SheSpeaks Influencer Application & Rate Request: Pet Care Program

SheSpeaks and BrightPet have an exciting opportunity for pet owners to partner with pet food from Stewart and Blackwood!

The goal of this campaign is to create content that showcases all the ways Pet Parents can incorporate Stewart or Blackwood dog food to fit the lifestyle and needs of their furry friends.

Please answer the questions below and provide us with your rate.

Timing: This is a 3-month campaign, with 3 waves of content planned for October, November, December OR December, January, February

Deliverables Per Wave (3 Waves Total):
1 Instagram in-feed posts (reels OR carousels) & 1 Instagram Story Sets (3 Story Frames min. each)
1 TikTok Videos & 1 TikTok Story Sets (3 Story Frames min. each)

Exclusivity: Agree not to post in the Pet food and treats categories for 3 months (Wave 1: Oct - Dec OR Wave 2: Dec - Feb).

Usage: Allow SheSpeaks and the brand the rights to use your content on brand website, social channels and for media usage for 1 year after publishing your content.

If you have questions, please email
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your name? *
What is your age?  *
What is your email address? *
Please indicate which of these gender identities best describes you. *
What do you consider yourself?  *
Please select if you have a dog and/or a cat.

If you don't have a dog or cat, please exit out of this application!
Please confirm that you are willing and able to switch your pet's food and treat brand to one of the featured brands (Stewart or Blackwood) for the duration of this program (3 months). 

If not, please exit out of this application.
Please confirm you are a U.S. resident.  *
Where are you located? (City, State) *
Are you a SheSpeaks member? If so, what is your username or email address you use to sign into your SheSpeaks account?
Tell us about your furry friend(s)! Please make sure to include their breed, age, and their current feeding regimen (i.e. if they eat kibble, slow-cooked food, wet food, etc.) *
Do you shop at Meijer and/or live near a Meijer store? *

Does your pet have any food allergies or restrictions?

Instagram Link (ex: or put N/A  *
How many followers do you have on Instagram?  *
Instagram Rate: Please enter your requested pricing for the following: 2 IG Reels, 1 Carousel Post, and 3 IG Story Sets (3 frames min. per set, 9 total), draft content to be shared for review/approval and approved content to be published throughout Wave 1 (October, November, December) OR Wave 2 (December, January, February). Agree to exclusivity in the pet food/ treat category for three months and allow SheSpeaks and the brand the usage rights to repost any content within their social channels, website and for media for 1 year after each piece of content goes live.  Please include this exclusivity and usage pricing in the rate you provide. If not applicable, please put N/A. *
TikTok URL (ex: If not applicable, please put N/A.  *
How many followers do you have on TikTok? If not applicable, please put N/A.  *
TikTok Rate: Please enter your requested pricing for the following: 3 TikTok Videos and 3 Tik Tok Stories, draft content to be shared for review/approval and approved content to be published throughout Wave 1 (October, November, December) OR Wave 2 (December, January, February). Agree to exclusivity in the pet food/ treat category for three months and allow SheSpeaks and the brand the usage rights to repost any content within their social channels, website and for media for 1 year after each piece of content goes live.  Please include this exclusivity and usage pricing in the rate you provide. If not applicable, please put N/A.

We have open slots for this campaign for October- December OR December - February. Please select which timeframes you're available for. 

Please note, if you have sponsored dog food/treat campaigns already booked in the time frame, do not select that time frame. 


Have you created any sponsored content in the last 3 months featuring pet food and/or pet treat brands other than Stewart or Blackwood? (examples: Greenies, IAMS, Farmer's Dog, Maev) Link content below or write N/A

Stewarthas a variety of freeze dried treats and food toppers as well as dinner options, including freeze dried food, and also a raw coated kibble.

Blackwood- has a variety of nutrient rich food and treats for both dogs and cats. The food comes in the form of slow cooked kibble and wet food, but both are dense in protein and flavor!

Please select all that you would be open to giving your pet!

Please let us know why you think you'd be a good fit to create content for this program. We share this information with the client so this is your chance to sell yourself and tell us what sets you apart! Is there a brand above you feel is a particularly good fit for you?
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