Why we do customer support entirely over Slack

Slack is a great way to communicate in real-time. As more companies adopt Slack, it has become an even better way to communicate cross-company in a way that's faster and more flexible than email. We do all of our support via shared Slack channels (using Slack Connect), and we'll walk through why we do it.

⏱ Faster response times
People are >60% more likely to respond and respond >80% faster to messages that come into Slack when compared to email. For a full report on responsiveness of Slack vs. email, subscribe above to get access to our publication.

🤝 Dynamic messages and improved collaboration
While emails are inherently static, Slack messages can be dynamic and update in real-time. You can easily upload a file, share a code snippet, and start a video call all from a single message. This is even more powerful when you integrations like Dropbox, Zoom, Figma, and more that let you share content directly without downloading & reuploading files.

🔒 Improved security
Slack reduces the risk of phishing and other cyber attacks by verifying the sender and receiver of each message. Emails can be subject to spoofing and put you at risk of sharing confidential information with a hacker.

🤖 Automation
Slack has a rich ecosystem of over 2,000 apps & integrations that add new automations to your conversations. For example, you can find apps that automatically create support tickets when new messages are created in a shared Slack channel and assign them to team members.

Some best practices for using Slack for support:

Keep it casual
There's no need for a "Dear so-and-so", or "To whom it may concern" when talking to customers in Slack. Slack is a chat interface, and you should be talking to customers in a chatting context (though still keep it professional!)

Get to the point
People can sometimes be juggling hundreds of Slack channels at a given time, and it's important that they can easily navigate through the noise. Keep your messages poignant with the most important content in your first sentence.

Respond quickly
Slack can be a double-edged sword. While you'll see higher engagement from customers, there is also a higher expectation of quick response times. To prevent messages from getting lost, implement Service Level Agreements (or SLAs) that guarantee response times, and stick to them. The best way to stick to these is to use an app like Unthread for assigning messages and alerting if you take too long to provide customer responses.


Slack is a great new way to reach customers in real-time on the app that they use most often. Once you have the right tools and processes in place, your Slack support can become a competitive advantage that keeps customers happier and keeps them for longer.

  1. 2

    Sharing really helps, I'll be thinking about using Slack for creating feedback groups or delivering important information to specific customers.
    I'm using Crisp to talk to customers on the Shopify platform with the Fordeer: Invoice Order Printer product. A pretty decent business tool with the features needed when it comes to solving customer support team issues.
    Thank you for a valuable share.

    1. 1

      Awesome, let me know how it goes!

      1. 1

        Crisp is a chat application that integrates many sub-applications inside. If I had to introduce, it would be a lot, I will talk about Crisp who helped Fordeer application and customer care work on Shopify as follows:

        • Integrate Crisp into Web site, Facebook Messenger, Fordeer application in Dashboard admin and internal features of the application
        • Self-adaptive language when talking by text (our customers globally)
        • Can see the customer screen here is where we integrate Crisp, then we can see. In order to serve support work, when customers have questions or problems, we can send a support message. This is not a violation of privacy at all.
        • Control the support team working with customers. We have regulations such as: Within 1 minute from the time a customer talks, there must be a support staff or text message to respond, or with a request from a customer, how long does it take to handle that problem at least and lots of other...
          Those are some of the key features from Crisp that we're using for support. Find out more at Google if you need more information,
          In the near future, when our Fordeer product completes the big update, please use it and give us your comments.
          Product Link: https://apps.shopify.com/fordeer-data-export?st_source=autocomplete
  2. 2

    This is really useful input. I've used private slack channels (via slack connect) for enterprise clients and consulting engagements. This works really well as long as the client/customer is already using Slack (which many are). If they aren't using Slack, it can be more difficult, because you are trying to onboard them into two things at once. However, the engagement and value add when clients/customers are already slack users is amazing!

  3. 2

    I think Discord also provides a pretty good case for communication. It can help solve a lot of problems

  4. 2

    This is a great idea. How do customers interface with Slack? Do you have to invite them into a channel, is there a front end you embed on your site... I'm curious to learn how you do it.

    1. 2

      We invite them to a channel via Slack Connect. We wrote up a blog post on this too (link) but we add their email address from Slack which sends them an invitation, and then we welcome them in the channel and recommend that they communicate with us in there

      1. 1

        Awesome. Thanks the extra link @bachonk

  5. 1

    I use Discord a lot more because of the lack of limits around messages/timing, and also being able to identify roles of who is staff, who is an active community member, etc!

  6. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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