Write about whatever you want

We decided recently that we wanted to start blogging on Squeaky and I stupidly found myself worrying about what we should write about. Like there’s some kind of pressure to create ‘content’ and make it make sense for SEO, somehow ‘leveraging it for profit or conversion’ or something weirdly transactional like that.

After debating it for a while with my cofounder we decided that was quite a sad way to think about writing, and that it’s better to just write about things we’re currently discussing and/or interested in between the two of us. It will be interesting for someone out there, but it doesn’t necessarily have to suit the target market for our product every time. This approach lead to our first post, that’s realistically not interesting for our potential customers at all - but it was easy to write and we’re actually eager to share and debate the topic with our friends and colleagues rather than it being some awkward SEO or content marketing content.

Anyway, I imagine I’m not the only one that has got into some unhealthly thought pattern worrying about what content can ‘do for my business’, but the antidote for us was to just agree to focus on writing about our own ‘stuff’. Once we decided that we’ve literally have so many ideas for things we think it would enjoyable to write about now. Time will tell if that’s actually good for Squeaky, but it feels good to us and that’s probably a better place to start anyway.

Probably common sense to a bunch of people, but thought I’d share in case anyone else is overthinking writing too :)

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