Getting the motivation to build in public

Anyone else in the same boat -- I find it very hard to build in public, and to be honest, that seems like the best way to advertise as an indiehacker

on April 1, 2024
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    Have you read Show your work? It's a book that answers your exact question. You might want to start there :)

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    You can change it over to any marketing or customer discovery activity, make a landing page early, show it off to people, it's the early exposure that's important to focus you on the right things

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    It's hard to expose an unfinished product, but personally I've gotten a lot of value from building in public. Mostly come launch day :). If I am soliciting user along the way, they feel as though they are involved in the production process and waaaaaaay more willing to buy.

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    I felt this way for a long time. In the last few days, I've started being more active on twitter and it's helped me more than 5+ years of building products in the dark.

    Build in public is just another form of marketing and product validation. If it's not a good fit, there are other things you can try such as :

    1. direct outreach
    2. directory listings
    3. referrals

    The main thing is to get your product in front of users early and get feedback. Find the way that works best for you.

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    I'm definitely in the same boat. The idea of building in public is daunting, even though I know it's a good way to go.

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    I think Building in Public is great for your personal brand and for building a community. However it is a preference and there is no right or wrong answer.

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    I thought IH were moving away from this method of building?

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    Joseph, building in public can indeed be daunting, especially when it feels like the most effective way to promote your indiehacker journey. It's completely understandable to feel hesitant about putting your work out there for everyone to see. Remember, every step you take, no matter how small, is a valuable part of your journey. Take your time, and focus on the aspects of building in public that resonate with you the most. Your journey is unique, and there's no right or wrong way to approach it. Keep pushing forward, and you'll find the motivation and confidence you need along the way. We're all rooting for you!

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