SheSpeaks Influencer Rate Request: The Cheesecake Factory At Home®
Calling all fanatics of The Cheesecake Factory®!

We are looking for Instagram influencers to create content for The Cheesecake Factory Bread At Home® Famous "Brown Bread" that shares how your followers can recreate the special feeling of being at the restaurant in your own home and elevate a regular occasion with the famous "Brown Bread"!

  • 1 IG Reel + 9:16 Reel Cover Image
  • 1 IG Story Set (3 frames)

Timing: Content will be created in mid July and submitted in late July. Content will go live on or around Wednesday, August 21.

Usage: Brand may repost any content within their social channels and website and will have paid social rights for 1 year after content goes live (Aug 21, 2024 - August 21, 2025)

Featured Product: 

If you have questions, please email
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What is your name? *
Email address *
What do you consider yourself? *
How old are you? *
How many kids do you have? Please share their ages (or N/A) *
What state do you live in? *
Please confirm you are available to purchase the featured product from your local retailer, share detailed concepts for your deliverables, and create videos/photos for draft review during the month of July. Your content will go live on or around August 21. *
Please confirm that you are okay with featuring the brand's packaging on your feed. *
Instagram Link (ex: (if N/A, please close out of this application) *
How many followers do you have on Instagram?  (if N/A, please close out of this application) *
Please confirm that you agree to a rate of $1,000 for the following on Instagram: 1 Instagram Reel, 1 9:16 Reel Cover Image & 1 IG Story Set (3 frames total), to be shared in August. Submit your content during the month of July for approval before it goes live. Allow the brand rights to use your program content on the brand website, social channels & for media usage for 1 year after your post goes live. (Aug 21, 2024 - Aug 21, 2025). *
Are you a SheSpeaks member? If so, what is your username or email address you use to sign into your SheSpeaks account? *
How often do you eat at The Cheesecake Factory® restaurant?
Please provide a link to any organic or sponsored content that you have done for The Cheesecake Factory®. We are looking for fun, unique content that shares your passion for the restaurant! (N/A if not applicable) *
Please share your content ideas for this campaign! How might you create special moments at home with The Cheesecake Factory At Home® Famous "Brown Bread"?

See example here for inspiration!
Please tell us why you'd be a good fit for this campaign. Are you a fan of The Cheesecake Factory® restaurant and at-home bakery products?  Tell us more! We share this information with the client so this is your chance to sell yourself and tell us what sets you apart! *
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