Free plan discontinued -> Over 1k MRR

A little update. I experimented by removing the "free" plan, this caused MRR to go up, so this change will stay.

"Elite" pricing plan was added as some customers requested more (See blog post https://sheet2api.com/blog/introducing-elite-pricing-plan-high-traffic-applications/)

Next up will be improvements to the documentation (important now there's no free option). Along with some substantial feature updates.

  1. 5

    Yeah. Free plans do not seem to bring anything good actually. Either your product or service provides some value and if so it will be worth paying for it, or it doesn't and if so there is no point in giving it for free either. The important is to provide some kind of trial so that the potential customers can evaluate if the product has value for them or not.

    1. 2

      The more I work on my project, the more I want to remove the free plan (and it's not even Live yet!)
      Like you said, if it brings value, then they can pay for it. Server, devs, etc... all this cost on our side too

    2. 2

      Yes, I will experiment adding a 7 day trial option also to see the effects of this.

    3. 1

      Trial with credit card

      Otherwise it's the same thing with free users.

      1. 1

        I disagree with that approach. If you require a credit card you are going to lose a huge amount of potential users, the friction is too high. On the other hand, users actually trying to cheat to use the trial are going to be a very little minority, at least that is my experience.

        1. 1

          It's not about cheating.

          It's about purchase intent.

          It's much better to get trial users on the basis of "default-upgrade" rather than "default-churn."

          Give them some added sweetness to get their credit card on file (e.g. more free trial days + full access to all features).

          1. 1

            Maybe that approach works for services that give some stuff free forever and you need to upgrade to get more features. The question is if there is data backing which approaches result in more actual paying subscriptions?
            There is another issue with providing credit-card first, and charging say 15 days or 1 month after, and that is with 3D Secure, you may need to trigger a flow which may get the user churn anyway 🤔

            1. 1

              I think Neil Patel did an A/B test on this before, and trials without credit card came out on top.

              The study was old though, and I'm also willing to bet highly-dependent on what your niche is.

  2. 3

    MRR or Revenue aside...

    Your product is very lit. Congrats on everything you have completed.

  3. 1

    Thanks for sharing. Interesting. Here’s something that I hope you find interesting. Phil… https://abitgamey.substack.com/p/our-product-led-growth

  4. 1

    How does your product then compete with free packages like the Python gspread?

  5. 1

    Awesome milestone, very inspirational!

    If you could do it again, would you start without a free plan (paid only)? Or do you think the free plan was necessary for initial traction?

  6. 1

    What does your product do?

    It converts a spreadsheet into HTML templates?

  7. 1

    imagine doing free plans for your early adopters then when you upgrade ur product , make it pay as you go

    1. 2

      Older users are not forced onto the paid plans, they can remain on the free one.

  8. 1

    love the product. Great work!

  9. 1

    thanks for sharing!

  10. 1

    You should remove ”Do I need to enter my credit card details to sign up?” from FAQ

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