What website monitoring tool do you use?

I'm looking for a good website monitoring tool. I found this article by Uptime Robot, I'm curious to see if their ranking aligns with IH community opinion.

What website monitoring tool do you use?
  1. Uptime Robot
  2. Uptimia
  3. Datadog
  4. Uptrends
  5. Other (please mention in comment)
  1. 2

    Other: built https://sitemaptools.io/ to spy on other website's sitemap.xml files - and to also check my own ones ;)

    1. 2

      Nice. Is it for free? How do you plan the monetization?

      1. 1

        Yes it's free. Right now it only does some simple things so no monetization plans for it yet. But if more complex use cases arise there might be room for it, e.g. constant tracking of sitemaps, diff feature, notifications, fancy exports etc...

  2. 2

    Well, not mentnioned but to monitor your website security => pingkat.
    (Yes, I am the founder)

  3. 2

    I've used many over the last 15 years, and can honestly say that I recommend BetterUptime - now called BetterStack - to all who ask me about monitoring. And no, I'm not affiliated, just LOVE the product. In addition to great uptime monitoring, they also have heartbeats (for alerts when things DON'T happen, like cron or scheduled tasks) and status pages.


  4. 2

    For real apps, I use sentry. It's feature-complete and reliable.

    For landing pages, I just use hotjar. You get way more recordings and hotmaps for cheaper.

  5. 2

    I use a mixture of equipment for internet site monitoring, inclusive of Pingdom, UptimeRobot, and Google Analytics. Each device offers precious insights into internet site performance, uptime, and person behavior, assisting me make certain the easy functioning of the website and most excellent consumer experience.

  6. 2

    I've been using for quite some time now and can recommend Uptime Robot.

  7. 2

    I use Digital Ocean as a hister which has built in alerts. It is very basic but just throwing it out there

  8. 2

    I'm curious to see if their ranking aligns with IH community opinion.

    Uptime Robot's ranking, where Uptime Robot is at the 1st place? ;)

    P.S. Apart the 4 options from your poll, here are another ~200 to choose from: https://www.supermonitoring.com/blog/the-updated-list-of-website-monitoring-services/

    1. 1

      Any that you would recommend among those 200? :)

      1. 1

        I can't provide an unbiased recommendation, because I'm a founder of www.supermonitoring.com. ;)

  9. 1

    I use performance90 for everything (I work in marketing) - it's free, simple, and secure, and I know the founder.

  10. 1

    I have started using google Analytics for my app’s landing page. Quite a lot in it which I need to explore more

  11. 1

    Apart from Google Search Console?

    I've been using Ubersuggest vir SEO data. It's been pretty useful so far!

    1. 1

      Google search console is monitoring server uptime?

      1. 1

        Not server uptime, no. But you can monitor and optimize search performance.

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