Goal-setting frameworks for 2024

Hey Indie Hackers! 2024 is just days away and it is time to make your goals for the year. Goal setting is the first step to entrepreneurial success, but if you don't do it right, you'll end up with a pile of goals that are gathering dust by March.

According to researchers, only 9% of people achieve their New Year's resolutions and 43% of people quit on them by the end of January. That's where strategic goal setting steps in. It's not just about setting goals, it's about setting the right kind of goals.

I wanted to start my year off right by setting good solid goals, so I researched some goal setting frameworks and wanted to summarize what I found with all of you.

Framework 1: SMART Goals:

SMART goals have been popular for quite some time, and for good reason. This framework provides clear guidelines to make each of your goals achievable.

SMART stands for:

  • Specific - Define what you specifically want to achieve.
  • Measurable - How will you know you achieved the goal? Numbers and metrics are great if possible.
  • Achievable - Set the bar high, but be realistic enough for you to stay motivated.
  • Relevant - Does this goal line up with your vision? Does it help get you where you want to eventually be?
  • Time-bound - When will you achieve your goal? You need to be specific about the time to completion in order to keep it a priority.

Bad SMART goal:

I will get more traffic to my website.

Good SMART goal:

I will increase my website traffic by 40% over the next 6 months through SEO.

Framework 2: OKRs (Objectives and Key Results):

Next, we have OKRs. Popularized by companies like Google, this framework is about setting ambitious Objectives and measurable Key Results. It’s a great framework for a larger company, but you can apply the same concepts as a solo founder. There are three main parts to OKRs:

Objectives - This is the big goal you want to achieve. It is like a destination on a map. Objectives are typically qualitative - they usually don’t specify the specific details of how you get there.

Your objective may be something like: “Make enough money from my side projects to quit my day job.”

Key Results - Key results are the milestones you are targeting to get to your objective. These should be specific and measurable. Your key results should answer the question: “How do I know I’m getting to my objective?”

Your key results might include:

  • Grow side project A to $1000 MRR by July
  • Launch side project B by April
  • Save $20,000 as runway by December 1st.

Initiatives - Initiatives are the actions taken to get you to your key results and ultimately your objective. Traditionally, OKRs don’t include initiatives since they are usually used by bigger companies, but I think adding initiatives helps make these goals more manageable for Indie Hackers.

Your initiatives might include:

  • Publish 2 SEO blog posts every week for side project A.
  • Develop the back end of side project B by February 15th.
  • Launch side project B on Product Hunt on March 15th.
  • Save $500 from every paycheck at my 9-5 throughout the year.

Framework 3: HARD Goals:

Lastly, let’s talk about HARD Goals. HARD goals are meant to be more emotional and challenging than SMART goals. They HARD Goals stands for:

  • Heartfelt - The goal must be significant to you. It must be personal and draw on your passions, values, and emotions.
  • Animated - You must be able to visualize and paint a picture of what achieving the goal looks like in your head.
  • Required - The goal must be necessary to achieve your vision. Not just something that is nice to have.
  • Difficult - The goal should push you to your limits and stimulate learning and growth.

Your HARD Goal might look something like this:

“I will achieve financial independence through side projects.”

  • Heartfelt - Achieving financial independence will allow me to pursue my passion projects and spend more time with my family.
  • Animated - Picture a day in the life: I wake up and go to the local coffee shop and work on my business for 3 hours. Then I go have lunch with a friend and after I go to the gym. Then I come home and address emails while playing with the kids. Then I relax and spend the rest of the evening with my family.
  • Required - It is necessary to get to financial independence so I don't have to worry about where my next dollar comes from while pursuing passion projects.
  • Difficult - Get project A to produce a steady and mostly automated $15K MRR.

Selecting the Right Framework:

The important thing is to choose which one resonates with you.

  • SMART goals are great if you need a very specific and clear definition of what you want to accomplish.
  • Many businesses choose to use OKRs because they allow you to flow down a higher level goal into specific measurable key results.
  • If you need that extra push to achieve something groundbreaking and life changing, HARD goals may be the way to go.


  • Review and adjust your goals as you go along. Set regular check-ins to make sure you're on track.
  • Create a plan. Goals without a plan are just dreams.
  • Break down your large goals.
  • Be accountable. You can do this through regular reflections or you can have an accountability partner.
  • Prioritize your goals. If you have 1500 goals this year, you’re gonna have a hard time meeting them all.

For me, I think I’m gonna take a hybrid approach of SMART goals and OKRs. I’ll do OKRs for my indie hacker related goals and then SMART goals for my personal goals.

What are your goals for 2024 and which framework are you going to align with? Got any tips for fellow indie hackers?

Follow me on X @JaredTylerGuy for more content like this!

  1. 4

    I think a good thing to do if trying to start a habit in the new year is to read "Atomic Habits" by James Clear, really good to improve your good habits and get rid of your old ones!

    1. 1

      Thanks for the tip, I’ve been looking into getting that one!

  2. 3

    I'm using the PARA Method (Projects, Areas, Resources, Archive) in Notion to organize myself for 2024

    1. 1

      That seems useful, I'm gonna check it out. Thanks for the tip!

  3. 2

    These frameworks are really helpful. My local entrepreneur meetup discussed the importance of the WHY -- anchoring each goal in a purpose that matters to you. So if you want X revenue in 2024, what's the reason behind that number? Could it be expressed a different way instead?

  4. 2

    Very well timed post. Thanks for this. I'm working on my resolution for this year, one of which includes building a marketable product. I still have to figure what the product would consist of. It's in the financial markets arena focusing on macro economic analysis.
    I'd really appreciate if you could give a sample OKR which could in your experience lead me in the right direction of figuring a suitable product.

    1. 2

      Sure! Not sure exactly what your going for, but perhaps something like this might help get you started:

      Objective: Develop and launch a product in the financial sector that enhances macroeconomic analysis for users.

      Key result 1: Conduct comprehensive market research to identify weaknesses of current macroeconomic analysis tools by March 1st.

      • Initiative: Dig through forums, blogs, and social media and identify some potential problems in the space by January 20th.
      • Initiative: Identify 40 people in my target audience to communicate with by January 31st.
      • Initiative: Talk to at least 20 people in my target audience and identify the common problems they have.

      Key result 2: Develop and lunch an MVP based on a pain point problem identified in key result 1.

      • initiative 1: Create a landing page with general info about the problem your product will solve and how it will solve it. Capture emails in a waitlist.
      • Initiative 2: Send the waitlist to the 40 people identified in key result 1 and post it anywhere relevant to my target audience.
      • initiative 3: Identify the key feature that will solve the users problem and build the MVP around that
      • initiative 4: Launch the MVP to the waitlist and get feedback from users.

      Key result 3: Expand product and reach $1000 MRR by year end

      • initiative 1: Build out critical features identified by users.
      • initiative 2: Launch on product hunt
      • initiative 3: create a marketing plan and execute

      One thing to be aware of when doing this before choosing an idea is that your product idea has a very high chance of changing somewhere along the way and it is possible that you may get to the waitlist in key result 2 and fail to get anyone to sign up and have to go back to key result 1 again. But if you are set on this target audience, then you findings along the way should help you get where you are going no matter if the idea changes or not.

      1. 1

        This is very helpful. Thank you so much!

  5. 2

    I appreciate you giving us more than just one way of setting goals. It's nice to have options

  6. 2

    Great work, nice way to goal setting.

  7. 2

    Having a plan is good, but following up with the plan is what really matters. best of luck!

    1. 1

      Absolutely, that’s the hard part!

  8. 2

    Great article!
    Choosing the right framework that aligns with us is crucial, and I completely agree.
    However, in my opinion, it might also be beneficial to blend the SMART framework for achievable goals with the HARD framework to stay focused on long-term goals.

    1. 1

      Agreed, that’s a great approach!

  9. 2

    Terrific overview of strategic goal-setting frameworks - SMART, OKRs, and HARD each provide structured guidance to set ambitious yet achievable targets

    thoughtfully choosing the right one fuels motivation and accountability.

  10. 2

    exactly i need it, thankyou.

  11. 1

    Needed this type of info. thank you for sharing

  12. 1

    Good one. All the best for the new year.

  13. 1

    Great outline for goal setting! Btw, I am curious how often do you guys review the goals you have set? After all, reflecting upon them is as important as setting them.

    1. 1

      Great question! I tend to prefer checking in and reflecting on my goals once a month. However, I have them displayed so that I see them all the time and can’t forget about them. I know some people like to reflect quarterly as well

  14. 1

    Curious what folks think of https//plans.quest as a planning tool?

    I just spent the last month building it. It lets you break a plan into milestones, visually on a timeline, with each milestone having an OKR. Each objective and key result are associated with a fully powered notion-like editor for tracking activities and taking more details notes. Each milestone is also associated with retrospective notes to make the process of retrospections more frequent.

    My favorite two feature are:
    1- Create a plan with AI. Just say what you want to do and the app will generate a full plan for you!
    2- snapshotting: save the history of your plan to be connected and be able to tell a story about your roadmap and how it changed over time: estimates, change in plans, speed of execution, etc..

    By the way, if anyone here is interested in collaboration or having me build specific features that work better for you, please let me know.

  15. 1

    I've learned and applied OKR and SMART frameworks in my past work experiences. But it's my first time today to learn the last one, HARD framework. It provides a new mindset for me, and I think it's more suitable for a solo entrepreneur.

    Thank you for sharing with us, Jared.

    1. 1

      HARD goals are new to me as well. I’ll be creating an overarching long-term hard goal that all my other goals will align under. It’s great for very ambitious goals

  16. 1

    Chart your course for 2024 success! Embrace powerful goal-setting frameworks. From SMART goals to OKRs, pave the way for triumph.

  17. 1

    These sound great! but you will also need a platform like Notion, Clickup or something of that sort where you can keep track of everything and be accountable.

    1. 1

      For sure! I've never heard of Clickuo, I'll look into that today

  18. 1

    Hey Jared, this is great data to help entrepreneurs plan for the new year! I'm bookmarking this for sure - my future self will thank me! :)

    1. 1

      Awesome, happy New Year!

  19. 1

    That is exactly something I need for 2024. Thanks!

    1. 1

      Good luck on your goals this year!

  20. 1

    Great post on setting effective goals for the new year!

    Outlining different frameworks like SMART, OKRs, and HARD goals provides helpful structure for indie hackers to set ambitious yet achievable targets.

  21. 1

    Nice I do that in excel to have a clear view of everything.

    1. 1

      Good idea using excel. I typically throw it all in a Google doc which can get kind of messy

  22. 1

    Adaptability and consistent check-ins are essential for keeping on course. I hope your goals for 2024 go well!

    1. 1

      Thanks, and to you as well!

  23. 1

    Thanks for sharing.

    I will start making the new year goals for my design subscription agency https://www.pentaclay.com

    1. 1

      Good luck on Pentaclay this year, looking forward to hearing about your progeess

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