6 tips on how I grew from 0 to 4,000 followers in less than a year! 🎉 👀

I shared this at the end of last week to my Twitter followers, but the thought came to mind this morning to share it with the community here as well.

It's (hopefully) not just guru advice, but some tips for those that are starting to build an audience on Twitter.

It's by no means all-encompassing, and I am by no means an expert, but it's some thoughts that have helped me along the way:

1 - I decided it’s something I could be passionate about. Period.

Too many times I see people try their hand at something only because they think it will make them a lot of money, but they really hate their lives while doing it.

Twitter is something that I knew would not make me rich, but I saw it as an opportunity to network with other founders and help inspire others.

If you're not interested in meeting people and helping others and just want a big following, please don't read on. 👇

2 - I started researching & posting content I found helpful to MY OWN startup journey.

NEWS FLASH: most people aren’t posting about things that have never been said before 👀

All I’ve done is read articles, listen to podcasts, follow other founders, etc. to share with you. ♥️

Some people think you have to be the smartest, most articulate, good-looking person in the world in order to grow a Twitter account. Not true.

Just post regularly about things that resonate with you and build a following around that.

3 - I decided on ONE niche: startups.

As mentioned, you'll build an audience around the topic you post most about. If you post about 5 random topics, you'll confuse people and won't retain a following.

4 - Schedule out posts.

There's no reason to be consumed every day trying to think of helpful content. Spend an hour or two each week (or month) and plan out your content.

Run 2-3 posts per day.

(It helps if you've been keeping notes throughout the month on what to post)

5 - I actually talked to my followers and have been genuinely interested at what they're working on.

This takes time. It's not going to be profitable in the short-to-mid-term future, but it fuels your passion if you've built a following around the niche you're interested in.

Don't engage through autoresponders, spammy comments, or with the intent to sell things 🚫

It's annoying and people see right through it.

It helped that my startup isn't relevant to most people that follow me, but even if yours is, don't use Twitter solely to advertise👇

6 - I obviously still don't have a large following, but it's growing little by little.

As I've grown, people have continued to engage, retweet, DM'd me asking for advice, etc.

You will turn into someone who people go to, but make sure to always tell them you're learning too

People respect and are attracted to people that are down to earth and helpful.

Sure you may be more profitable in the short-term by spamming and selling, but in the long-run you will make more friends, live a happier life, and actually be more profitable if you're genuine👇

If you're interested, you can check out the original post below. My DMs are always open:

posted to Icon for group Growth
on May 31, 2022
  1. 4

    This makes it so much more fun, rather than a KPI!

    1. 1

      This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

  2. 3

    good tips, thank's for sharing

  3. 3

    Great tips! I just followed you on twitter too, I also write / tweet about startups

    1. 1

      Awesome, I'll be following you as well! 🙌

  4. 2

    Thank you for the valueble tips. @kylekrzeski Did you use any special tools/services? How much time did Twitter take on average per day?

  5. 2

    Great story @kylekrzeski !

    I would love to feature your story on my newsletter for indie founders, currently at 2.6k subscribers.

    How can I get in touch? Cheers!

  6. 2

    Hey @kylekrzeski Your tips were super helpful and informative. Thanks for sharing!🙏🏻

  7. 2

    inspiring tips. thanks for sharing. see it on Twitter at first, and bookmarked here for review 🙌

  8. 2

    Thanks for sharing @kylekrzeski! Definitely something that i'll be keeping in mind as I try to grow my own network of indie builders :)

  9. 2

    Great tips Kyle. Down to earth and very helpful. Thank you. Just followed you on twitter. Good stuff!

  10. 2

    Great article, thanks for sharing! How do you manage posting 2-3 times a day? And scheduling the posts a week / month in advance? Twitter is about sharing what's happening at the moment, isn't it? The news gets outdated.

    1. 1

      Awesome question! I just schedule posts out a month in advance usually. I'll also throw in some "real-time" tweets too when I think it's relevant.

      Twitter is about sharing what's happening at the moment, isn't it?

      The nice thing about startups is that most advice doesn't get outdated quickly / it applies even a month or two later (i.e. everything from 'how to get #1 Product of the Day on Product Hunt' to smaller/general advice like 'do the little things day by day and you'll reap the benefits in the long-run'

      I also will reply to pretty much every DM I receive which adds to the engagement. I really created it to network with founders and it's been really great for that 👍

  11. 1

    Great tips! Thanks for sharing.

  12. 1

    Very useful advice, Kyle! Thanks 🙏🏼
    I’ve followed you at Twitter also.

    1. 1

      You're so welcome, glad it helped!

  13. 1

    The hardest part is posting 2-3 times a day. My problem is always that I just think that I have nothing to share

    1. 2

      If you've built anything (failed or suceeded), there's always something to share. You can always comment on accounts of other people in your niche on their posts (that is great too) 👍

  14. 1

    That's really useful.... Thanks for sharing!

    1. 1

      This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

  15. 1

    Love these tips, I will definitely use them!

  16. 1

    Yes, I use these tricks in my own social media marketing strategy in instagram. Firstly I started with my own page. Can tell I tip, that I used. Edit photos. Simly do something that will make your content looks nice. I'm lazy person, that's why I've just used https://create.vista.com/colors/color-names/eggplant/ for good templates. Only some clicks and work is done, I have new post. And after a year I gained 10k real subscribers. It works great.

  17. 1

    Really useful tips! Thanks for sharing.

  18. 1

    Thanks for sharing this.

    I need the help!

  19. 1

    I love that it's not the typical success story. I totally agree that passion is what keeps you going after things are no longer "shiny and new" ✨ and it's research and talking to your audience what keeps your content good and fresh 🥬

  20. 1

    Nice tips, thanks for sharing! I’m struggling so badly with picking out my niche. Can’t decide if I’m going the personal development / productivity way or the tech / AI way… Any more advice on how to pick your niche?

    1. 1

      For some reason I didn't see this. I'd stick to a niche you plan to build a product around, or if you don't plan to build a product, then pick the niche that you're most interested in meeting other people in. Might be obvious advice, but that's what I'd do 👍

  21. 1

    Impressive, nice work!

    I'm personally unsure about scheduling posts... that can very quickly get spammy. I'd like to say that people should only post when they have something to say in the moment... but I also get that that's impractical 🤷‍♂️

    1. 1

      Yeah, You are right scheduling posts get spammy. Thats why I hired person for doing proper posting on social media accounts of https://invisiblecharacter.net/korean-characters-letters/ . And it working for us. As manual posting get ranked easily.

      1. 1

        As manual posting get ranked easily.

        Wait, what?

      2. 1

        Wait, do manual posts rank better than scheduled posts? I'd never heard that.

        1. 1

          Me neither, any data to share around that?

  22. 1

    I failed so miserably at number 3. That's my "diversify yo bonds" issue :D

  23. 0

    sticking to these tips while growing @UnikaNetwork. come join the journey!

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