The death of no-code: Why no-code has no future in a world of AI

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    I think it's just a matter of time before the no-code tools integrate with AI. There, problem solved! 😀

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      Exactly I find it really hard to imagine AI doing what on-code or even code tools do

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    I think it's likely that both no-code and code-based development will continue to coexist and serve different needs in the software development landscape

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    I don't think we should pit nocode against AI. The reality is that it's the combination of the two that will create value. Of course, soon there will be AIs that we can describe our applications to, and they will code them immediately. But nocode will allow us to modify this AI creation to better meet the needs of our clients.

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      I agree, I'm a developer, and after ChatGPT came out, I’m using it almost every single day. It is an amazing tool, but IMHO tools like this will empower the most users who have a deep understanding of their craft(I mean professionals in general). Every piece of software has rather unique requirements and always, no matter the “platform”(general purpose programming language, low-code etc.), fine-tuning and customization are a necessity. So for anything more than “Hello world!”, users need to have more in-depth knowledge of the technology they are using and a mechanism to modify and adapt the AI’s generated response. While AI can be super helpful, it is not a replacement for human expertise and understanding(not yet :D).

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        Absolutely agree. We're a long way off from being "replaced".

        Embracing AI tools such as ChatGPT as it matures will, as you said, empower Devs to work more efficiently.

        That being said, I do wonder what it would be like to start coding today (as opposed to 7 years ago for myself) - I feel like it would be rather intimidating to say the least!

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    No-code isn't going away anytime soon. The scale economies associated with the simplication of complex tasks is too compelling for it not to occur. Automobiles are a great example--it's a lot easier to drive a car safely now than it was 100 years ago.

    We at SnowOwl.co have made it 90% easier to monitor and deploy micoservices/API's via a no/low code solution for full stack engineers and front end developers to be able to do the work of network specialists.

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    I disagree, no-code will use AI to generate software even faster. For example there will be no-code tools where you just describe your app and it generates it just like we do with images and text, after all no-code is just a tool to generate code, so it will benefit from AI.

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    No I think AI would be the thing to make nocode finally viable. What you would experience with good AI (like the GPTChat type of AI) would be you can enter human instructions, and have it setup the nocode tool for you. This would shortcut most of the learning frustration that comes with such tools. If the nocode tool allows coded extensions (it should!) it may even be able to help with some bespoke coding to go beyond what is possible with nocode.

    Will we get to this point? Not sure, it seems like it might be possible, but AI is so unpredictable as it comes in unexpected leaps.

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    Thanks for sharing!

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    While AI-driven software development does offer significant potential advantages over no-code platforms, it is important to keep in mind that there are still some areas where no-code platforms may have a role to play. For example, no-code platforms can be useful for rapid prototyping and for creating simple applications that do not require complex logic or functionality. They can also be a good option for non-technical users who need to create basic tools or applications for their own use.

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    No-code tools have been gaining popularity in recent years and have opened up opportunities for people with little or no coding experience to build complex software applications. While it's true that AI and machine learning technologies are also advancing rapidly, they are not necessarily incompatible with no-code tools. In fact, many AI and machine learning platforms are being developed with a focus on making them accessible to non-experts through user-friendly interfaces and visual programming tools.

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    I think No-code will rise more. AI will be surely become part of no-code tools but no-code app builder has a bright future.

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    No-code tool will become better with AI
    think about how bubble came so far and dominating the category, how they will do if they implement AI in their editor, it will death for coding for sure.

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    Or you can just train the AI to work with the No Code platform of choice. If its faster for a person to build something with a No Code tool than with code, then the same goes for AI. AI is not displacing No Code or any other technology any time soon. It will happen eventually, but not in the near future.

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    In that case, AI would just become the "no-code" tool.

    You're just writing code but with an AI

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    In both cases, there is a learning curve and it all depends on what you would choose.

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    I'm a non-technical person, but you explain this well so I could understand, and I agree. It's a shame though as no code hasn't been around for long. All sorts of tech / software etc. will become obsolete because of AI and whether that is good or bad remains to be seen.

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    I think it's obvious that a lot of things will die in the shadow of AI. And no code will be no exception.

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    The object of the game is to match and move identical numbers until you've amassed 2048 points.

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