18 months of frustration doing B2B outreach & here's my 3 step formula!

Email Marketing is a great way to get seen by your potential clients. But there are ways to do it right, and a bunch of ways to get it wrong.

Here are my wrongs and how I made them right:

Warm-up the right way:

Got google domains and emails but used "free auto-warmup sites", which made my emails spam and blacklisted🤯. So, we repurchased new domains and this time, warmed up ourselves. I created a method to successfully warm emails, which I named "Manual Warm-up".

In this method, my team would personally send emails back and forth to good-scored emails from newly purchased emails. They would start short conversations in them or copy and paste short articles they would find online. This would go on for 14 days. After 14 days, we would start our email campaign by sending 5 emails on day 1 and increasing 5 emails per day every day.

This method made our emails last in the inbox every time and got us exciting results.

Target the right audience:

We had trouble finding the right audience as there were many tools and sites to go through🥵. This was our initial responses.

Email Response

So, had to do a lot of research, asked for help on Twitter or slack channels, compared all the features, pricing and tools and finally went with LinkedIn sales navigator😮‍💨. This is how I learned the art of finding the right audience.

Every industry is different. Every offer is different. Some things are just harder to sell, but staying consistent and following up is the key.

Personalizing Email:

56% of my emails sounded robotic. But I recovered early and started giving personal touches🤔.

I would not make the first sentence all about me as the reader doesn’t know yet. So, I would start by praising them.

Each sentence in my email would be purposely designed and written to
get the recipient to read the next sentence and it would be 3-4 sentence long.

I have this urge in me to learn and acquire new things. I came across a unique strategy of sending personalized videos in my emails, linkedin messages etc. I'm amazed my the fact how A.I. has changed our lives😲.

So, Now I would send personalized videos in my emails. Those videos showed linkedin profiles and websites of prospects as a background. I recorded the video once and the A.I. would generate multiple videos for me changing the linkedin profiles as a backgrounds for every video according to each prospect. My video would start by "Hello Michael", "Hello Emma" in my voice generated by A.I.

My emails would look something like this:

Hify email

This strategy boosted my sales tremendously like 76% increase📈.

Feel free to ask me anything and also let me know of any new growth strategies.

Disclaimer: The A.I. tool is hify.io and I work there.

posted to
on March 1, 2023
  1. 21

    Nice workflow. Curious what were your stats before and after using personalized videos. And what niches did you target specifically.

  2. 3

    Wow, the AI generated videos seem like a game changer. Keeping this in mind for the future!

  3. 2

    The personal touches you've added to your emails are fantastic. The fact that you've taken the time to personalize your videos according to each prospect is nothing short of amazing. Your attention to detail and willingness to try new things are impressive.

  4. 2

    Your dedication to finding the right audience is inspiring. I can imagine how challenging it can be to sift through all the different tools and sites, but you did not give up until you found the perfect solution. Well done!

  5. 2

    Your "Manual Warm-up" method is brilliant! I love how you've taken a hands-on approach to warming up your emails and avoiding the use of auto-warmup sites. Your attention to detail is commendable.

  6. 2

    Really a great info! Thanks for sharing!

  7. 2

    Email marketing is something I have always been neglecting.

    This shows how it can be used!

  8. 2

    Why don't you use your company domain name with your own email so that you don't need to warm up?

  9. 2

    Linkedin is working best for B2B sales

  10. 2

    No doubt, you have done it in the correct way. Time always teaches us good things, and learning and improving is the process of achieving success in every industry.

    We are also working on email marketing for our tool, Churnfree, which is also performing well. We are targeting SaaS membership businesses because our tool helps them reduce customer churn in their business.

    Then we realized that every person is different, and we need to set up campaigns according to their job rank. It worked well.

    Thank you for sharing hify its a great tool and we will definitely use it in our future campaign.

  11. 2

    What kind of results did you see after implementing the personalized video strategy? Like meeting booked, or conversation started?

  12. 2

    Can you describe how you used AI to create personalized videos for your email campaign?

  13. 2

    Did you use any specific tools or platforms to create and distribute your personalized videos?

  14. 1

    It would be helpful to include some examples of successful personalized video outreach campaigns and their results.

  15. 1

    Hey, Thanks so much for sharing our experience. I found it really usefull.
    I'm starting to build marketing channels for a B2B SaaS, as your method can work for my case, I'll try it eventually and will let you know how it goes.

    1. 2

      I also got impressed by Hyfi, Didn't know this tool, really cool

  16. 1

    Loved the last point. How did you use LinkedIn sales navigator. I've been using it for a while now but still don't get enough filters or proper leads. Any resource that you can suggest to use this tool right or any other tool that comes to your mind?

  17. 1

    Your "Manual Warm-up" method is impressive and shows how committed you are to making sure your emails are delivered properly. How did you determine the length of time needed for the 14-day warm-up period?

  18. 1

    Instantly is also a great tool to warm up emails, I would avoid send cold emails until at least 1 week from when you purchased the domain. Also buying a few related domains will protect the integrity of your site.

    1. 1

      Hello @jlarole95 Can you share your email adress, I want to connect with you for sales.

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted a year ago.

  19. 1

    Great Post! Most people underestimate how difficult outbound email outreach is.

    I’ve also found the right audience is essential, but it’s more than that. In my opinion, you need to have an intimate knowledge and understanding of the marketplace and. You should have a very narrow customer/Client profile. It’s essential to understand the buying psychology of your prospects, as well as the challenges the face.

    To win big, your aim should be to be articulate the problems your Prospects are currently facing better than they can themselves…

    If you can create solutions for those problems that aren’t commodities, that will move people. One way to avoid offering commodities is to niche down far enough that you are selling in a “vacuum”.

    There’s such an over saturation of content that it’s critical to be different to get attention. The attention sale is harder than the actual sale in most cases.

    I stopped listening to the “Top Marketers” for years now, and that’s forced me to form completely unique opinions and create new marketing systems. I can elaborate on the system I have in place in another post.

    One easy way to stand out from the crowd a little is to create your own proprietary names for the overused marketing buzz words. Example: Instead of saying “I grow my business with B2B email outreach” you could say “I use an outbound lead sourcing technique called ‘AimFire’ to generate sales qualified Prospects”

    New and Different = Hope and Optimism. Nearly everyone is failing and bleeding cash in the broader “Make Money Online” space…so giving them hope will add up to more sales.

    As always, provide the best value you can deliver. Despite what the marketers on a platform like JVzoo believe, you can make money and be a good person who helps others. What a concept!

  20. 1

    How much did your response rate increase going from regular cold emails to personalized emails ?

  21. 1

    Awesome stuff! I'm also having a bit trouble with sales for my startup buust.io and your third point (personalizing email with video) sounds like something I should definitely try to implement.

    Out of curiosity, would you be interested in having a quick 10-15 minute chat? I'm working on a newsletter that covers "less conventional" growth marketing techniques and I would love to have your startup featured.

  22. 1

    This is all great stuff, thanks for sharing, personalization is so key for outbound success and glad you to see you found a good balance of AI with personalization.

    I am curious about the audience piece, do you think that was a result of unsure of your target audience/market fit? Do you think after this effort you have a much better idea of your ICP?

  23. 1

    What is your product?

  24. 1

    Cold emails are always tough, I've been struggling with avoiding being marked a spam. I'm getting a great open rate, but not so much of a response.

  25. 1

    Well done on the 76% increase

    Once you get something that's working, it's really just about reverse engineering your numbers from sales to emails sent and how long it takes. Pretty amazing how cold outreach works

    Curious, what tool did you use for the ai personalized videos?

  26. 1

    Thanks for sharing! Avoiding the spam folder is definitely a big one haha.

    Especially important when I'm trying to do email outreach with evoke-app.com as well

    Though for me, I do a lot of linkedin and twitter outreach as well.

  27. 1

    "Not interested. Thanks" is actually a great response! In a discovery process, a negative signal is better than receiving no signal at all.

    I'm also curious about how Sales Navigator helped you identify the right customer profile. What are you doing now that you couldn't do before with, for example, apollo.io?

  28. 1

    Thanks for sharing this content! Very interesting process.

    I have a few questions: How did Sales Navigator help you to identify your audience? What's your open rate? Open to conversion rate? How many emails did you send in the sequence? How automated can the video generation be?
    That's a lot of questions but I find your approach pretty cool

    Thank you

  29. 1

    Did you have any concerns about the feasibility or effectiveness of personalized video when you first started using it?

  30. 1

    Were there any specific types of prospects that responded particularly well to the personalized video approach?

  31. 0

    Unser Unternehmen besticht mit moderner Technik, durch digitalisierte Prozesse und engagierte Mitarbeiter, um so ein optimales Ergebnis für Ihre Immobilie zu erzielen.

  32. 1

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  33. 1

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  34. 10

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