What's your top problem with your SaaS company?

If your idea has been validated and you have identified prospects who are willing to pay for it, then what is the issue?

I believe that many indie hackers began building their SaaS products without proper validation, and as a result, they are currently facing challenges with marketing.

What's your top problem with your SaaS company?
  1. Getting your first Client ?
  2. Building Awareness ?
  3. Stagnation phase ?
  4. Retaining customers and covering churn rate ?
  5. Paid ads (Reddit, twitter, linkedin) ?
  6. Freemium inefficiency ?
  7. Building the product ?
  8. High costs of hosting the product ?
  9. Validation
  1. 5

    I think marketing is the biggest issue. People develop products, then the next move is product hunt... after failing there... they have no idea what to do next...

    1. 1

      This is a symptom of „No Validation“. How do you validate your idea and have prospects and fail your product hunt launch or don‘t find customers ?
      Most of these SaaS, lack validation. How much content writer chat gpt startup do we daily see ? They set themselves for failure. They don‘t study the market or validate their idea first .. It‘s a shame
      The only ones winning from this, are the domain-selling platforms.

      1. 3

        I think this is not even validation, but simply skipping the stage of identifying the target audience. After all, in order to validate an idea, you need to understand for whom you are creating a product and whether it will satisfy the needs of this audience.

        1. 1

          I kindly disagree, you can find an idea based on product/market fit, pricing and type of customer. This is like a fixed filter for you. So you filter ideas with those criterias. After that you already have a market you know, a product/market fit for you, in which category of customers you are and in which price range you are working which means you know how much building and sales you need to do. After that comes the validation part where you need to find people that are willing to pay you for the solution because it will reduce risk and help them win in money and time.
          TBH, if u didn‘t do this and started working directly on your idea and then tried to do sales, then you are setting yourself to failure.
          Where to find ideas ?
          How to validate ideas ?

  2. 3

    I can‘t vote yet but i have a problem getting clients. I only have three prospects with LTD and a poor MVP.

    1. 1

      3 prospects ? was this your validation quota ? And how did you find these three prospects ? I guess the same way you found those prospects, is the way to go. Be patient and work on your mvp with those prospects, if they like it then start with sales

  3. 2

    I would say a combination of stagnation phase and paid ads for Evoke

    Main problem is that our users want a bunch of features we don't have yet, so we're trying to push them out as fast as possible but it's been difficult with other life responsibilities.

    As for paid ads, it's not really a struggle, just something we plan to start doing soon.

    1. 1

      I agree with most of the points but not the paid ads part.
      @RippedRich had an experiment with reddit ads and we experimented with twitter ads. It doesn‘t pay no more. You pay a lot of money for a few clicks. It‘s not for bootstrappers. What you need is SEO and organic traction and the sad part is that takes a lot of time.. Either you go viral or something or play the long game, where you need patience and a lot of work and testing.

      1. 1

        I see, what type of services are you guys offering?

        I'd imagine it depends on your service/product

  4. 2

    I can't vote either! Also looking to validate my idea. As well as get a few first Beta users! We're pretty confident in the technical aspects of our MVP, but need some more validation that there's a market need.

    1. 1

      @Calicapy check this article please and let me know if there is something missing that this article don‘t cover in the validation stage.
      How to validate

    1. 1

      Do you have an MVP ?

      1. 1

        Yes, https://www.therein.io/ you are more then welcome to register is free. Feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks

  5. 2

    Customer acquisition

    1. 1

      @shunya can you elaborate more ? in which stage you are ?

  6. 1

    Hey Manakoon, the subject of your question is the problem of most SaaS that are just getting started with outsourcing and business.
    We have just launched Fordeer https://pdfinvoices.fordeer.io/ an invoice solution on Shopify platform for Store owners, entrepreneurs selling there.
    We are at the stage where the wheel works, needing product users. And of course our problem is the first customers to use the product.
    Currently I'm implementing activities like:

    • Send Cold Email to the collected Data file
    • Send messages, emails to KOLs or Hunters to let them talk about their products
    • Send messages to developers or communities inviting them to use your product
      In the near future if things don't go as planned we can use paid options, a very long journey to push the boat to move.
      If you have any advice or suggestions, please let me know.
    1. 1

      You have a product Hunt lauch today.
      And its a consultancy agency not a SaaS right ?

      1. 2

        It's a Productised Service Agency and middle of the SaaS, later on, it will be fully automatic.

  7. 1

    We're in the similar position with all of you. For us its getting the words out there and product validation.

    We've just launched our Figma plugin called AI Microcopies by Wordtract.

    At this moment we feel that our product is validated (based on number of active users and downloads) but our main challenge is - How can we deliver value to our users = get paid customers.

    We are experimenting a feedback modal at the moment, in the hope that we could speak to our users and ask them what's working/not working. Hoping we could get some participants soon.

    Like every founders here, its exciting and nerve-wrecking at the same time.

    Shameless plug alert: if anybody would like to try our plugin out please check it out here:

    Thank you :P

    1. 1

      Listen … You got yourself a winning micro-saas. I will tell you what to do next :
      first, instant chat and calendly or any other alternative. You need to „catch“ someone that uses your plugin regularly and try to convince him to go in a call with you. Once in a call, make this person‘s life easy. Give him free access and build any feature he wants to see. You need to add feature until he tells you that he can‘t stop using your product because he wins in time and money.
      If you are at this point, you have a prospect and a customer profile. Use his exact fears and problems in the landing page description and start heavy on sales.

  8. 1

    Definitey bringing organic result for my website is a tedious process... But wanna continuously track our website performance on a daily basis...

    1. 1

      Do you have a customer profile or a prospect ? Do you have someone that uses the website regularly ?
      I would put my money and energy in finding that one prospect and make his life easy first.

      1. 0

        As many prospects are using website regularly.. They seem to be track on a daily basis right...Let me suggest you a best seo tool - Serpple - Tracks all your keywords performance with utmost accuracy...
        Website: https://bit.ly/3kA7IEq

  9. 1

    I'm not a developer so building the product is a challenge. I have a day job and run another company which is going full tilt, so moving funds to support my side gig isn't possible ATM. Hard to find an equity full stack developer partner that I can trust.

    1. 1

      Maybe I can help. I'm running a company focused on building and running SaaS solutions for non-technical founders and business owners. Feel free to check our website https://www.stormhub.cloud/ and our blog https://blog.stormhub.cloud/.

      Please let me know if you would like to learn more about StormHub and our products and concepts, and we can continue the discussion over PM.

  10. 1

    Building strong and consistent distribution channels. Once we had the first paying customers we had troubles to scale acquisition. We mainly use cold email and content generation on Instagram, Tiktok and Linkedin.

    1. 1

      in our SaaS, the physical customer acquisition and the events (networking) in general was the solution. But it depends from the customer. They got a big budget but they don‘t use software that they found in the internet, you need to build connection and go physically to the customer and present your solution.

  11. 1

    If you have any other problem write it in the comments

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