Results of launching a book via Twitter & Newsletter

Hello Indie hackers!

In this post, I want to share with you my experience of launching a book via newsletter and Twitter.

Right now I'm launching the book on Product Hunt and I've enabled parity pricing the first time, so I'm really curious how it's going to work.

But back to the newsletter.

I have ~12.5K newsletter subscribers. Before the launch I made a landing page for collecting emails for people who will receive a special discount. So-called waiting queue or early adopters.

Funny enough I was able to get exactly 700 subscribers in this list. Now take a look at the open rates for this list...

Open Rates

And compare it to general list (those 700 subs excluded from the list)

Open Rates

Also, I noticed (and it's pretty obvious) that when I sent newsletters with useful information (like UI/UX tips), the open rate went up to 45%, while here it's below 40%.

Now, a very useful insight is that when you provide two packages, one is a small and another one is big, while the price is more or less comparable, the "big" package wins.

So far I sold

  • 78 copies of complete package
  • 10 copies of "just a book"

Take a look at these:


So the tactic works perfectly, but apart from being a marketing trick I really included quite a lot of additional information in the second tier.

Assuming all that, the revenue for the first day was about ~$2500-3000.

If you find this post useful, I'd ask you to support me on Product Hunt, since parity pricing is a new experience for me and I want to check out how it works.

And what's MORE important is to get into the PH newsletter at the end of the week, so any support is highly appreciated.

At the end of the year, I promise I'll write a more detailed breakdown with all the traffic analytics and the final results in revenue and conversion rates.

posted to
on November 29, 2022
  1. 3

    Good luck Victor. Big fan of your newsletter.

  2. 2

    Thanks for sharing. This kind of content is always interesting.

    Here's my one year of book sales if you like reading about books performance:). I wish more authors are open about it.

    I like how you pulled something off quickly with a relatively small book, but I can also see that you already have a massive mailing list:).

    Good luck!

    1. 1

      Wow great insight . Thanks for sharing this.

      Am going to list your sharing on MarktStash.com

  3. 2

    These are great results. Especially that CTR (click through rate) from the first image; 17.3% is astronomical!

    1. 1

      That's only for those who were in the waiting queue.

      If I got it correctly, others, few THOUSANDS people bought only ~10 copies. It's like 0.1% of conversion.

      Previously I had better results. I suspect that what matters is where you put the CTA. when I sent a very short email like "hey, it's October deal, here is discount and CTA button" I got $1000 in a day (~100 sells). Now I got 10 sells. Even though I explained a lot, provided screenshots and so on.

      Two lessons learned:

      1. Make a special list of those who are waiting for your product.
      2. Put CTA at the top, make it short, and clear - the deal.

      Actually people from "just newsletter" should gradually go to the waiting list, while you provide good content. and then the open rate will be 70%, that's the difference

  4. 2

    Congrats on the launch!

    Could you provide what’s the conversion rate for two subscription lists? How different they are?

    1. 2

      Crap, I'm pretty bad at analytics, but let's see

      Option one:

      700 recipients.
      70% opened = 490 people opened the email. 141 clicked. and 24 people bought the book using the promo code.

      But a couple of them bought it without the promo code to support me.

      So technically it's about ~3.5%, maybe up to 4%. I'll also resend the email to unopens, and not everyone yet bought it (some said that they'll buy it soon)


      Option two:

      12 115 recipients
      36% open rate = 4361
      141 clicked
      7 bought using the promo code. Again, some might not yet bought.

      Hm... 0.1% ?? Looks daunting.

      But that's weird, I think I made a mistakes somewhere, so I'll check all available stats later. Since assuming there is a discount/parity pricing, the price is not that high, and my previous book got much more conversion rate.

      Maybe that's the difference between having and not having a waiting queue

      Anyway, yesterday newsletter + twitter brought be 55 transactions overall, most of them are complete package

  5. 1

    Great Results. Very congratulations

  6. 1

    Good launch. Love your news my friend

    1. 1

      Thanks from Victor to Victor :)

  7. 1

    Great tips from you all the time, keep going!

    1. 1

      Thank you, I'll keep on improving

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