What is a growth tactic that you have been wanting to try? (Poll)

We all have at least a few growth tactics that we stored for later & have been itching to try...(I think I may have 3-4 Evernote notebooks 📗 full of them by now). 😆

What's yours? 🤔

What is a growth tactic that you have been wanting to try?
  1. Programmatic SEO (spreadsheet that content creation, multiply it)
  2. Paid Traffic (G-Adwords, FB, Insta, Twitter, Reddit, Elsewhere)
  3. Earned Media (Leveraging with others who have an audience already)
  4. Build-In-Public (just share the journey, gets the word out)
  5. SaaS Community Submissions (SaaS directories, Product Hunt)
  6. Viral Tactics (existing customers share your product to their network)
  7. Affiliate Marketing (testing out long-time, trusted networks, and finding unknown & new partners)
  8. Produce a Video that features my product well and has its own legs
  9. Something else I saw posted somewhere (list in the comments below)
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    I used TIKTOK for my dev agency https://criov.com/ and it really worked

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      Views can happen fast on TicTok, for sure. Did you have the traffic go into a landing page funnel from there, or what was the method to convert it into something? (if you don't mind sharing a bit how you captured some traffic or sales out of that)..🪤

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    For me, we have been trying to get an audience for our app https://www.producthunt.com/upcoming/wcrd-me on Product Hunt. So far we have gotten around 11 subs from engaging with them in discussions and contributing to the community. We plan to launch soon and wanted to get the word out as much as possible. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you guys think 🤞🏻

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      Oh nice! - definitely some great exposure to be had over there....have you checked out any of the "launch on product hunt checklists?" - just came across one this week...a few people have really dug into the specifics of optimizing that submission.

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        https://blog.makerbox.club/how-to-win-product-hunt/ Check this one out, there is plenty out there but I quite liked this one

  3. 1

    I think the only problem with Programmatic SEO is understanding the best way to formulate the actual content. It's easy to generate some rubbish AI, but as soon as someone takes a look at it, they'll know.

    What then? Perhaps go through each AI generated article, and manually modify it till it sounds real... well, that's another way of saying hard-code supposedly programmatic SEO.

    So, then what? Maybe, build a platform that allows for others to post great content, and make sure their SEO is ready to go, and wait till you go viral....

    Basically, if I want to programatically build something, it's usually quick and has existing data sets, but with SEO, there are tonnes of roadblocks and issues to consider.

    Oh well.

    1. 2

      Programmatic SEO is pretty new and as you said, setting it up is challenging. I'm trying to fix this with launchman.io. Let's get on a call, curious to learn more about your experience - calendly.com/sssaini/three-times-studio-discovery-call

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        That landing page though...(launchman.io) - direct style! heh. People don't go for it with language as often as they ought to. Stands out! 🤩

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          For the MVP, I didn't want to circle around the core problem too much. It needs to feel painful enough for the visitor to take action. Glad you liked it!

    2. 1

      It's not a lot of votes thus far...but, why am I not surprised that programmatic SEO has more allure than the others? Is it just that people have not tried it (cause that's what the poll is asking) or is it that - it's the concept that there might be a lot of free and easy traffic..?

      My hunch is that Google has precautions in place, thought through by engineers over the last 20+ years, and those precautions are going to be smarter than any of us blasting away real quick with a sheet or an airtable.

  4. 1

    Great question! I used Programmatic SEO for thebcms.com and wrote an ultimate guide for using Programmatic SEO, with examples. It could be useful to someone, maybe :)

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      So...which growth tactic would you want to try then...sounds like you have spent quite a bit of time on programmatic SEO already, yea?

      1. 1

        Yeah, we do Programmatic SEO; it's been driving some traffic.
        Two example pages:

        I'd definitely love to try could outreach (is it even a growth tactic?) and video content. :)

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          Video content is a LOT of fun. But - it can be hit or miss. I've had vids that I spent 4 days filming & editing hardly get any views and disappear into the ether (even while tagging and leveraging with large brands). 🤷🏻‍♂️

          And then other times I've strung together the last 3 photos of my dog taken from my phone, paired it with a trending song and it spread far and wide. 🚀

          If you can combine it with targeted ads, (or anything that focuses it on WHO it gets shown to) they can be really effective at presenting your product well & getting the message out to the right people.

          1. 1

            Yeah! I see a lot of great content on YouTube with dozens of thousands of views, but I also see a lot of great content with 100 views. Like in everything else, there's no magic formula :D

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    Won't let me vote yet haha but I think building in public is super powerful if you combine it with great storytelling 🔥

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      Oh no! I think there may be a point minimum. Sorry about that. Thanks for answering. Yea - I can see how one without the other could just be another long unread twitter thread. Good point.

      Do you have a goto framework for storytelling, by chance? (I know some people use the deck of cards, for example..)

      1. 3

        I don't know if I'd consider it a framework, but I'm fascinated by Pixar's 22 Rules for Storytelling, as well as the Hero's Journey :)

        1. 1

          Those are BOTH worth saving. Nice contribution. Stored to use later.

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