Tips for Linkedin?

Has Linkedin worked for you? My engagement has been suffering a lot recently. How are you growing on Linkedin?

Please share what's worked for you as an IndieHacker / Founder

posted to
on August 28, 2022
  1. 4

    What works for me is commenting on posts for people with <3k followers. For people with more than that - I find a top comment to reply to. Also, for people with a lot of followers it can be helpful to click the bell on their profile so you're alerted of new posts. Being the first one to comment on a popular post can be huge too.

    Other than that - 20 connection requests a day.


    1. 1

      +1 on the 20 connections a day. Also you need a Paid LinkedIn account to be able to do this now (on free you can only send ~50 per week, vs ~150 per week on paid accounts). Also check out my tool www.botdog.co that helps do this consistently, without the mental load!

  2. 3

    I have varying experiences with LinkedIn. On one post, LinkedIn claimed 10k views. On the next only 10!

    This is a small brain dump on my experience:

    I have a very technical topic to write about. It took me three months of spare time to write a tutorial that I am about to promote on LinkedIn. With a three month interval, consistency is out the window.

    Commenting on other people's posts gives me low-quality connections. Mainly people from geographic regions where I am not focused on.

    I have better engagement posing in dedicated groups than posting directly to my network. I also noted that when I post the same post both in the group and to my network, one of them will do almost nothing. I thus now keep some time between the two posts.

    Posts with an attractive image do much better compared to posts with just text.

    I will let you know what my new posts will do regarding views. I am looking to hearing about your results in the coming months!

    P.S. Have any of you got any experience with the LinkedIn Creator mode?

    1. 1

      Great points. I've had mixed success with Linkedin Creator mode. What I've noticed is Creator mode really places a high importance on consistency. If you post often (more than once a day) creator mode works great.

      Another way it could really work for you is if you have a newsletter.

      1. 2

        I just got an email from LinkedIn. It stated: Company Pages that post weekly have 6x more followers, and their following grows 5x faster than Pages that post monthly.

        What do you mean with regard to the newsletter? Do you use LinkedIn to grow your newsletter or the other way around?

        1. 1

          I got the same email. The goal seems to be to get more followers on your Linkedin company page to create more job postings and attract more candidates

          I think the newsletter is closely tied to their "Linkedin for Creators" initiative. Not so much company page

          1. 1

            Oh wait, it is a newsletter on LinkedIn. I did not look into creator mode yet. I would rather own the mailing list myself.

  3. 3

    Comments > Likes.

  4. 2

    Just play the posting/commenting game on LinkedIn daily, and you'll get 5-10 leads every day.

    • Do automated outreach to 40-50 leads daily
    • Choose 20 most popular posts in your niche every day and comment on them
    • Write at least 1 post daily
    • Handle your profile page in the same way you handle your landing page - USP, CTAs, testimonials, and best content features

    Commenting part is the most tricky, so I wrote another IH post about it:

    1. 1

      I love this, thanks so much for sharing!!!

      I was thinking of doing exactly this, glad that you reinforced my beliefs :)

      1. 2

        That's great :)
        Please do not hesitate to ask anything

  5. 2

    IMHO LinkedIn's value really lies in the ability to find the names of individuals working at mid and large sized companies i.e. Sales Navigator. In terms of posting content and seeing engagement - forget it. LinkedIn is about staying in touch with current and former colleagues - not engaging with "strangers".

    For example I have a guy in my network who has 22,000 connections. When he posts content he sees maybe 5 likes. In contrast when someone announces they're moving on to another job you'll see loads of "great working with you, all the best" type comments.

    1. 2

      Interesting, but I beg to differ. The reason your guy doesn't get a lot of likes / engagement is because his content is probably not that good.

      The goal for posting on Linkedin is to get enough engagement and visibility from your "target audience". So even if anniversary posts get hundreds of likes, those people are not going to buy your product or service.

  6. 2

    Write something really cheesy and make sure at the end the guy who you helped cross the road turns out to be your interviewer.

  7. 2

    Connect with industry professionals and Talent aquation to get more connections quickly...!

    1. 1

      Good point! Will definitely try it out :)

  8. 2

    Checkout Justin Welsh, he’s incredible at growing LinkedIn and Twitter for Founders. You can look at his content for inspiration, obviously never copy anything. He’s an example of someone who has grown his LinkedIn to bring millions in revenue for his business

    1. 1

      Great suggestion! Justin has really good content. I have been following him, will check out his content more closely.

      Thanks for suggesting!

  9. 1
    1. Establish and maintain a strong profile. Your profile is one of the first things potential employers or business contacts will see, so it's important to make a good impression. Include a professional photo, an informative summary, and details of your work experience and skills.
    2. Connect with other professionals. LinkedIn is a great way to expand your professional network. Connect with people you know, such as coworkers, former classmates, and business contacts.
    3. Use LinkedIn Pulse to share your original thoughts and insights on industry news and trends.
    4. Recommendations from colleagues, clients, and others can help you stand out on LinkedIn. Ask people to write a short paragraph recommending you and your work.
  10. 1

    I recently started posting on LinkedIn for sales for our marketing agency but my audience is mostly acquisition people since that's what I've been focused on building.

    Now it seems that my ideal audience for sales isn't connected to me, so I do need to start posting in those special (groups are they called?). That seems to get much better engagement.

    This is one of our tools to track linkedin performance https://gyazo.com/b54887e2ea1c4b425dc4019dd06631a3

    still though. 20 connection requests a day feels like a lot!

  11. 1

    Is anyone here using the newsletter feature as a way to drive traffic to an offsite newsletter (ie Substack)?

  12. 1

    Had the same problem and created a product to fix this, here's the post about it 👇https://www.indiehackers.com/post/a-startup-founder-can-be-its-best-acquisition-channel-7f187de2e6

    My action plan on LinkedIn is the following:

    • writing down a storytelling and defining 3 topics I want to talk about in my posts (my entrepreneurship journey, my legal expertise and the challenges I'm facing going from freelancer to startup founder)
    • writing posts with catchphrases that make people want to click on the "read more" button (that move is worth more than every like or comment actually)
    • creating a support group of people that want to grow on there (because LinkedIn is testing your post on your close connections first and if they like and engage fast, the post will be proposed to a broader audience)
    • staying consistent (here lies the secret of all social media haha)
    • engaging with other content creators (most of the show happens in the comment section)

    Hope it will help 👌

  13. 1

    I use an extension Waalaxy. Pretty cool for me to simply add and send a message to Ruby developers which is super niche.

  14. 1

    Here are some things that's worked for me in the past:

    1. Engage with followers over DM
    2. Write posts about a niche

    But nothing seems to be working now 😢

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