Share your IH profile page 😇

Indie Hackers just launched an MVP of their profile pages, show us yours!

Bonus points if you can find someone who does something similar to you.

Here's mine: https://www.indiehackers.com/rosiesherry

  1. 6

    Here's me: https://www.indiehackers.com/anze/

    I find it kinda confusing that we have to re-create the projects from scratch. Shouldn't the profile page just list all the projects that we have already created?

    1. 1

      That's what I thought too...but then maybe some of us have smaller projects, or a few projects under one brand that is worth highlighting.

    2. 1

      where are you catching waves? 🏄

      1. 1

        Mostly Portugal, but I just came back from the Maldives and the waves there were amazing!

  2. 2

    I'm not allowed to post link yet since my account is new. But /phongttnb, thank you!!!

  3. 2

    I love the new profiles feature. I did not really immerse myself in it (mainly because it is in testing/MVP phase), but I added a bio. Hope soon new features will be added to it. I especially like that on IH markdown is supported everywhere.
    Here's mine: Tömő Viktor (tomoviktor) IH profile .

  4. 1

    I find it kinda confusing that we have to re-create the projects from scratch. Shouldn't the profile page just list all the projects that we have already created?

  5. 1

    Here is mine: https://www.indiehackers.com/stillonholliday - I will update once these projects mature.

  6. 1

    I really like that new profiles make it easy to find my own content on IH.

    1. 2

      @rosiesherry am I missing something, or do the new profiles not have a "follow" button?

      1. 2

        It looks like it's gone 🤷🏻‍♀️

      2. 1

        @csallen how do we find the follow option these days, or is that something that is going away ?

        1. 1

          Mouse over someone's name on the forum and it'll pop up. I'll bring it back to the history pages soon, didn't mean to remove it from there, was an accident.

          1. 1

            Also, "new for you" on the home page is a fantastic addition!

  7. 1


    Greetings Rosie, I appreciate your interest in my Profile page. Please find enclosed a link to it, though it pales in comparison to your own. Nonetheless, I hope it manages to convey to the reader my means of making a living.


  8. 1

    I'm not allowed to post links :( but it is at /ayubomar.

  9. 1

    Here's mine: https://www.indiehackers.com/mijustin

    I would love to see a profile highlighting just one product (instead of assuming folks will have multiple).

    1. 1

      Was just looking at a bunch of profile. then suddenly i remember.
      the blog with the words.html. Love that article.

  10. 1

    Here's mine: https://www.indiehackers.com/stevenzhang

    Btw there's a bug where if the project URL doesn't have an https prefix, the state isn't persisted (but no error message to user)

    1. 1

      It would be nice to be able to follow people from their profile page :(

  11. 1

    hey @rosiesherry

    you gave me the opportunity to look at it and build my page 🙌

    here's mine 😄


  12. 1

    Here's mine: https://www.indiehackers.com/uluhonolulu
    Are we building a community inside IH?

  13. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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