Even if I die, my product will keep working for years 🤞

Even if I die, my product (ScreenshotOne.com) will keep working for years 🤞


  1. I ordered and now use a separate credit card with a high limit for all expenses related to it.
  2. I automated payouts to the same bank account that the credit card is charged from.
  3. I optimized expenses and increased the profit margin to ensure that the project is profitable and will stay profitable when growing.
  4. I built a Kubernetes cluster with autoscaling and also set up Google Cloud Run as a backup. In addition to that, there is a GPU server for backup and for customers with GPU rendering demands.
  5. I wrote a lot of content to make sure that the site stays relevant in Google for years.
  6. I am lucky that ScreenshotOne is one of the answers in ChatGPT and other LLMs on the question of what is the best solution in my niche. Probably to Google.
  7. I partially open-sourced parts of the product and want to open-source more if possible.
  8. I have found affiliate partners who promote the product for me.
    9... What else I can do?

And I keep improving. Ideally, I want to create autonomous AI agents that quickly respond close customer issues by updating the code. But there is a long road to go.

We are at almost $5K MRR and growing!

Since I strive for operational excellence and efficiency, I am curious at what point I will need to hire. Currently, I am not overwhelmed by support issues and tasks.

By the way, if you are curious more about my journey, please, subscribe to my newsletter.

posted to
Building in Public
on March 19, 2024
  1. 2

    Goal added. Thanks 😅

  2. 2

    Wow, just a great one!

  3. 2

    Wow, congrats on the $5k MRR!!!

  4. 2

    Amazing. dump question. Is this LemonSqueezy?

    1. 1

      Thank you! No, it is ProfitWell integrated with Paddle.

  5. 2

    This is great. I think screenshot is one of those capabilities that is required by many apps but its an overkill to do it right, especially related to reliably & securely doing it for production use.

    Curious about the multi-language SDK support. Are those built manually or generated from a spec such as OpenAPI?

    1. 1

      I built them manually and I have an OpenAPI specification. But if I were to start again, I would just generate them from scratch.

  6. 2

    Do you maximize the SEO? Which is the evergreen traffic stream.

    1. 1

      Yes, it is my the only focus now.

  7. 2

    I love it, This can and will cause generational wealth

    1. 2

      It is not the goal, but I like that idea.

      1. 1

        I am automating everything in my business, creating AI tools to help me work and be a one-man army. I want to use these to make tools to help disabled people to run business and build wealth

  8. 2

    You're almost hitting $5k MRR.


    1. 1

      Thank you! Yes, I am finally back, just crossed $5000 yesterday!

  9. 2

    Wow, this is awesome and inspiring. Great work!

  10. 2

    It's fascinating how you've essentially made your product future-proof and growth-ready. Setting it up to thrive even in your absence is a huge thing, not just for the product's sustainability but also for peace of mind.

  11. 2

    Amazing work making your project future-proof! Why not create a custom GPT for your tool so people can access straight from ChatGPT?

    1. 1

      Thank you 🙏 What would be the use case for the custom GPT?

      1. 2

        Maybe let people on ChatGPT test your take screenshot api. Let them input the url to take a screenshot from. I wouldn't use ChatGPT for that but there are way stranger use-cases available on the custom GPT marketplace.

        And add some notes to the bot that tell the users about your paid plan. Might get a few leads from there (and some backlinks at the very least when your custom GPT is listed)

        1. 1

          The idea of getting backlinks that way is damn good. Thank you!

  12. 2

    Wow, Dmytro, your dedication and foresight are truly inspiring!

    1. 1

      Thank you 🙏 I am trying to do my best!

  13. 2

    The level of automation is truly impressive!

    1. 1

      Thank you! What do you mean about auto withdrawal?

  14. 2

    Most people, including me, won't even think about it. I wonder what made you think about it and prepare for the worst. Is it the war that's going around you or something else, Dmytro?

    1. 2

      Thank you for reading, Piotr.

      Yes and no.

      But I think about that as an exercise of how to make my business resilient and survive whatever might happen.

      I plan to live till 120 and wish you the same no matter what!

  15. 2

    Amazing level of automation.
    You can also set up auto withdrawal to your card. 😌
    Seriously: lack of support automation

    1. 1

      Thank you, my friend!

      What do you mean by auto withdrawal?

  16. 1

    Wow! Good work. Which affiliate are you using? And what is your strategy to get more affiliate partners?

  17. 1

    wow! now go and have a vacation :D

  18. 1

    Wow, that's truly inspiring, awesome metrics. I think there are still some potential opportunities with LLM that could be explored in ScreenshotOne

  19. 1

    „I am lucky that ScreenshotOne is one of the answers in ChatGPT and other LLMs on the question of what is the best solution in my niche. Probably to Google.“

    I wonder when are we going to start paying for this? 🤔

  20. 1

    Congrats on the $5k MRR!!! I hope that my SaaS also reaches the same level.

  21. 1

    Trying to do the same thing but with different approach - backend on ethereum L2 and decentralised hosting on ipfs ;) should work as long as infrastructure, downside is that you can not build everything with this stack (yet;))

  22. 1

    Wow, what a niche product!
    Simply idea which covers really a paining wound :)

    I like the background automation.

  23. 1

    I feel I did the same, only issue is although I have a couple of products which are self-sustaining, they are not really generating revenue for me

  24. 0

    The statement "Even if I die, my product will keep working for years" typically refers to the longevity and durability of a product or service beyond the lifetime of its creator. This concept is often associated with products designed to last for a long time without requiring significant maintenance or upgrades.

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