How much time on a usual day are you spending researching/reading stuff?

I recently found myself getting distracted by reading/"learning" written media a couple of hours each day. I figured at the evening that I had at least spent 1.5 hours of the day going through written content, but I didn't have the feeling that I learnt or took away very much of this. Are you in the same situation?

What would you estimate, how much time a day do you spend on researching stuff, may it be Wikipedia, Indie Hackers, Blog Posts, Business Insider, Reddit or any other written source.
What I'd count in here is:

  • If you actively research a topic that you want or need to learn more about
  • Distracting yourself by reading through other people's stories
  • Actively contributing to communities (reading as a byproduct)
  • Everything else in this regard.

Really curious on how much time (average hours / minutes) a day you are spending.

    1. 1

      Are you feeling this time is effectively used or wasted? Or a mixture of both?

      1. 1

        In my opinion it is a mixture of both. A mixture of information noise and fear not to be informed enough.

  1. 1

    I probably spend two or three hours a day researching and keeping up-to-date with my interests and investments. It was once I began to understand the importance and process of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) gathering, that I became hooked on research.

    Don't get me wrong, I also enjoy doing; taking action is critical too. But there is an overwhelming amount of quality, relevant information to consume each day.

    1. 1

      Would you say you are really absorbing most parts of the content you consume? Do you have some sort of system to save these information?

  2. 1

    I'm still in the early phase of even just coming up with ideas and learning more about building my own products so I tend to spend maybe 2-4 hours on any given day researching/reading. However, I do try to focus on only things I think will bring me value. If I start reading an article that has some of the same lessons I've already heard before I'll just give it a quick skim and move on. And when I do find something interesting or new I write it down in my notes, organized by when I think I'll want the information (ideation vs validation vs building etc.)

    1. 1

      Interesting. Which notes software do you use?

  3. 1

    I fall into rabbit holes a lot, so I'd say around 3 hours for competitive research and co founder hunting per day.

    1. 1

      How much of that would you estimate is time that is spent with having a value result/tracable outcome?

      1. 1

        Good q - I would say about 30 min of it is actually valuable time for discovery that converts into something useful net net. Feels a bit like needle in the haystack to me, but well worthwhile if you're desperate enough like me to satisfy your objectives/goals.

  4. 1

    Maybe take me 2 hours in the morning.

    1. 1

      Do you feel this is well invested 2 hours or are you consuming in first place wothout making use of the gathered information?

  5. 1

    my attention span is very short so im basically zipping my whole day back and forth between different topics, for example just before i re-entered indiehackers i was reading about a new thing i didnt know called PocketBase :D

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      Are you feeling you are missing efficiency because of this or are you doing that in your spare time?

      1. 1

        i can be in the middle of my work but something can pop to my mind about a certain topic and i can open my phone and check about it for like 5 min, get my satisfaction and return to my work

        i think its the best way FOR ME to educate myself

  6. 1

    About an hour per day. I send almost everything to my Kindle and read in the evening (before going to bed)

    1. 2

      Wow that's a good way of doing it. So Kindle also has a web browser installed? Or are you saving the content in some file format and then send it to your Kinde?
      EDIT: Just saw your project ktool - good stuff, man, really like it!

  7. 1

    I did has this phase before. I used to spent close to 3 sometimes 4 hours most days just reading, watching, and consuming content of various different kinds. I've even saved many different ones to "read later" and have probable only read 20% of that.

    Then it came to a point where I had to do an information "diet" and only use what I already have. Less info and more action.

    1. 1

      How did the diet transform your workday or overall productivity? Are you getting more done now?

  8. 1

    I definitely found myself getting distracted too. Now, I set myself 30 minutes to browse/research. I found that it's enough to learn some things, participate in the community a bit, etc.

    1. 1

      Good one. For me it's really hard to break the habit of simply opening a new tab or clicking a link that somebody sent to me. This always brings me into the research loop. Will try to work with 30 min time boxes per day as well.

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