Where do you find small accountability groups for founders and indie hackers?

While I was listening to one of the recent IH Podcast episodes, I was thinking:

"Man, if I had a small group of 6-10 people in a similar boat as me and every Friday we simply went around the table sharing:

  1. What did you learn this week and
  2. What did you ship this week
    that would be a huge motivation & accountability boost."

Do you know of any such communities or places to find them?

I'm not sure if I'm looking for a "mastermind", but something really that simple & casual.

(Would also be super happy to start one & invite people onboard for Solo-founders, MVP, <100 users!)

  1. 2

    I am running one at Micro SaaS HQ - It's not an accountability group but its more of an async community where we discuss about a lot of topics and builders share questions/updates. The community is one part of our bigger ecosystem where we cover Micro SaaS niches, data points, tech chops, interviews from founders, Weekly Micro SaaS News etc.

    1. 1

      This is really neat.

      It actually reminds me a lot of Starterstory.com, but with a bigger focus on community.

  2. 1

    Groups have their advantages too, but if you are more introverted or just need a more private buddy experience having one person creates more closeness and hence commitment. I connect people 1:1 and combine it with procrastination gamification :). It becomes a simple support system but it's also a creative experience. If it sounds interesting www.enterplayground.com

  3. 1

    I am launching an accountability community that consists of small accountability groups. If you want to join you can fill this form -> https://forms.gle/m8z2hPvYMdPzp6b77

  4. 1

    Great idea. I've been thinking about a similar thing for a while. I've always benefitted well on past projects when I had a mastermind group to lean into. I've been thinking of creating one this year so let me know if you make any progress, I'd definitely be interested to join.

  5. 1

    Hey @jayjen you can check out a couple of Slack communities for this. I also think Twitter would have a a great set of people building in public and so on.

    If you're interested in more 1:1 connections and deep dives or conversations you can check out Geeks and Experts and schedule sessions.

  6. 1

    You can find small accountability groups for founders and indie hackers on platforms such as Indie Hackers, Slack communities, Mastermind Groups, online courses, and social media. These communities offer support, feedback, and accountability to help entrepreneurs achieve their goals.

    1. 1

      What a coincidence! I'm actually in buildspace's n&w s3 currently. Wanted to ask this just to find a smaller group!

      1. 1

        Noicee, which house?

  7. 1

    Here’s one I came across on Twitter, but I think it’s paid https://www.ramenclub.so/

    1. 1

      This looks really cool.

      It does a bit formal, but it seems like there's a lot of value. $40 a month is quite pricy, though. Will take a look!

  8. 1

    I even created new account to comment this (forgot password and email from old one)

    Just create a new discord server and invite me!

    Anyway, here's great discord server of startups subreddit https://discord.gg/nFwEgUmb
    There are ton of channels and information
    Take a look at accountability channel, there are guys are looking for accountability buddy to stay accountable.

    In my opinion, it's a good idea to create a small group of people (up to 10) with the same goal and share each other's result, activities and so on.

    Anyway(2), if you create a community like this, give me a link, I'd like to join

    1. 1

      Thanks for the invite, and appreciate the dedication!

      Yeah, like you said, having a smaller group will definitely have its own benefits. Will keep you posted if it happens!

  9. 1

    @jayjen I’m actually creating one called The Social Impact Accelerator & The Innovators Lounge where I coach, Create Community and support the founders, innovators & good disruptors.

  10. 1

    You can join discord servers for this. We also have a discord server that we are trying to activate, let's grow it together.

  11. 1

    I do run a mastermind program and community to solve exactly this problem.

    But you can find like minded people on Twitter easily to do this yourself.

    The solopreneur/indie hacker community on Twitter is quite active and I'm sure many people will sign up.

    1. 1

      That's a great idea.

      I think first starting out, Twitter followings are hard to grow. But once I even have a decent following (a couple hundred), that sounds like one of the best places, since it'll be people with similar ideas/niche as me.

  12. 1

    Hello Jayjen, I feel the same way and have been putting together a slack group to provide a solid community for solo entrepreneurs to grow and keep accountable. Let me know if you are interested :)

  13. 1

    Yes, support / accountability groups definitely help keep you motivated and focused.

    If you are interested in something free, try a challenge. I am gathering people for a content challenge.

    Check it out here on IndieHackers (limited spots will be available):


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