learn from you all and share a bit of what I've learned over the years as well.

    We're getting ready to launch a new wellness app we've been working on for quite some time now. It's been a crazy road to get this far... joyous, frustrating, invigorating, maddening, demoralizing, inspiring and everything in between. I expect much of the same was we move forward, and a whole lot I'm not expecting as well. With all of that, I'm excited to see what the next stage will bring.


  16. 3

    Hey there, I'm Rohan 👋
    I'm not working on any SaaS right now, though I just built Survues.

    My main focus right now is writing my book on the intersection of art and coding, and how to create more meaningful software as a result. Both are a huge part of my life and I think there's a lot of valuable lessons for engineers to take from art. (I'm also cooking up a platform for artists and art lovers, but that's a long way out...)

    I'd appreciate a follow on Twitter and/or gumroad if you're interested in it! Love to connect with new people.

    1. 2

      That's awesome, followed

      Would be happy to chat about your SAAS on vibehut.io/build-in-pubic

  17. 3

    I'm Pourya from Getware.ai. We are building product teams' most advanced AI platform for understanding and actioning customer feedback.

    Recently, I started a new venture, where we apply AI to help newsletter find and create more target-specific content. Currently, in stealth mode, and accepting alpha users :)

    Excited by what everyone is building.

  18. 3

    After 2 exits in our startup studio, currently working on a product-led revenue platform, usermotion.com. It aims to help companies acquire and retain customers based on reliable customer data. It is on the beta waitlist now; excited -welcome you all!

    On the side, as a product-led enthusiast, I have a newsletter, plgstack.substack.com, where I share our experiences and research any aspect of product-led growth with invaluable contributions.

    Hit me up any time you want to chat about PLG.

    ps. thanks Chris!

      1. 2

        hell ya-- that's awesome, would love to learn more, can chat any time about your newsletter here vibehut.io/build-in-pubic

        btw followed your twitter

  19. 3

    I'm Baris for M-Connect

    M-Connect is designed to bridge the gap between product teams and technical counterparts, making it an essential tool for agile and remote work environments.

    canbly on Twitter! 👋

  20. 3

    I'm the designer for Dokkimi

    It's a dev tool where QA Engineers can easily manage custom test environments.

    I have I think 7 followers 🤣

    Hit me up any time ya'll need design feedback.

    1. 2

      really cool, would love to chat about design -- here anytime vibehut.io/build-in-pubic

  21. 3

    I am a writer and studying digital marketing now

  22. 3

    I'm Charlie 👋

    Currently building a marketing platform called Baser specific for startups and rag-tag entrepreneurs who much prefer spending their time building and talking with customers than worrying about their marketing strategy i.e. automate your SEO into a series of todos (because we looove todo lists ❤️)


    1. 2

      Wow - really impressed with Baser. Your approach to automating SEO into a series of to-dos is clever and valuable. Best of luck with your platform!

      Followed 🙌

    2. 2

      Wow Charlie, your idea looks cool. How automated are we talking about :)

  23. 3

    Kyriakos from Terra API here!

    Terra is an API that makes it super easy to connect to all wearables and sensors through a single API!

    1. 3

      Connected, really interesting project! Who are your target customers, other devs?

      1. 1

        awesome! yep, app developers that want to access health and fitness data :)

    2. 1

      This comment was deleted a year ago.

  24. 3

    Nice to meet you Chris! Thanks for connecting.

    I am one of two founders of Pythagora. Pythagora is an open source tool that creates automated integration tests by analysing server activity without you having to write a single line of code.

    It is very tech related product so i understand that it is not for everyone, but still i'm very happy to connect with people!

    1. 1

      I was just telling someone that it would be amazing if ChatGPT had access to my source code, server logs, and Github so that it could open pull requests with fixes to bugs. Good luck!

    2. 1

      Really coool -- would be great to see how this works

  25. 3

    Hi friends! I'm Alvin, and I'm starting a movement to inspire people to do what they love, live life to the fullest and live with NO RAGRETS. Our first product is a hangover prevention powder and we launch on Product Hunt TODAY. Give us some support, we'll be eternally grateful!

  26. 3

    I'm the maker of useGenerated.com a CLI that allows you to build a GraphQL backend in minutes. stack NestJS and Prisma. Queries are as nested as you need! price is $249 or PPP with i think is fine if it saves at least couple of weeks of development on each project.

    All the code for resolvers is generated and can be modified and extended. Saved me months os development on the backend.

    just 135 followers on twitter so I highly appreciate a follow. https://twitter.com/useGenerated

    since you followed till here, if you are interested you can have a my CLI for just $19 with this code just first 15 people. YP8NF62

    If you have any concerns before buying let's have a call.

    1. 2

      Sounds like a great product

      1. 1

        thanks a lot.
        Did you use something similar?

        Would you like a rundown ?

        I can give you a 30 min call and show case it and answer potential questions.

        1. 2

          Thanks so much, I've already set up the entire back end of my current project. But will let u know if I start something new

    2. 2

      Really cool - would love to chat more about your stack

      1. 1

        sure just DM ed on Twitter

  27. 3


    I'm building Cloud Combo, a multi cloud storage manager.

    For now, users can o-auth up to 5 Google Drive or Dropbox accounts, see what's inside them, and transfer files between them without leaving the app.

    The vision is to support as much cloud providers as possible, and be able to support all their individual actions within a single app: move, copy, cut, delete, rename, share, etc.

    Try the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/cloud-combo/id1671984457
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/cloudcomboapp
    Join the community for questions/suggestions: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FXobl3HyZgUEqyUeIAdDf6

    1. 1

      really awesome -- happy to give feedback at https://vibehut.io/build-in-public

  28. 3

    Hey, I'm Saïd, founder at Stimpack - https://stimpack.io
    My mission is to provide builders with the tools they need to gain early traction and launch products faster.
    I'm fully dedicated to that and always happy to build strong relationships with fellow indies & builders.
    Also publishing an educational blog about pre-launches: https://blog.stimpack.io
    Let's connect & grow together 🤗

    My Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaidAitmbarek

    1. 2

      really awesome -- followed, would love to chat about this

      1. 1

        thank you mate, I'm grateful and happy to see such enthusiasm🤩
        feel free to DM, I'm mostly available on Twitter if you wanna chat

    2. 2

      Stimpack sounds awesome! It's really cool to see someone so dedicated to helping builders get their projects off the ground. And I'll be sure to keep an eye on your tweets 👀

      1. 1

        thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate 🤗
        hope I can help a lot of builders ship faster products while having a real pre-launch framework. Feel free to DM, I'm happy to talk about it

  29. 3

    Hi all! I am Grant, indie founder of a task management app Finale To Do. Starting out on Indie Hackers, so excited to connect with everyone! Hit me up if you are interested in iOS / Mac development, lets chat :)

    1. 1

      Hey grant, you got a linkedin?

  30. 3

    Hey all! Majd from Canada checking in 🇨🇦

    Currently building colivevalues.com, if you're a remote worker and looking to live in a community that shares your values, check us out!


    1. 1

      awesome -- I'm from Canada as well. Followed

  31. 3

    Hey guys! I'm Harry - https://twitter.com/harman_szn

    I can teach you guys how to growth hack with my newsletter ;)

    1. 2

      Really nice -- would love to chat about growth hacking

  32. 3

    If you're looking for an streamlined way to measure web performance on your site and don't want to use over-complicated & costly tools like datadog hit me up. We have an MVP and are looking for early feedback from people who are particularly passionate about frontend performance.

  33. 3

    Hey everyone - long time lurker - this post got me to sign up. I'm Mike, and I'm building a daily email newsletter to help software engineers prepare for interviews. 0 subscribers, 0 followers - plowing ahead though!

  34. 3

    Hi, I'm Alex - https://twitter.com/hey_iam_alex

    Normal dude interested in building projects. Building document retrieval slack not. Working as Enginering Manager during the day, builder in the evening.

    I share tips and post about my journey. Follow for cool content.

    1. 1

      following for the journey

  35. 3

    OP, really cool comments so far!

    I'll go too.. I'm Chris -- I'm a fan of all of these platforms but was getting super tired of interacting with the internet slot machine.. put out a post, hope it gets replies and comments.

    I've always been available to connect with new people, build and help others build.

    So! -- For the last year and a half

    I've built a human first, video first, platform. It's called Vibehut.io

    In the last 30 days people from 137 countries have been on calls. Tbh, I still believe it but it's a cool stat.

    You can use it as your virtual office, community hangout or have individual calls. Create content and instantly connect with others about topics you'd like to discuss when you want.

    What's special is that Vibehut lets you develop a reputation as someone who's available to talk. On Vibehut.io you can build up your network and your call count.

  36. 2

    Hello, everyone! It's great to see what everyone is working on. I guess it's my turn to share.

    My name is Hristiyan Dimitrov and I launched my personal website a couple of days ago ( https://www.hrsdimitrov.com ).

    The website is quite empty, but it won't be for long. I am writing a lot of content that will soon be posted. I am also working on my marketing strategy.

    My goal is to share useful content that will help people become better developers and learn a lot of things about the world they live in.

    If you are interested, I would love to connect with you! My twitter handle is @hrsdimitrov.

    1. 2

      Like the design! It's nice & clean. Snappy transitions from page to page

      1. 1

        Thank you so much, seitzej. 😁

  37. 2

    Hi Everyone! I recently developed a mobile game called "X Ball Enigma"

    I'm currently seeking ways to promote my game, X Ball Enigma, and explore marketing partnerships to help reach a wider audience. If anyone has any suggestions or knows of any opportunities, I would greatly appreciate hearing about them.

    It's already available for Android and IOS:

  38. 2

    Hi everyone! I am a full-stack programmer. I work with React, Angular, Node.js and love TypeScript. I have experience in developing B2B products. Currently, I am working on an education application and we will have a launch soon. I hope I can share this application with you in a few weeks!

  39. 2

    Hey! I'm a previous consumer packaged goods founder, so if you're working on a physical/consumable product and want to chat, let me know! Happy to help.

    My next product will likely be a productized web CRO agency. If you're a figma wiz or have agency experience lmk! I'd love to team up on my next project, I found being a solo founder last time lonely.

  40. 2

    Nice to meet you, I am a Dutch software engineer. Active in blockchain, organizing digital nomad trips, and cofounder of byvinci.io

    1. 1

      It's nice to meet you! I wish you all the best 😁

  41. 2

    Hi everyone, I am Sagar, a software developer from India. Currently working on building a Chrome Extension to export the chat that happened during the meeting.

    It's really amazing to see what all of you are building !!!

  42. 2

    Hey everyone, I'm Roman and I'm building PromptReaper - a batch processing tool for GPT/ChatGPT models.

    If you need to send many similar requests to GPT, instead of manually copying & pasting variants of a request to chat, you just create a template and a spreadsheet with values (like e.g. it works in mailing lists) and get a table of results.

    Would really like to discuss how to build on public, as I just got my head out of the code, but fascinated with the idea of indie hacking.

  43. 2

    Hey everyone, I’m Jason and I am working on launching a new personal expense tracking app for iOS called Amounts. The app is out on the app store, and a general website is available at https://amounts.app - though the website is very much still a WIP (I hate doing web development/design :D) My twitter handle is https://twitter.com/swiftfoxsw

  44. 2

    Currently working on personal finance app for Indians.

    Sharing content on twitter at https://twitter.com/vrid_in

  45. 2

    Hey there, I love to build apps and I'm building this one (for travelers) https://www.vibyapp.com/store

  46. 2

    Hey new here, I think this will be my first post even, but have been following along for a bit. Interested in open source, startups and radical transparency processes. Two projects I work on most of the time...

    Buildly - SaaS platform for Product Development and Release Management

    Open Build - Non-profit global small business accelerator and junior developer training programs

    1. 2

      Really cool

      Would be happy to learn more about non-profits anytime vibehut.io/build-in-pubic

  47. 1

    Hey, Building a tool to share financial asset details digitally with your family members, revealed upon your death.
    Excited to talk with other hustlers. You can find me on twitter: https://twitter.com/artsofbaniya

  48. 1

    Hey everyone, Im Tj and I'm currently building https://saashound.co a real-time product monitoring and analytics platform that provides insights and tools to help you unlock hidden opportunities in your product.

    twitter: tunjiadeyeri

  49. 1

    Hi everyone,

    I build dev tools and run a newsletter.

    Twitter: raiyan_yahya
    Newsletter: kuration.substack.com

    Happy to connect

  50. 1

    Hi everyone, i build a no-code AI chatbot powered by ChatGPT. You can add it to your website , so users can ask questions and get answers based on your documents. Let's connect



    1. 1

      now 28 sign ups in 10 days. no ads. let me know what you think?

  51. 1

    I'm Bucky Ahemer, working as a Marketing Manager for the customer retention tool, Churnfree. It helps businesses reduce high churn rates for membership-based businesses. I started as a developer and later shifted full-time toward marketing.

  52. 1

    Hey everyone. Building a dating app for sober people! Looking forward to connecting with people on here

  53. 1

    Hey, I developed a SaaS product for Shopify stores and dropshipping users. Just launched last week and trying to onboard some users for feedback.
    Connect me at sippy(dot)tushar@gmail(dot)com

  54. 1

    Hey, currently I'm working on promptjourney.aiboat(dot)io (please remove dot as I can't post links yet). Basically a platform that provides free ChatGpt prompts targeting diverse industries. Also, users can run prompt from the platform itself as I have integrated GPT4 API. Currently, I have added 40+ prompts and adding 20 prompts daily and targeting to add 800 prompts for each use case. (Note: still in beta)

  55. 1

    Hey, I'm currently working as a software developer at a unicorn startup. Let's connect on https://twitter.com/RehaSantiago

  56. 1

    I am building a GPT-powered Tweet library that helps you save, organize, and review Twitter Bookmarks.

    A demo: https://www.loom.com/share/c38db1383b954367b8cb9eee8a353c91

    my handle: https://twitter.com/kyle__do

  57. 1

    Let's grow together on twitter: @daniel_q40

    I'm currently a freelancer (Webflow dev), building my first SaaS called SiteChill and on twitter sharing ideas and observation on the solopreneur life, the good and the bad

  58. 1

    Hi everyone, this is Reem a Multipotentialite curious about Productivity, Design, AI, Business, and Minimalism.
    I am a digital creator and 3d designer.

    Be my friend on Twitter! @iReemMagdi

  59. 1

    Hi everyone 👋

    I'm a full stack web & web3 developer. Lately i've been working on chrome extensions to enhance Twitter.

    Here's a summary:

    1. 2

      hey mate, cofounder of byvinci.io here. feel free to hit me up on insta: @oscaramadeus

      1. 1

        Looks really cool 👀 I'm actually involved in the edm industry as well. Your project seems really interesting

        1. 1

          cool, thanks. I exited about 4 months ago though :D

  60. 1

    Hey there I am a Indian startup - VakyaAi We are working on Copywriting using GPT4 Tech and making it available in form of chrome extension which you can use to create schedule and reply on all social media and freelancing websites.

  61. 1

    Hey there - My name is Caelan. Currently working in the SaaS sales space but trying to spin up a web/mobile app for people in the professional music/gigging musician community (started impresarioinc . ca). I'd love to connect with others founders, programmers or anyone who is currently building! My twitter is @caelrobergetoll

  62. 1

    New here (29 minutes ago new). Just starting out my solopreneur journey, would love to connect with people with an interest in: (i) anything text-to-audio, machine translation, audio-to-text, (ii) tech-for-good and building a community 🙌.

  63. 1

    Hey everyone. I'm Mike, I'm a flutter dev focused on the manufacturing sector.

    Excited to make stuff alongside you all.

  64. 1

    Hey I'm Jason - solo developer and founder of Zigpoll: https://www.zigpoll.com

    I try to blog about progress but it's hard when I'm always head's down building features.

    Would love to give away discounts to fellow indiehackers on a similar journey! Feel free to contact me at any time :)

  65. 1

    Hi I'm an independent iOS developer who's working on an app that lets users track their caffeine intake and locate nearby coffee shops. I'm not allowed to share links yet so I can't share it.

  66. 1

    I also have under 1000 followers but i am not able to post links yet

  67. 1

    Hi, I'm Reuben & building https://www.creatorsquare.ai, launching soon but getting feedback. Twitter handle if you want to follow https://twitter.com/BeansHimself

  68. 1

    Hi! I just started indie-hacking a month and a half ago.
    I've made about $20 in MRR but decided to switch directions because I was just building and not thinking about the solution or helping people.
    I currently run colabdog.com - a place where you can read reviews of popular open source software!
    Highly recommend checking it out so you can minimize change costs and development time! My twitter is here if you'd like to follow :) https://twitter.com/home

  69. 1

    I'm a tech entrepreneur who has founded companies in IT & healthcare industries. I have a passion for creating innovative products from scratch and improving life and human health.

    Im a Founder of Skinive & Currently, we are creating AI-powered apps for tracking&assessment skin health using smartphone cameras and our neural network

  70. 1

    Hello IndieHackers, I am building a one-person productized website design business. This is my website https://designpixil.com/ and my twitter is https://twitter.com/HeyAnantJ

    1. 1

      Hi @heyanantj lovely website. I'm building BubbleWrap.design which is on similar lines and would love to connect sometime. Also, followed on twitter :)

      1. 2

        Hey Juned,
        Glad you like the website and thank you for sharing yours. Love the use of colors and style on your website.
        Will follow you back on Twitter and let's definitely connect sometime.

  71. 1

    Hey guys, former indie hacker now consultant. I've built two businesses, sold one and helped build another - all while being entirely nomadic. One thing I noticed while prepping and pitching is how challenging it is for founders to consolidate their experience, skills, vision and energy into a 10-page pitch deck! I can help with that. Sometimes it just takes a pair of fresh eyes.

    If you'd like to have a chat, you can find me here: https://andhare.com/

  72. 1

    I would love to start opening up my journey and share it. https://twitter.com/ijinal

  73. 1

    Hi All, I have built my first course on Product Management that can be found here based on my experience managing a team of PMs and Engineers.


    twitter handle is:https://twitter.com/ijinal

    1. 1

      In addition, I also have 6 students already!!

  74. 1

    Hi everyone I'm Wes and I am a programmer turned sales guy. I'm on LinkedIn and Twitter. https://www.linkedin.com/in/wespennock

    1. 1

      Hi Wes i just followed

  75. 1

    I'm Mike, building my $40,000+ MRR SaaS app Upvoty + vlogging in public about my progress at https://youtube.com/@mikestrivesvlog - love to connect! :)

  76. 1

    Hi everyone! I'm an AI research scientist building my coverage of Internet culture, AI, and tech at https://posttruth.substack.com/ Well under 1,000, in fact trying to make it to my first 100! I have 3 pieces up and a lot more coming soon! Really excited about this project -- please do check it out and give it a sub.

  77. 1

    Im building newsletter for learn and enhance database knowledge tailored for junior engineer and data driven product manager https://www.thescalable.net

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/herryg91

    1. 2

      That's awesome, followed

      Would be happy to chat about your newsletter posts on vibehut.io/build-in-pubic

  78. 1

    Hi, I'm Luo, a proud dad of 2 and founder of earlybird.im.

    I am building in public since day 1 and am passionate about NoCode, SaaS, ChatGPT, and AI.

    Follow my journey at https://twitter.com/luobaishun

    1. 1

      Great idea project - let's connect

    2. 1

      Amazing -- followed!

  79. 1

    Hi, I'm Craig. I'm in Australia. I've got a few sites focused on bargain hunting. One has half price Amazon groceries, and another has every rewards credit card ranked.

    1. 1

      Really interesting, how long have you been doing that, would be interesting to hear more about your process for that.

  80. 1

    I am Jake! I run a free online school that just launched and am trying to make it easier to up-skill with live mentors and classes. Follow us at https://twitter.com/Younixyz

    1. 1

      Hell ya, that's a great space. Followed as well. Btw, I might be able to provide video calls for your mentoring sessions. Happy to chat.

  81. 1

    Hi 👋 I'm Vito - https://twitter.com/otivdev

    I just started actively posting on Twitter (literally got only 25 followers). I am tweeting about efficiency of (software development) teams while I'm building out a platform/tools to help them.

    Hoping to show what I've been working on soon - IH first and then Product Hunt. Do we have any hunters here?

    1. 2

      Awesome, followed, btw your DM's are closed

      1. 2

        Ah thanks for letting me know! I opened them up now & followed back!

  82. 1

    Thanks for this Chris!

    Hey everyone 👋

    It’s Ozan.

    I write the Life-Changing Concepts newsletter. And 9,000+ entrepreneurs read it every week to gain an edge in business.

    I actually launched on Product Hunt today. It’s currently 3rd and has 300+ upvotes!

    If you'd like to have a look, here's the link:


    1. 2

      Sounds great... I've just subscribed and cannot wait to digest your pieces.

      1. 1

        Thanks a lot, Zeynep! Looking forward to hearing your feedback.

        1. 2

          Ozan loved the gift, "20 Mental Models For Entrepreneurs"! Thanks for putting these useful models together. It will help a lot for my mentality :)

          1. 1

            Glad to hear that, Zeynep! Thank you :)

    2. 2

      What, this is insane too. Would love to chat about it and what you learned during your product hunt launch. Can you make the call tomorrow at 1pm?

      1. 1

        Hahaha I like how you directly go for the call, Chris! That's the spirit.

        Tomorrow probably I'll have a long sleep after the launch day.

        But happy to chat early next week.

        Drop me a DM on Twitter


        1. 2

          hell ya, followed and dm'd

  83. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

  84. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

    1. 3

      awesome, followed - Would be happy to see a demo on vibehut.io/build-in-pubic

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted a year ago.

        1. 1

          Hell ya -- let's all build together

  85. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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