How they get quality backlinks for your SAAS without spending a dime?

Every SAAS business has to start their SEO efforts sooner or later. And a major part of any SEO is to create some good backlinks pointing to your domain.

And frankly, this is hard.

Good backlinks don't come on themselves, your product needs to create some ripples for it to get noticed by good sites, and cover them.

While that can't be fast-tracked, what you can at least start with is directories. Good domain authority directories, which give your domain the initial uplift, your domain's DA would improve on Ahrefs/ Semrush.

Here are around 100 such directories which you can cover.

Put your site on 10 of these each day, starting from the highest DA. The direct submission links are also in it - Directories

It's free!

This is mainly intended for new websites whose DA is less than 10. They need it the most. You can ask your questions directly here or on LinkedIn

  1. 1

    not sure how helpful this was tbh

    other than directories what can we use to get backlinks?

    1. 1

      I gave a similar comment in one thread below, pasting same.

      I do use some process for my product
      What worked for me among the many tries were, HARO, guest post on our client sites (I really don't understand why companies don't use this method often, you made a connection not just for revenue, it can be used for other things too, just need to ask, maybe offer a swap too), getting listed on top ranking listicle blogs ( this works this way, newbie writers just scrap top 3-5 sites to create same kind of article on same kind of topic, if you are visible on them you would be covered. Here's an example where I got ourselves listed in the directory which appears frequently on 1st page, https://www.softwaresuggest.com/push-notification-services

      I think I should cover these in a new article, there are many methods which work, which I'm realising now, if I think. If you have specific qs you can ask me here. Rest ill cover in an articl.

  2. 1

    You can easily find websites to work with for guest posts or sponsored posts on my new SaaS. Just visit https://datawave.app and search for a term that describes your target audience.

    Example: You sell video editing software, search for "filmmaking"

  3. 1

    Thanks for posting.

  4. 1

    Research industry trends, answer user questions, and offer unique insights. Promote your content on social media and relevant communities to attract organic links.
    Identify relevant industry blogs and offer to write guest articles featuring your expertise. Include a natural backlink to your website within the bio or author section.

    1. 1

      Social media backlinks arent' of importance, it was phased a long time ago I think, similar to forum comments. But the rest suggestions are good and valid still.

  5. 1

    Thanks for sharing, do you have any further information or tips for establishing backlinks?

    1. 2

      I do use some process for my product
      What worked for me among the many tries were, HARO, guest post on our client sites (I really don't understand why companies don't use this method often, you made a connection not just for revenue, it can be used for other things too, just need to ask, maybe offer a swap too), getting listed on top ranking listicle blogs ( this works this way, newbie writers just scrap top 3-5 sites to create same kind of article on same kind of topic, if you are visible on them you would be covered. Here's an example where I got ourselves listed in the directory which appears frequently on 1st page, https://www.softwaresuggest.com/push-notification-services

      I think I should cover these in a new article, there are many methods which work, which I'm realising now, if I think. If you have specific qs you can ask me here. Rest ill cover in an articl.

      1. 1

        Thanks! Asking clients for guest posts it a great idea!

      2. 1

        I'd definitely look for a detailed article!

  6. 1

    Are these do-follow or no-follow links? Lately I have been seeing any good directory has a no-follow which is not very useful for SEO.

    1. 2

      It's a mix, 75% follow, rest no follow. Well in a directory with no follow attributed to a particular input field, there are other 1-2 places where you can put out your URLs'. including about section too.

      1. 1

        Thank you. I'll check. I am currently adding 5 directories each. So yeah, let's see

        1. 1

          Great, if your DA is less than 10, keep doing these, otherwise distribute your efforts equally in getting guest posts and these listings. Guest posts would be more beneficial from building topical authority pov.

  7. 1

    Thanks for sharing this valuable resource.

  8. 1

    Thanks for sharing these. I also built this free backlink outreach message generator tool. Maybe you find it helpful 🤓


    1. 1

      Hmm, this is good, but as a user I would perhaps not use it after 1-2 instances since it does what normal GPT could do. I would say, as a user, it would be valuable for me, if you can find linkable websites, if I put my domain, then find the emails of web masters, and send them requests. It's hard, but that's what I would pay for instantly.

      1. 1

        Hey @Only_Piccolo5736,

        That’s what the main product does exactly :) we have a 7 day free trial you can cancel any time. I’d love any feedback 🙏

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