31 May 2024

airborne | first line friday + the friday 56

first line friday is hosted weekly by reading is my superpower.
book beginnings is hosted weekly by rose city reader.
the friday 56 is hosted weekly by my head is full of books.

happy friday!

i'm hoping i can squeeze this book into may reading—fingers crossed!

30 May 2024

to catch a coronet | excerpt + giveaway

justread publicity tours

about the book

Sometimes the only way to outsmart a scandal is to find a crown big enough to silence it

Muriel Beau, country baker turned heiress, can't stop instigating outrage. She discards two arranged engagements, then further antagonizes Kent society by publicly proposing to a baron at a ball. His rejection leaves her with no choice but to flee to the city and to secure a coronet so splendid that her peers will forget her debacles. The glitter of the London courts convinces Muriel that it's possible to find the future she dreams of, until she finds herself entangled in yet another escapade--one that may cost her more than her crumbling reputation.

After years of serving as a privateer under an assumed name, Captain Erik Draycott, heir to Draycott Castle and soon to assume his uncle's title of Earl, returns to his London home to find it in disrepair thanks to his longtime nemesis. A staunch bachelor intent on returning to his ship, the captain is shocked when his mentor encourages him to take a wife. But while his alleged pauper status causes the potential London brides to turn their noses up at him, the ladies of Kent have no such qualms and are eager to fill his coffers with their fathers' wealth.

Caught in a whirlwind of high society and high seas, Muriel and Erik navigate a risky undertaking that threatens their futures and creating stakes that soar above the masts of Erik's ship. Will Muriel's bold charm and Erik's daring bravery be enough to outsmart the scandal and secure a future as glittering as the crown Muriel seeks?

"To Catch a Coronet by Grace Hitchcock is perfect Regency! This hilarious novel has it all: sparkling dialogue, a spunky heroine with a penchant for baking, and a dreamy hero who loves her in spite of her antics. I loved it and highly recommend!"
--Colleen Coble, USA Today best-selling author of Fragile Designs

publisher: kregel publications
release date: may 21, 2024

28 May 2024

chain of mercy | excerpt + giveaway

justread publicity tours

about the book

A devastating argument
One reckless decision
An unforgivable sin

Successful Manhattan businessman Richard Brooks is living the dream, drunk with success and all its trappings, until one reckless decision turns his dream life into a living nightmare.

Richard flees to Minneapolis where he repairs ancient boilers instead of solving corporate problems, and he's determined to live the solitary life he now deserves.

Executive Sheila Peterson has other plans for the handsome custodian. Richard appears to be the perfect match for the no-strings-attached romance she's after, but she soon discovers that he's hiding more than the designer clothes in his closet.

Richard can't deny the allure of a relationship with Sheila. The closer they get, though, the greater the risk that she will discover not only who he used to be but also the unforgivable sin he committed that reckless night.

publisher: independently published through the mosaic collection (2nd ed.)
release date: april 22, 2014 (1st ed.)

other books in the series

27 May 2024

12 ways to age gracefully | excerpt + giveaway

justread publicity tours

about the book

Embrace the Youthful Spirit at Any Age

As you face the mirror each day, do you meet an older version of yourself? It’s a familiar journey, one where we acknowledge that we’re not as young as we once were, yet not quite ready to embrace being old. But what if there was a way to traverse this path with grace and vitality?

The good news is you can slow time down. By making the right choices, you can look and feel younger. You don’t have to spend a fortune on products either; simply learn the tools needed to move gracefully and joyfully through your senior years.

By making simple lifestyle changes, you’ll look and feel better. Discover how to choose vitality over disease; joy over depression; youthfulness over listlessness. 12 Ways to Age Gracefully, will empower you to:

1. boost your energy levels,
2. improve senior brain health,
3. learn how to feel better about yourself,
4. develop better stress management, and
5. fulfill your God-appointed purpose with renewed vigor.

What path will you choose? Discover the secrets to not just feeling better but also looking fantastic as you do so!

publisher: iron stream media
release date: may 28, 2024

24 May 2024

the berlin letters | first line friday + the friday 56

first line friday is hosted weekly by reading is my superpower.
book beginnings is hosted weekly by rose city reader.
the friday 56 is hosted weekly by my head is full of books.

happy friday!

i'm ready for a long weekend and some good reading!