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Yubo, the social platform where Generation Z creates communities of friends around the world. Yubo lets users create live video discussion spaces where both streamers and viewers interact through a live chat. Relying on cutting-edge technology and tools specifically designed to protect the app users, Yubo provides a secure discussion platform built

to widen their circle of friends. The social network favors sociability, sharing, and authenticity rather than the approval mechanisms and influencers systems of traditional social networks.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Yubo's headquarters? Yubo is located in Paris, Ile-de-France, France.Who invested in Yubo? Yubo has 11 investors including Sweet Capital and IRIS.How much funding has Yubo raised to date? Yubo has raised .When was the last funding round for Yubo? Yubo closed its last funding round on Nov 17, 2020 from a Series C round.Who are Yubo's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to Yubo may include PetDeskShuttl, and Poq.