Building in public led to a feature in The New York Times

They Got Acquired was featured in the New York Times' On Tech newsletter today!

Here's the story: A Spotlight on Tech’s Invisible Start-ups

For a former journalist (that's me), this is the holy grail of media coverage. I really respect the NYT, so for them to see what we're building and consider it worthy to share with the world just three weeks after launch... it felt good.

I also think it's cool how this opportunity came about. Because though I pitched several of my journalism friends, asking them to cover our launch, this feature didn't stem from that.

It came about because a woman I'm in a leadership incubator with forwarded an email about They Got Acquired to some friends of hers, and one was the journalist who ended up writing about us.

Sarah Peck, who runs the incubator (it's called Startup Parent's Wise Women's Council) that made this possible, wrote about this chain of opportunities in this newsletter.

And if I pull back even more and look at the bigger picture, this opportunity came about because I've publicly shared as we build. By letting people in on our mission and how we're building this brand, someone who I didn't realize was listening helped to amplify our message.

  1. 5

    👏👏👏👏👏That's awesome!! Advocates are the best for organic growing and as you said by building in public helped you find fans who supported you, and helped spread the word. I love "someone who I didn't realize was listening helped to amplify our message," this must be an awesome moment! kuddos!

    1. 1

      Thanks for the support!

  2. 3

    Congratulations, Alexis! Love this: "this opportunity came about because I've publicly shared as we build."

    Building in public can have so many benefits, and building an audience is definitely one of those. How has it impacted traffic or subscribers on your site?

    1. 1

      Yes, has impacted both traffic and subs -- We had 190 new subscribers in that day alone.

  3. 2

    I'm jealous of the backlink! Congrats

    1. 2

      That's funny, something only us SEO-focused minds would consider =) I squealed when it finally showed up in AHREFs.

      1. 1

        Is it bad that its the first thing I thought of when I saw this post? But in all seriousness, great job getting featured!

  4. 2

    Enormous congratulations Alexis!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🎉

    Frame it for the (virtual or WFH) office wall.
    What a great way to start out!

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