Channing is now co-hosting the IH pod with Courtland. Ask us anything!

Unsurprisingly, one of my favorite people to talk to on the planet is my twin brother and Indie Hackers cofounder @channingallen.

So I talked him into co-hosting the podcast with me from now on 👀

Or, at least… we're trying it out as an experiment.

We're going to be experimenting with formats as well. We'll likely still do founder stories and interview, but mix them in with some Q&A and also just riffing off each other.

So why don't we start with some Q&A right now. If you've got a question for us, or you want some advice for your startup, post below, and we might read and respond to your comment on the next pod 🤙

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    This is more of a suggestion than a question. I wonder if this is an opportunity to focus at least part of the podcast more squarely in the arena where most indie hackers find themselves, which is at the idea brainstorming, idea validation, and first sales stages. My impression is that over time the interviews have skewed toward people with major successes (already making, say, $1mARR). I'm more interested in people struggling to make $50k per year, or even $10k per year. I remember Courtland saying in one of the early podcasts that he focuses on success stories because people learn more from that than failure stories. But I personally would be interested in hearing the baby steps in real time. A concrete suggestion would be to devote a half hour: 15 minutes to someone at the brainstorming/validation phase, and 15 minutes to someone who believes their idea is validated and who is trying to make their first sales. These could be woven across episodes so maybe you'd talk to someone about how to validate their idea, and then a month later they'd be back with an update and you can discuss whether the idea was validated or not, and what the next steps might be.

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    Awesome news, I always see Channing around IH, it will be cool to hear him on the podcast.

    My question pertains to a new piece of software I'm validating: Scout - Keyword Monitoring for Reddit

    I have an existing audience from a Desktop application that I created. It's hard to leverage that same audience for this new software product, as I don't think the target users overlap. Is it foolish to pursue a new venture without leveraging an existing audience?

  3. 2

    This is exciting news! I'm excited to hear the new format for the indiehackers podcast : )

    I have a question regarding my startup Typogram, a logo design tool for founders. For Typogram I do a lot side projects - engineering as marketing. One of the projects we launched, codingfont.com got really big. It was featured on several big blogs and get good amount of traffic on a weekly basis.

    What is the best way I can leverage some of this traffic into my main app, Typogram? Would be awesome to hear some insights from you guys!

  4. 2

    I'm excited - I always like (prefer) podcasts with two hosts!
    what change does this mean for Courtland? and how do you both plan to collaborate/ work together on the podcast?

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    Congrats to you both, I am excited to hear what new dynamics this addition will bring to the episodes. I also have an indie makers related podcast (Wannabe Entrepreneur) and I have two questions:

    1- How can one grow a podcast audience?

    2- How can I submit my podcast to be in the Indie Hackers pods section?


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