First 10 clients! But?!

Who would buy an app with Zero Reviews? The most desperate ones.

Frankly, we didn't have clear expectations or goals. We just built the app for our own clients - and then decided to publish it on the app store as well.

We were too happy receiving clients - on the other hand, we weren't sure if we did the right thing by publishing the app publicly.

We attracted the hardest client cases. People bought our app with zero reviews because they didn’t have any other choice. No other solution worked, no other professional solved their problem.

Their cases were too complex and hard. That made us think our app is not working at all. We needed to provide in-depth support to them. It took us 10s of hours to finish their setup.

This was a very bad business for us. A service that would normally cost $1000s for a $139 app!

How could we scale? Why were we even doing this business?

Stay tuned for the updates!

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