I Wrote a Book (Wish I Had This 16 Years Ago)
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My clients share their stories of how they've transformed their businesses through sponsorships.
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I talk with REAL Creators sharing REAL Brand Deal Negotiations & Complex Sponsorship Pricing Challenges with Brands
Hot takes from 15+ years as a creator.

Why Influencers Divorce

5.4K views9 months ago

New SCAM to hack creators (almost got me)

1.2K views9 months ago

Why being a creator kinda sucks

1K views11 months ago
Your ability to send a pitch to a brand to propose a collaboration OR confidently handle a deal when a brand has reached out to you.
Your ability to negotiate advantageous deal points with a brand or agency so you don’t leave money on the table.
Your ability to create or review contracts (or delegate to pros) so every negotiation deal point is accurately represented.