April Fools Pranks as Growth Hacking Strategy? I tried it.

Hey folks! Tried out doing an April Fools' stunt for the first time this year.

My SaaS company HelpKit turns Notion pages into a professional help center. So I came up with this idea of launching the world's first physical shop selling must-have survival tools for customer support professionals and made a website called HelpHut.

It features 12+ tools such as:

🏅 The Support Hero Medal: Honor the most dedicated and effective customer support agents.

💊 Patience Pills™️: Boost your patience for those long, draining support tickets.

🇩🇪 Invoice Template for Germans: Meets every German standard, without the stress. We promise.

Thought it might give everyone dealing with customer support a giggle. So far perhaps a dozen people actually thought it's real and "bought" the products and others found it hilarious. Perhaps it sparks a bit of an idea for your next year's campaign.

Curious what you all think, and even more curious about the other cool April Fools' pranks you've seen in the SaaS space. Share them here, let's have a laugh together!

  1. 2

    Hilarious, I'll share it with our CuSu team.

    Did the prank make an impact on sales?

    1. 2

      hehe let me know what they think! So far the campaign got around 1000 visitors aka eyeballs on HelpKit. Few trial signups and no direct sales yet. HelpKit has a 7 day free trial so the signup-paid is a bit of a journey :) Overall, it think it was a net positive though – even for the positive brand image and giggles.

      1. 2

        The hold music hit album and the voodoo puppet are favorites!

        The invoice template for Germans resonated as well as we just launched in Germany.

        Thanks for the giggles

  2. 1

    that's so funny. Adding it to next year's calendar 😂

  3. 1

    Google releasing Gmail 20 years ago LOL

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