Hi there, thanks for dropping by! My name is Rachael de Klerk and I'm here to share a bit of hope in this too-dark world. I'm from South Africa, but I'm currently studying Biomedical Sciences (pre-med) in the USA. I love all things literary, and so if you stick around you'll find loads of book recommendations and reviews. I'll also share musings on faith, fiction, literature, and life, as well as anecdotes and insights from my experience as an international student.
In addition to reading, I write stories and poems of my own, some of which I hope to share sometime. I am currently working on two full-length novels set during the First and Second World Wars, but due to my studies, extra-curriculars, and life in general, they still have a long way to go. If I have any updates on the writing front, I'll be sure to share them here!