How I grinded my way to $1K ARR in 6 weeks after launching

I'm not under the delusion that $1K ARR is anything to brag about. But I wanted to share a real, raw story about my experience building and promoting sifd.io. Frankly, all the "I made $10K in my first week with chatgpt" posts are becoming a bit demoralizing (although I do appreciate founders sharing their experience).


Origin Story

sif'd ("sift") is a platform that makes it easy for brands to find content creators on YouTube and Twitter to partner with to promote products and services. The idea stems from a couple previous products of mine that taught me

  1. content creators are easy to reach and they all desperately want to make a living doing YouTube, so if you give them free tools to earn money they'll quickly jump on board.
  2. finding content creators to promote your product is more painful than it sounds.

I'm a big fan of YouTube, so I often look for YouTubers to promote my products. The trouble is, YouTube's search engine is designed to find videos, not channels. Fortunately YouTube has a free data API, so I use it to discover channels in my niche, but even then it require a lot of data filtration. At some point I realized I had a solution to a real problem that other people had, so I set off to create sif'd.

Finding & Firing my CoFounder

My biggest hurdle - I'm a data scientist, not a web developer. So, I reached out to a web dev I knew from UpWork and asked if he wanted to be my cofounder. He jumped at the opportunity. Unfortunately his progress was slow and his communication became even slower. I know I sound like the annoying "idea guy" here, but I was asking him to give me tasks to help out and he just wasn't responding for days at a time. So, right before we formed a formal partnership, I decided to part ways. Fortunately, he understood and took it well. We remain friends to this day.

My biggest lesson here is that, if you're going to work with a cofounder, be sure they're as committed to the project as you are. For me, this means they need to quit their job and work on the startup full time, or they need to make a financial contribution.

Learning Web Development

I began searching for a new cofounder but was striking out. No one seemed to believe in me, but I wasn't about to give up.. I decided to build the MVP myself. This meant learning Tailwind, React, Next.js, and Firebase. After a couple months of studying, I finally had the skills I needed to start building my MVP.


I built my MVP in about a month and then "launched" it which means I posted it on Reddit, Twitter, and LinkedIn. ...crickets. A bit demoralizing, but I've been there before and didn't lose hope. I kept looking for subreddits and communities to post to and eventually found someone willing to be my first customer. I cannot thank this person enough, as she encountered multiple errors signing up and using my platform, but she stuck with me and got me that first "Stripe payment" email. Her willingness to put up with my half baked platform just to solve her problem gave me hope that I was finding product market fit.

Then Til Now

Since landing my first customer, I've tried to balance marketing with development. The product is getting good. I've added a few features, but I've really focused on optimizing performance, data quality, usability, and reliability. I'm quite proud of what I have today. Here's a quick demo of my search engine 👇


On the other hand, I'm still trying to figure out marketing. (Yes, I realize the irony.) I've managed to land 6 customers so far. UpWork, LinkedIn, and Reddit have been my most successful channels. But frankly, every day is a grind as I write posts, search for leads, take meetings, etc. etc. Perhaps the toughest thing is that I have 6 customers. If it were 0, I would simply give up and work on something else. Instead, I spend every day grinding to get that next customer and make that next buck hoping that things will eventually compound.

My big plan is to set up an affiliate program that pays $100 for each customer referral. (Bear in mind, my product costs $300/yr.) Then I can use my community of influencers to do marketing for me :) After all, I built the product for this purpose.

@NebNamrog on Twitter, if anyone wants to follow me :)

  1. 9

    So happy to see that it's a non ChatGPT product!

    1. 1

      hahaha it will be added later!

  2. 6

    awesome Ben! Honestly, the crickets part is exactly what I needed to hear. Congrats on the paid customers :)!

    BTW - your twitter link is broken! It reroutes to the IH homepage.

    1. 1

      Thanks! (I fixed it.)

  3. 3

    Hey Ben,

    First congrats on actually generating revenue - it's a point that a lot of indiehackers never reach.

    Second, the reason why sales and marketing is a grind for you is because you're reaching people who aren't actively looking to buy your solution.

    This is not a "you specific" problem - it's a problem that literally every single business in the world faces.

    Regardless of what product the business sells, only a tiny % of its target audience is actively looking to buy what it sells at any given point in time.

    Finding those "active buyers" is really hard (as you're discovering).

    And, even when you do find them, you've got to try and convince them to buy your solution and not your competitors (who they will be actively looking at too).

    The solution is to ensure that your message speaks to those you are already reaching - those not actively looking to buy right now.

    I've talked about this a lot on here so rather than repeat myself I'll just link you to a (totally free) detailed description of what I mean and the best strategy to follow to do this - www.thebluntmethod.com

    Hope that helps.

    Any questions gimme a shout



  4. 2

    Great insights, I am having the same problem with my tech cofounder. I just want to validate and launch ASAP. I put a lot of effort and time in, meanwhile, he just criticizes everything. We came to the idea together, but it's not anything world-breaking. What are your thoughts on this?

    1. 2

      Y'all need to be on the same page or at least have the communication skills to work things out. If things don't work between you, it'll never work for your business. ..my two cents.

      1. 1

        I just wrote a post about it where it's described more in-depth. I can already feel that it won't work in the long term. Would you please take your time to read through the post and share your opinion on it? How would you recommend ending our cooperation based on what I wrote there?


  5. 1

    Hi mate - its great that you reached there within 6 weeks. Would you take a co-founder at any stage or keep grinding alone? What's the plan?

  6. 1

    Looking forward to more performance from your product.

  7. 1

    Good for you! Keep climbing.

  8. 1

    Congrats on the 6 customers. It's a big step in the right direction. I really admire your gumption and belief in bringing your idea to reality.

    I've been a web developer for a long time and I can tell you it's not easy to build a product people are willing to pay for.

    Congrats again. Hope you hit $10,000 MRR soon (I'm sure you will) 👏🏻

  9. 1

    Hey Ben, congrats on your $1K milestone!

    The affiliate program idea sounds smart, especially given the nature of your product. Keep pushing, you've already got first customers. And we all know that's the most challenging part.

  10. 1

    Hey, I really love the idea as a YT content lover too!

    Actually today I listen to YT from MicroConf and i think it can bring you a lot of value about the pricing strategy - maybe that will help with closing the next client?


    Keep it going man!

  11. 1

    Sounds great. Maybe you can hire a VA to do the repetitive job (post on social network, be active in forums....)

  12. 1

    I wish you the best of luck with your product. You have done excellent work. Is it only a search engine, or are there other people willing to promote our product? This means that other influencers are ready to promote our product, or should we contact them and ask for a product video promotion? I have watched your video; I got all the people who will be on your site are not signed up by themself... Am I right?

    1. 1

      It's a search engine + outreach service. Our purpose is to quickly and cheaply put you in touch with content creators who'd want to promote your business.

  13. 1

    Your product looks great! I wanted to build something like this, glad you've found success with it already!

    Can you explain your customer acquisition efforts so far? That's the most fuzzy part of indie hacking for me.

    1. 1


      I've posted about my product on Reddit. I've also done cold outreach on LinkedIn. And I've reached out to companies on UpWork who were trying to hire a VA to do this type of work.

      1. 1

        Cool! UpWork as a source of leads is really interesting. Do these leads usually end up in demos and sales calls or do customers ever sign up without them?

        1. 1

          I almost always have to do a call with the client before closing.

  14. 1

    1k is nothing to sneeze at! Im still grinding for my first sales

    1. 1

      Thanks! Best of luck to you.

  15. 1

    Nice work my man, keep getting after it!

  16. 1

    Great to hear about real struggles. It is getting tired to hear, 10kMRR after 1 week on the beach drinking beer... :)

    We indies need to create a SAAS whatsapp, slack discord etc... somewhere called "The real struggle" or something :)

  17. 1

    Really brilliant and encouraging post. Thank you. I’m just starting out and am not where you are at yet. But I am listening to the audio book version of the book ‘Traction’ that some have recommended. I’ll get a paper copy too when I’m done. It’s that good.

    Imo this is what you need to really focus hard on marketing.

    Oh and from a professional React developer your site looks great! Congrats on the hard work.

    1. 1

      Also if you’re looking for a co-founder I’d be up for a chat to see if we gel.

      I’ve tried to start a company before and also had to let someone go for not pulling their weight. Give me a PM.

  18. 1

    This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

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