StatusGator is officially “we” not “I”

A longtime friend and colleague of mine, Andy Libby, has decided to join StatusGator and form a new company with me to build our own software projects. We are calling it Nimble Industries and our goal will be to grow StatusGator plus build and launch some other projects, all while continuing to consult independently on our own to pay our bills.

We decided that Andy would “purchase” half of the nominal value of StatusGator by putting cash into the business equal to 50% of 2x the annual net profit of StatusGator (about $5,000). My goal was not to cash out but to primarily gain a partner who will help motivate me to try and make our own software products our primary income source.

Although we both are consulting currently (and we had a consulting company together in the past), we decided to make Nimble Industries completely separate from our independent consulting businesses. Nimble will not be in the business of trading time for dollars, but rather building and bootstrapping self-sustaining software business.

I’m incredibly excited for the new chapter. Or should I say WE are incredibly exited because StatusGator is now a team!

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