130+ Boring Biz's I Love to Invest In

There's SO much opportunity out there right now to find, buy, and 'sexify' a boring business.

From easier to start to more complex, and everything in between...we've compiled a list of 130+ businesses that I LOVE to invest in if you're curious where to start.

Combine those with my 'SOWS' framework to bring out the biggest opportunity in those biz's, you'll be armed with all the tools you need to start your boring biz journey.

See, because the truth is, PE firms and SMB buyers aren't rocket scientists. We take something that exists...and make it better. So if you're 'intrigued by the boring' this guide is for you.

Grab Your List of 130+ Attractive Boring Biz Investments!

We've seen tons of success stories in these niches. Maybe you'll be next! Get your list of top investments along with my 'boring biz framework' that will ensure your new boring biz's success!

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    Copyright @ Codie Sanchez and Contrarian Thinking, LLC