What's your best Twitter tip?

This month, I've decided to focus on my Twitter efforts.

I don't know for sure, but I noticed both a good and bad month of sales that seem to loosely correlate with my Twitter activity.

I'm interested to know your tips and tricks to get the most out of Twitter. And how you'd go about tracking your Twitter efforts.

  1. 17

    Came across this strategy a while back but can't remember who shared this.

    1. Leave 20 comments every day: When you have a small account, there's no sense in writing killer threads. 20 views won't make them go viral. At this stage, focus on commenting on your target accounts. Hang out with people one or two levels above you. Drop some comments on pages with 300-5K followers, up to pages with 20K-60K followers.

    2. Send 10 DMs every day: You need engagement on your profile. Engagement comes from having good relationships with other like-minded Twitter users.

    3. Write four tweets a day: Two of these tweets should be for growth, one for authenticity, and one for authority. Growth tweets are those that provide good ideas about your niche topic. Authenticity tweets are about your uniqueness: Share what you do in life, share your story, or share what you stand for. Authority tweets are case studies, testimonials, and other forms of proof. Scheduling tweets helps! Try Feedhive or Tweet Hunter.

    4. Create one great thread every week: Start practicing once you've hit ~250 followers. Spend 80% of your time on the hook. Test different hooks by sending them to your friends. I built relationships and sent one great thread to 10 people, then a couple of accounts with 50K+ followers retweeted it. After that, 400 other people retweeted it. That's how I went from 800 to 1.8K followers in 24 hours.

    5. Understand your final goals, values, and ideas: Pick 10 topics that you want to speak about. Tweet them until you hit 10K followers, then cut down to three topics that work best. Experiment with your style, but stick to your principles.

    6. Find your why: Having a strong "why" helps with consistency.

    1. 3

      I'd rather just tweet once and call it a day :)

      This is an intensive strategy, but growing on Twitter does take a lot of time and you do need to interact with a lot of others to get your own reach. Thanks for spelling it all out your preferred system. I like where it ends: knowing your "why".

      1. 3

        Yeah I unfollow accounts that tweet as much as this, completely clogs your feed

      2. 1

        Have you been able to tweet every day? I find it difficult to think of something to tweet every day.

        1. 2

          Yes, I tweet once a day.

          It helps that Twitter is my platform of choice, otherwise it's hard to keep up with multiple channels.

          Also, building in public and being self-employed give me all the content I need. I simply share what I'm working on, milestones, questions, or something I've learned the hard way.

    2. 1

      Struggling so hard with the 10 dm's a day. I feel so socially inept lmao, like I talk to people all day long at work but have no clue how to just reach out to someone random and say hello?? what do you talk about? am I a freak? (don't answer that)

    3. 1

      This is awesome! Thanks for sharing this.

      Have you been able to follow this strategy? It sounds like I'd have to dedicate a lot of time to this.

    4. 1

      This is is great stuff thanks so much for your advice!

  2. 8

    Watching this with interest.

    I'm really making a concerted effort to engage more on Twitter, Reddit and IndieHackers. My new strategy is to take more interest in others, rather than simply promoting my own work.

    Amazingly, this seems to be working! And this is actually resulting in MORE interest in my own work, even when I don't promote it as much.

    It's really opened my eyes!

    1. 3

      Yeah, I picked this up from @dagorenouf — at least on Twitter. It's hard not to notice how much he engages with other's on the platform. It's no wonder his tweets blow up everyday.

  3. 5

    Hey Matt,

    I've been growing my Twitter audience for more than a year now.

    The most important part is your engagement on the platform. Tweet daily (a few times a day), but more importantly comment intensively below others tweets. That's how you'll get noticed and twitter will show your content to others.

    I wrote a whole playbook about it, you can grab it here for free:

    1. 1

      this is awesome. thanks for sharing this playbook. Exactly what I need at this moment

      1. 1

        Glad you like it!

    2. 1

      Hey Xavier! I know you're killing it on Twitter. Thanks for sharing, taking a look now.

  4. 4

    I got simple advice from Ryan Hoover a few days ago. It's common wisdom but deep in the essence.

    "IMHO, the best way to start is to interact genuinely with people you find interesting."

    1. 1

      Nice touch. It common to suggest to engage with others... it's a no brainer. But the beauty of this is who engage with. I like this spin on the classic advice.

  5. 3

    I took Twitter more seriously for about 3 months and grew from 90 to 330 followers.

    My pieces of advice are:

    1. Choose a topic you have something to talk about.
    2. Find the community around that topic and follow those people.
    3. Engage with the people you follow by giving valuable answers to their tweets
    4. Show up regularly (great would be daily)
    5. Write single tweets (not threads) in the first place about the topic

    I was initially surprised that creating content myself did not result in massive growth, but engaging with others did!

    I also noticed a faster growth after getting more followers than those I follow. But it might be just a feeling.

    1. 2

      Engaging is really the currency of Twitter reach. If you don't engage with others, they won't engage with your tweets.

      1. 2

        You have said it all. You are very correct 💯

  6. 3

    Grow from outside Twitter in the beginning. Yes, absolutely you should have engaging content aimed at providing value, but trying to be seen organically inside Twitter is as hard as it's ever been.

    My tip? Compile a list of active forums in your niche that allow Twitter embeds and post them there (especially value-packed threads that require clicking back to Twitter to see the rest of them).

    That extra step of clicking through to your profile (and subsequently satisfying their curiosity) can be a difference maker and earn you a follow.

    1. 1

      This is a great tip. Whenever I run into fellow makers trying to start on Twitter I always point them to Indie Hackers as a great place to make Twitter friends :)

  7. 3

    I recently created 50 daily videos with my best Twitter tips from growing an audience of 70k+ in two years.

    It’s essentially a free light version of my course. I believe that the most important paradigm on Twitter is favoring direct and personal engagement over trying to go viral. Building relationships by contributing meaningfully to conversations should be the goal of every single interaction on that platform.

    More here:

    1. 2

      Oh wow. Amazing.

      I don't have the time right now, but I will have to check this out. Thanks for sharing and putting together a resource like this Arvid.

    2. 2

      100% It's also way more fun to talk to people vs just posting random stuff.

  8. 3

    I have listed down some of the tips to post in twitter and The most real-time social media is Twitter.
    1.) It is a platform for microblogging. Tweets that are short and right to the point increase the readability and engagement of your messages.
    2.) To make the most of Twitter, you can still submit pictures, videos, polls, and discussions.
    3.) Twitter is where you stand a chance of going viral and greatly expanding your audience.

    1. 1

      Solid tips, that few others have mentioned.

      Twitter comes with character limits, so it naturally forces you to be concise, which is a win-win for everyone involved.

    2. 1

      Excellent points 👌

  9. 3

    I have seen you on twitter, you doing an amazing work.

    Some tips from my side is that you just need to be active and engage with others.

    The more you engage with others, the more growth you'll have.

    And create 2-3 tweets in a day with a keyword in it.

    That's all, good luck with your journey 😉

    1. 1

      Hey, thanks Vikram! Yep, there is no way to get around consistently putting in the time to grow on Twitter. Gotta engage with others!

      Thanks again, good luck on your journey as well!

  10. 3
    • Consistency is key, the algorithm loves it. Scheduling is great for this.

    • Engage with other's tweets in a valuable way. You'll reach a wider audience.

    • Don't be afraid to inject humour into tweets

    It's pretty basic but over time the effort adds up :)

    1. 1

      Solid advice and all things I believe in.

      I used to inject more humor into replies, which made it fun to spend time on Twitter too. Going to place a mental note to start doing this more :)

      Thanks Max!

  11. 2

    Here are the tips that you can try:

    1. Keep your tweets short and sweet. Twitter is all about concise, concise content.
    2. Use hashtags sparingly. Hashtags are great for categorizing content and helping others find your tweets, but too many hashtags can make your tweets look spammy.
    3. Try to tweet during peak hours. The more people that see your tweets, the more likely you are to get engagement.
    4. Follow other users and interact with them. Twitter is a social platform, so the more you interact with others, the more likely they are to interact with you.
    1. 2

      Straightforward tips, thanks!

  12. 2

    My advice would be to engage with people. Engage with content that you find interesting. Be genuine and nice. You'll be amazed how far this can get you. The more you engage the better. 😁

    1. 2

      Very true: engagement is important, and interacting with enjoyable content makes it easy.

  13. 2

    Once you have set up the basics of your profile like a good profile picture, banner, bio etc.

    To build an audience, I really think you need 2 important things:

    1. Engage with others
      Firstly, make a Twitter list of people you want to engage with. Reply to their tweets. But not nice and boring stuff like "great tweet" or "love this". Make meaningful replies to tweets written by people you want to get noticed by. And try to make friends.
      Make real connections, so that these people engage with your content and it tells the Twitter algorithm your content is interesting.
      Keep aside a certain time limit like 40mins for engaging with your chosen accounts

    You spend:

    • 15 mins to engage with Big Accounts.
    • 15 mins to engage with accounts your size.
    • 10 mins to DM someone new every day.
    1. Consistency
      Be consistent on Twitter every day, it's difficult at first but it's necessary. Tweet at least 3 times a day(minimum). You can batch create tweets for a whole week/month. This takes care of the daily tweets. (Use one of the many scheduling tools out there to help with this)
      Write a great thread once a week(minimum). You can write about your story, your subject of expertise, build in public journey etc.
      It also helps if you know a few people on Twitter who are keen on retweeting you once in a while.

    Another thing you can do is write the tweets and then direct external traffic to them. For example, I have seen people posting a tweet on Indie Hackers. This way people from IH go and interact with you on Twitter.

    This should get the ball rolling for you!

    1. 1

      Great advice. You broke it all down to the two most important elements: engagement and consistency.

  14. 2

    Follow people who are active in your niche (marketers, dev etc)
    Create lists of people you want to follow
    Comment & add value to other's tweets
    Post regularly (2 or three tweets a day)
    Repurpose old tweets extensively
    Write one thread a week if possible
    Works like a charm

    1. 1

      Solid list. I haven't done much with repurposing old tweets, might look into that. Could save a lot of time, especially for content that didn't get many eyes.

  15. 2

    There's a store in "Made to Stick" about a local newspaper whose top three rules were "names, names, names". Engaging with others about their ideas will likely get you more followers than talking about yourself and your ideas.

    1. 1

      Interesting tactic. I know engaging with others is a must on Twitter, but pulling in other's names and ideas into the mix is a cool alternative take.

  16. 2

    Do something really great that's not on Twitter, and talk about it on Twitter. Add meaningfully to conversations.

    1. 1

      Solid tip Jordan, it's something that I don't see often — at least the emphasis on the "doing cool things outside of Twitter" and sharing about that.

  17. 2

    Here's an example of what I'm trying to do for companies.tools

    1. 1

      What's the tip here (genuine question)? To tag others who use your product?!

      I've heard (and experienced it myself) that sharing URLs limits your reach.

      1. 2

        Sharing some interesting content that's relevant for your product–obvious but hard to do

  18. 2

    Keep it real, focus on the problems you have solved and share how.

    1. 2

      I like this. I build in public so I'm often sharing what problems I'm facing, what I'm working on, and how I'm tackling said obstacles.

      1. 2

        Yes, and who know you might be able to solve problems of thousands of people

  19. 2

    The more I research twitter the more I realise you need to spend a lot of time to actually grow. Except if you have 200 tweets ready and can just start posting and even this will not give you the personal engagement others are talking about.

    So... Time.

    1. 1

      Yea, that's the nature of the beast, it does require a lot of time. But, in general, the time you put in equals the benefit you get out.

    1. 2

      You're not the first one to recommend his content. I plan to check it out, thanks for sharing Nimish!

    2. 1

      I bought Arvid's book too. Awesome bitesize lessons!

  20. 2

    Give value. The easiest thing to do is reply to questions from other users related to your skill

    1. 1

      Great tip. When you help others, they're likely to want to be part of your community.

  21. 2

    Using tweet hunter helped me a lot with engaging with other tweets, and trying to stick to one tweet a day just to keep the algorithm happy

    1. 2

      Interesting point. I might get more into scheduling, so I might have to finally give tweet hunter a try. Now is probably the best time to try TH.

  22. 1

    Use 1 or 2 hashtags per tweets. Be Conversational keep what u write is sweet and short and use of Pictures or png to attract people towards your post always keep on eye on trending topics and monitor its always .
    I hope you can follow me for some best blogs i can write on the reviews of different gadgets so will be very thankful to all.
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  23. 1

    Do these 5 things:

    • Use TweetHunter for inspiration
    • Engage with 5-6 people every day
    • Create Twitter lists to filter out noise
    • Download Twemex to find best content
    • Turn high-performing tweets into templates

    1. 1

      Solid tips.

      Do you pay for TweetHunter? Other's have suggested it too, but I looked at it and when I searched hard for pricing I found that it costs minimum $50/mo buried in the FAQ. Seems expensive for inspo.

  24. 1

    Get More Retweets
    Pick the Perfect Tweet Time
    Hit the Mute

    1. 1

      Care to expand point 1? I'd love to get more retweets, but it's not obvious how to get people to retweet in the first place.

  25. 0

    The more I research twitter the more I realise you need to spend a lot of time to actually grow. <a rel="nofollow"https://applicontech.com/portfolio
    ">Shopify Developer
    </a>Except if you have 200 tweets ready and can just start posting and even this will not give you the personal engagement others are talking about.

  26. 0

    I agree with you. Now there are a lot of resources ready to help.

  27. -2

    This comment has been voted down. Click to show.

    1. 3

      "I have found one tool [called Tweeta]" - written by Tweeta

      If you're going to self-promote your own tool, don't pretend it's an organic recommendation.

  28. 1

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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