AI startups... The safest bet for entrepreneur success?

It's amazing to read that many new AI related projects are getting their first paid users and sales within the first month and sometimes even weeks after launching.
After scrolling through the IH feed, I was seeing pretty much all the successful new projects being AI related. That made me stop to think wether if it is worth it to consider an AI project and take advantage of the trend, to at least increase the chance of success of a new bz. And I'm sure I'm not the only one with that chain of thoughts 😝

So I'm wondering if there are any other Indie Hackers here, with non AI related projects that where able to find first clients within the first week of release, and/or had massive success on the very early stages?

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    Many people not in the first few weeks though. Some good founder stories here

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      btw just checked the link. Thanks for sharing! that is actually very encouraging content to read, and to gain perspective

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      Agreed +1. I'll say no matter what the important part is to be consistent and stick to it, nonetheless still seems like AI is making a splash on that sense

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    Most products built on ChatGPT these days are some kind of wrapper. Few startups work deeper than this on artificial intelligence, which I believe has great potential.

    Perhaps setting up a specific problem solver via ChatGPT might be reasonable to make quick money, but the biggest danger is that the barrier to entry into this space is too low. You can instantly have 10 better competitors with deeper pockets than you. To summarize, I don't think it's a reasonable time/money investment to build something around ChatGPT that can be easily copied for a bootstrapper.

    But if you already have a product, it might be a big mistake not to enhance it with ChatGPT features. (if possible)

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      This is a good input. Actually I was the CEO for an AI data related company for the last 3 years, and in order to come up with a project that has their own Neural network, or algo, its very uncommon due the amount of data that it requires to be accurate and/or make sense when writing back. That's why everybody jumps on the trend now using GTP because that enables great ideas, with low cost.

      Actually I do think is good think tho, but still the one with deeper pockets will definitely have a better chance

  3. 2

    You're right, everyone is exploring and finding a way to make their own AI product, but the point is that few people have launched an article writer tool and narrowed it down to copyrighting, social media post writing, and so on. However, they are fully dependent/Powered by ChatGPT, but users can directly get these services from ChatGPT without shifting to the paid version.

    On the long road, they will not get good results! But working hard and focusing on unique points will make a few projects successful. So focus on what you're doing, it doesn't matter if the AI word is attached to your product or not. Just focus and launch the product on which you're working.

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      Yes, it's similar to what @thisiscetin mentioned below. A lot of new projects, but very few with proprietary tech. At the same time, agree with you on the key is to maintain your focus on what you are working as a priority

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    I think AI products are quite literally hit or miss. There are many AI products are getting shipped everyday and many of them are not solving anything different.

    I've made a copywriting tool few weeks ago using openAI and didn't get a single user. tbh, it was another product in the AI storm. While quite a few of the simple copywriting tools have made a lot and still making, the chance of yours to shine is tricky and probably luck dependent in a lot of sense.

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      Hey Emanuel, I'm curious, seems like a useful idea, to make a copywriting tool (as long as it writes properly!) Why do you think it idd not really take off? I've also seen that a lot of people benefit of having an audience. Meaning even if you come up with an idea that it is not innovative or disruptive, having an audience and a clear sales strategy does a lot on the success of a new project

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        The product had quite a lot of features regarding copywriting and was working perfectly, but I launched the product in a subdomain (hosted on GitHub). So, it might made the product less convincing and authoritative to people. Also, I have a very little following in Twitter where I launched it. As the product was nothing innovative or disruptive, with all of these issues it didn't took off!

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          I see 😖 a pity it didn’t took off properly then… that actually made me think a lot about the audience and the marketing side of things, I do have more experience on the side for selling stuff but not much on the coding or building. Maybe we can talk and see if we can help each other for increasing the chances of succesful releases?!

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            Sure bro. I would love to talk.

            1. 1

              Don't know how to connect with you though. Do you use Twitter?

              1. 1

                Just followed you in Twitter, but seems I can’t dm you there 😖

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    LLM technology is extremely easy to use. Whether you like it or not, every startup is an AI startup. It's like saying in the early 2000s, "I'm going to stick with what's tried and true, my retail business doesn't need an online presence!". Ok sure.

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      Sure thing, actually I think is a good idea to embrace the change and go with it rather than fighting against it. But still there are many other very valid and interesting projects out there that may not have the same "luck" to make it as fast as possible, prolly because now AI is the way to go

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    i think you have the greatest chances of building a great company for the long-term if you're somewhat passionate/knowledgeable about the space. This will make you put in the hours to set yourself apart and continue the project when it's not all roses.

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      I do believe so. It’s always easier to stick to it when facing hardships

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    There is no guarantee that any startup will be successful, including those focused on AI. While AI is a rapidly growing and innovative field, it is also highly competitive and requires significant investment in research and development.

    To increase the chances of success, entrepreneurs in the AI space should focus on developing a unique and valuable product or service that solves a real-world problem. They should also ensure that they have a talented and experienced team, adequate funding, and a solid business plan.

    Furthermore, entrepreneurs in the AI space should be aware of the regulatory and ethical considerations related to their products or services. AI can have significant impacts on society, and startups should be proactive in addressing any potential issues related to bias, privacy, and security.

    In summary, while AI startups can offer significant opportunities for entrepreneurs, success is not guaranteed. It is important for entrepreneurs to approach the field with caution and a focus on developing innovative and valuable products or services, while also being mindful of ethical and regulatory considerations .

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      Do you really need to use ChatGPT for answers?

    2. 1

      Thanks for the thoughtful comment.
      Defenitelly, having AI attached to your product/service does not mean it will be successful. For example Tha case of Buckyjames above where his project did not make it through despite being AI related.

      Still AI right now is a trend and it is also marking a market cycle where a lot of people have fear of missing out, and I do that does create market opportunities for those willing to surf the wave. But most likely like all explosive/innovative tech and market trends eventually it will settle down and most likely, that will differentiate the ones having proprietary tech and addressing real issues as you you said

    1. 1

      So we are on the same boat then

  8. 0

    This is a great post. I recently launched an unlimited design service for AI startups. Helping them keep up with branding and marketing at fast pace (similar to the industry): https://www.rithmm.io/homepage

    1. 1

      shameless promoting plug bro 🤣

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