Tell us about your last SaaS subscription

Hey, IndieHackers!

Quick question, When was the last time you made a SaaS subscription, and how much was it?
I want to hear from you!

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    Boring answer but plausible.io analytics for $9 a month

    1. 2

      Same here. The product is so nice and simple, and it gives me exactly what I need, nothing more.

    2. 2

      Thank you for sharing!

  2. 1

    Elementor PRO WP plugin $49/year

  3. 1

    Buildjet. For $50–80/mo, my builds and deploys for GitHub Actions take less than half the time. They recently added multi-architecture builds with docker and buildx, which means I can use it for all my use cases.

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      That's pretty amazing. We use GitHub Actions, too. That's a small price to pay for reducing your build time in half.

      1. 1

        I should also credit https://turborepo.org/ for some of the time savings

  4. 1

    I tried Frontly for my personal projects. It's a no-code custom app builder and I'm enjoying it so far.

    1. 1

      Cool! which plan did you buy ?

    1. 1

      which plan did you buy ?

  5. 1

    Last week I bought full access to Landingfolio. I'm a web developer that doesn't like designing so having 700+ TailwindCSS components ready, that I can paste into my code both speeds up the programming process and helps me not have to worry about design and focus on function.

    I paid $49 for three months and although there are cheaper options out there the quality of these components is really good so I'm quite happy.

    1. 1

      That's awesome! Thanks for sharing your experience.

  6. 1

    I recently bought a Frase.io add-on subscription for USD 19. It's super awesome as it helps me thoroughly analyse search phrases, saving me a lot of time.

    The second a product can save me time, I'm all for it.

    1. 1

      Cool! Are you a content writer ?

      1. 1

        Not at all, but I have to write some content, right? 😅

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