How to build a startup with no money

submitted this link on July 6, 2022
  1. 6

    Love the picture of the unicorn, we're all aspiring towards it!

  2. 2

    Great list and helps with some of the next steps.

  3. 2

    Not exactly free but a damn good rundown on how to start up with the lowest costs possible. Definitely keeping this article around.

    I'm curious if there's a feasible way to market effectively in a similar, nearly no-cost manner? Obviously, there's social media, but I've had little luck with growing a product without spending some cash on marketing it.

    1. 1

      Marketing at no cost would be about leveraging:

      • Social media
      • Communities
      • Dedicated startup

      That's pretty much what I described in Userbooster

  4. 2

    Do you have tips for marketing on no money?

    1. 1

      Well that's pretty much the topic of https://userbooster.co 😊

  5. 2

    Great list of tools! I'd also add Netlify as a great way to host static websites if you prefer building it yourself vs services like Carrd. Also Cloudflare is great for dealing with SSL and DNS.

    1. 1

      Netlify is already in the list :D

  6. 2

    So many helpful resources here, thank you!

  7. 1

    Flurly got shutdown by the way. Not sure if you not linking it in the article meant you edited it ? Thought to let anyone else know.

    Those could also work for just building products as a indie hacker also right? I could use it as a Tech & Ops Stack of sorts.

  8. 1

    To build a startup with no money:

    • Start with a clear and viable idea.
    • Utilize your skills and network for essential tasks.
    • Focus on low-cost marketing strategies.
    • Seek partnerships and collaborations.
    • Use free or open-source tools and platforms.
    • Prioritize customer feedback and iterate.
    • Explore bootstrapping and crowdfunding options.
    • Be resourceful and adaptable in all aspects
  9. 1

    Thanks for sharing this experience, amazing content!

  10. 1

    thank you for sharing such useful information.

  11. 1

    Thanks, that actually helped lots! Such a useful resource to come back to.

  12. 1

    Thank you for sharing this informative knowledge.

  13. 1

    Thank you for the list! If you're building a project that are more complicated, checkout GCP as well. They usually offer a $300 credit offer for new users, and we're using it right now to validate our ideas.

  14. 1

    Very insightful article. Thanks for sharing!

  15. 1

    This is a pretty good article!
    The other cool thing about figma is that it has it's own community where people upload templates or any assets that can be helpful for your designs!
    Also, there are a bunch of useful plugins that would make your life waaaaaaaaay easier!!

  16. 1

    Good work. Keep it up

  17. 1

    Great article. I'm familiar with some of these apps from doing ecommerce, but looking to start my first SAAS app, these suggestions will definitely help.

  18. 1

    Awesome article. I've bookmarked a few sites for future use. Also, the link to Flurly goes to Gumroad instead of https://flurly.com/ .

  19. 1

    How can I create a post here? This popup appears every time I try
    ( you can't create posts yet.) what can I do?

    1. 1

      You need to be approved by admin first. Post meaningful content is shortest way to so it :)

  20. 1

    This is a great list!!

  21. 1

    Nice list. Of course, the list is based on your preference - there's always an alternative to each of those items that you mentioned.

    Everybody should investigate for themselves what service/product best suits the needs of their project.

    Also, more complex ideas either require more dynamic (costly) solutions or a lot of diverse technical knowledge to integrate all of those individual parts.

    No simple solution for business or life in general.

    1. 1

      yes, they are my favorites but feel free to share yours here! I'll check them and might update the post

      1. 1

        For building a static website I would recommend using local install (on your computer) of WordPress using Local by Flywheel (https://localwp.com/), making your site and then using the plugin Simply Static (https://wordpress.org/plugins/simply-static/) to generate static files of your websites.
        As for hosting - GitHub pages (https://docs.github.com/en/pages/getting-started-with-github-pages/creating-a-github-pages-site), and for email provider for your custom domain emails - Zoho (https://www.zoho.com/).

        Important note: statically generated WordPress website will lack certain functionalities - contact form, and content search being the important ones. There are options - I'm using Google forms and custom search, but they require additional technical knowledge.

  22. 1

    Very interesting and totally makes sense. In 2022 there are a lot of ways to host your app, offer customer support, build a landing page, and more for free or at a very reasonable price.
    The days where SaaS was expensive, are over lol

  23. 1

    Absolutely amazing context, Xavier!

  24. 1

    The concept seems like a serviceable gauge of customer interest. Like parts of a plant receiving sunlight and thus being incentivized to incrementally take the risk to grow just a bit more, a product-service can be first tested with minimal investment, and grown according to customer response (specifically, revenue). Re: TFA, no money seems like a bit of a stretch, let's go with < 100 USD. Gonna have expenditure for that domain name, yes? Still, cost-wise this is cheap cheap cheap for a business experiment.

    But, it gets me thinking in my default pare-it-down mode: Product-service landing page + pre-order w/ refundable deposit. The deposit selects for serious intent. Necessary BOM to achieve this includes at least content generation, marketing, hosting, infra to accept pre-orders, and .. what else. Close to crowd-funding territory.

    1. 1

      Love your approach!

  25. 1

    Does bootstrapping still works?

    1. 1

      Of course, more than never!

  26. 1

    React is free, Vercel for hosting is free, and Firebase for backend is free. What else do you need to start a SAAS business?

    1. 1

      "Build and they will come"? ;)

      1. 1

        Nope. But once you have a product and if it is a real problem ....it won't cost to get initial few users. Then, you can use that money to grow.

  27. 1

    Start a Blog

    Blogging is among the oldest but most effective methods of making extra cash online. If you’ve a passion for writing, choose a niche that satisfies your wants. There are different types of blogs that can help you generate money. For instance, some of the common types of blogs include:

    – Food blogs

    – Lifestyle blogs

    – Review blogs

    – Fashion blogs

    – personal brand or professional blogs

    1. 1

      That's not the topic of this post but yes, blogging is still a great way to make money online

  28. 1

    A nice list of resources. I sense an opportunity here. Thank you.

  29. 1

    Great resources. Here's another way. It doesn't work for everyone, but some people swear by it:

    Make sales before you build it.

    Then you've got money, validation, and a waitlist — not bad. Of course, this works best if you've got a following or a community willing to support you. But heck, people without followings do it all the time via crowdfunding. Worth a shot?

    1. 1

      Pre-orders are definitely great!

  30. 1

    The main thing is to focus on Internet how to earn money from online there are alot of best way over the internet so choose one and start working on it e.g affliate marketing and Blog writing

    1. 1

      Affiliate marketing is definitely a great way to make money online, but that will be the topic of another blog post :D

  31. 1

    Nice article, thanks.

    Small bug report, your flurly hyperlink is linking to gumroad's landing page.

    1. 1

      Thank you Teodor, I just update the blog post!

  32. 1

    If you want a privacy-focused product analytics tool that has a free plan you could add Squeaky. I see at the moment you suggest privacy-friendly paid tools, but we have free plans (ideal for other indiehackers, and we have discount plans for startups who need the pay tiers too) and also don't use cookies or IP tracking, and mask all sensitive data client side 🙂

    1. 1

      I'll check!

      (Plausible is open source, you can host it by yourself for free)

      1. 1

        True 🙂 They're very different anyway...Squeaky is more like Hotjar or Posthog

  33. 1

    Hey Xavier Coilffard, I visited userbooster.co & it is really amazing. There are many tools listed on your site. This is damn useful.. Many thanks.

    1. 1

      Thank you Vittal!

  34. 1

    You might want to add us to the list @xavier

    https://skilledup.life - free talent for tech startups

    Now you can have a whole team for £30/months. No more excuses!

    1. 3

      Free talent for 30/month is not free. It is talent for 30/month.

      1. 1

        Talent is all free. We charge a subscription to operate our service.

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