Earn money with every send, automatically.

We automatically match your newsletter with high-quality advertisers that are relevant to your audience. Get the highest return with every send—all without lifting a finger.

Average Payout Per Click

Last 30 days

Put your newsletter advertising on autopilot

World-class advertisers trust the Paved Ad Network
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Set up once and Paved handles the rest

Set your placement

Send your newsletter

Get paid


Set your placement

Simply drop the Paved snippet in your newsletter and we’ll deliver ads automatically.

Yeah, it’s that easy!


Send your newsletter

Your newsletter is automatically matched to premium advertisers whose offering is relevant to your audience.


Get paid

Paved is dedicated to getting you the most revenue per subscriber possible.

We’ll make sure you earn money every time you click send!

Why choose Paved?

Premium advertisers

We’re commited to working exclusively with advertisers that run high-quality sponsorships. Every ad is reviewed by our team before going live.

Custom ad designs

We’ve made it easy to create ad placements that perfectly match the design and style of your newsletter, with options for top, middle and footer positions.

No-risk security

Your data belongs to you - we don’t share it with our advertisers. Paved is fully compliant and up-to-date with all privacy and protection laws worldwide.

Join the Paved Ad Network

Join the Paved Publisher Community

We’re commited to working exclusively with advertisers that run high-quality sponsorships. Every ad is reviewed by our team before going live.

Paved has been brilliant in helping me generate revenue for my newsletter. It helps me find sponsors with almost zero effort.
Paved makes newsletter buying easy! They have strong publisher relationships and work hard for their clients. I highly recommend them!
The fact that I can drop in ads that match the visual style of my newsletter, rather than having to adjust, is incredibly valuable to me.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Paved Ad Network pricing work?

The Paved Ad Network is priced on a CPC (cost-per-click) basis so you get paid for every ad click.

How much will I get paid per ad click?

Our Ad Network uses an auction model to get you the highest paying click for each subscriber. We have advertisers bidding $0.50 - $10 per click.

What’s the payout process?

Payout is once a month, at the beginning of the month. Just enter your payout settings in your Paved account in Payouts>Payout Settings, and we will take care of the rest.

Can I control who advertises in my newsletter via the Ad Network?
  • Category Opt-Out:
    With this feature, you can opt out of any advertising category you want. When you opt out from a specific ad category, ads from that category will not appear your newsletter.
  • Domain Opt-Out:
    With this feature, you can opt out of any specific brand or website that you don’t want to appear in your newsletter.
What’s the best way to get started with Paved Ad Network?
  1. Design your ad placement. With our Native Ad Editor, you can make the ad look just like the rest of your newsletter so it’s 100% native.
  2. Implement the ad by copying and pasting the ad’s HTML code into your newsletter template

For a step-by-step walkthrough of the process, read our guide: How Do I Use the Paved Ad Network?