I've spent 3+ months searching for user testing tools - here are the best of them 🔎

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    Userinterviewexchange.com is great as well if you have some time at hand to find users

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    Do you have a top few that you recommend? I think it's great that you put together this resource, but for me it's too much work to test out 20 tools.

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      My favorite ones are:

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        Thanks for the recommendations!

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          No prob! I also found http://userbob.com yesterday and gave it a try - it's pretty interesting for cheap prototype usability testing :) They use https://www.mturk.com to recruit testers

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            Neat. I wonder how valuable it is to get feedback from random people on mturk... I'd rather get feedback from my target customers. But there's probably some value in getting website feedback from non-customers as well.

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              Yeap good point.

              It really depends on the product and the audience.

              Now I am designing an iOS app for a sneakers e-commerce website for example and everybody could be a user of this app. But if you build a product for a niche then it makes sense to test it with people that are real users or at least close to real users.

              One thing to keep in mind is that when you give your website/app to somebody to use it (even if they are from amazon trunk) you can get some insights on how clear things are and if people get confused. If it's fast and cheap it's good to give it a try and see if the insights make sense ;-)

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