How to build a community on Twitter?

I've grown my Twitter account to 4.9k followers last year, then I got distracted and kinda inactive (still posting daily, just not engaging with other creators).

Now, I want to revive my account but my engagement rate is so so low and I'm struggling to get to 5k followers.

Have any creators experienced this? I'd love to hear some advice from you guys.

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    Hey! I run a few social media accounts that I keep inactively active:
    https://twitter.com/rosettgame (temporarily ditched, smaller account with nice ratio)
    https://twitter.com/taskslayerz (latest account)

    Whenever I go to raise the following and let people know I'm back I:

    • Consider why I'm coming back to social media and what I want (over the last 2 years I've been shifting from followers to emails)

    • Remember where/who I was marketing to that really loved my content (this is low hanging fruit for coming back to social media)

      • Were there any hashtags I used that did well, any accounts who interacted with me that might be missing me, and what were the personas of the people I engaged with
    • Start doing similar marketing to when I was first getting started BUT also put better and new content out while using the experience I gained to grow the initial following

      • You'll need to begin growing engagement again as people have temporarily forgotten about you (you may have followers but depending on how long your absence was your engagement may be at 0). So you need to lead the growth of the engagement again:
        • Commenting
        • Listing
        • Liking (but this takes multiple likes over time)
        • Tip: Target 2-3 personas so you don't spam one persona's community
      • VERY IMPORTANT: You'll want to share valuable content that interests people so that they stop, read it, like it, and share it
    • The first month or two can be pretty rough but usually at around 3 or so months things start getting back to "normal", but to help this go faster you could

      • Start making new connections with people who are in your persona's communities that are active
      • Do a "I'm back" marketing campaign then a "New Content" type campaign to help showcase personality plus highlight value
      • Sharing your twitter on other social medias like Reddit, Discord, forums, etc to pull in a new audience

    Hope this helps!

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      Really appreciate your advice, you are amazing!! 🙏
      I'll try them all!!

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        Awesome glad you enjoyed! :)

        One other thing to note but I haven't tried. I heard spaces are good for re-engaging and growing an audience.

        Again I haven't used this feature, but I have seen newer accounts gain traction faster by using this feature.

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          I tried it once, hosting an AMA session. People are very chill! Now you mentioned it, I should get back to it

  2. 1

    Still struggling to start!

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