Scaling a startup from a bunker: A true founders story

We built a profitable multi-million dollar business and became renowned as one of the fastest growing early-stage startups in Ukraine in 2021. Things were going great.

But just over 3 months ago, things changed.
Full story:

posted to
on July 18, 2022
  1. 5

    Героям слава!

  2. 4

    Wow! SO impressive that not only have you been able to keep going, but you also managed to donate a sizeable amount of money to the cause - nearly $100,000 in donations as you're all scrambling to keep it together. Amazing. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. 2

      Yes, plus a lot of UA volunteer organizations have the possibility to use Awesomic for free.

  3. 4

    awesome awesome inspiring heartfelt story. Thanks for sharing! Wishing you continuous successes.

  4. 4

    What a story! Glory to heroes!

  5. 3

    Hey Roman, thanks for sharing your story and the glimpse into what's happening from your point of view. Really inspired by the spirit and courage of your team and the Ukrainian people. Keep awesom'ic !

  6. 3

    Incredible! How powerful and brave Ukrainians are!

  7. 3

    It sounds crazy! I hope everything is fine with you, guys!

  8. 2

    Huge respect for you and your strong team 🫡

  9. 2

    Truly inspiring, nice job and keep going you got this❤️

  10. 2

    Thanks for sharing. As much as the horrific scenes we've seen unfold over the last few months, the Ukranian spirit truly is unmatched.
    Was working with a lot of ukranian (tech) co-workers, and saw first hand how their work ethic remained unchanged even in these trying times.

    1. 2

      Thanks for your comment! I really appreciate it!

  11. 2

    Incredible story. You shouldn't have to work like this, but big respect for what you have built considering the conditions you are all working under.

  12. 2

    Hey Roman, we used Awesomic at my previous company. I wasn't aware of the circumstances under which you were all operating. Fantastic job overcoming such difficulty!

  13. 2

    Thank you for sharing your story, Roman. Most of our team is based in Ukraine as well, and I know that many have similar stories to tell. Stay safe and best of luck!

  14. 2

    Wow, it'd be tough to keep working under conditions like this. Honestly, I think I would have let it go on auto-pilot for a while, but then again, I've never had hundreds of employees. I bet there's a strong sense of responsibility to keep them afloat, particularly a war.

    Super impressive. Thank you for sharing your story!

  15. 2

    I can't imagine how you guys went through all of this, at the same time scaling the company and helping the people who work for you
    That's a truly inspiring story! You're amazing

  16. 2

    Hmm glad you are keeping safe to date and helping your country as well as your employees.

  17. 2

    What an amazing story.
    Hoping it all ends as soon as possible and Putin fucks off.

    1. 1

      thanks, we hope too!

  18. 1

    If anyone is in search for inspiration, this is it. Thanks for sharing, your team deserves the biggest success there can be

  19. 1

    great startup story Love it !!!

  20. 1

    Thanks for sharing your story - huge respect! Stay safe and fingers crossed.

  21. 1

    Hi Roman,
    Your story is so inspiring
    Thank you for sharing it

    I hope more companies will choose your service

  22. 1

    Hello from Ukraine, similar story :)
    I am also a founder from Ukraine, I building a platform for game development, design and programming. We are a small indie team with big ambitions :)
    We met the beginning of the war on the 24th at 4 o'clock in the morning, I worked and understood what started after the sky was closed for 3 days. In the morning 25 Feb, lines of cars lined up to leave Kyiv, but we were not afraid and stayed. A lot of friends remained to protect. The experience of the 2014 war gave reason to believe that it would be possible to leave later, when the panic had passed.
    The next night it turned out that the only bunker was the garage of a neighboring house and was completely unsafe. After more than a week, after weighing the pros and cons, we moved to a safe place for stay safe and continue build our startup.
    We are in Ukraine and we are trying to launch our startup right now. We need website design and other marketing materials, so your project is very relevant to us.
    There are a few questions you could answer:

    • Story: We would like to tell our story of the project and write an article like yours, but there are a number of blockers, could you help with that?
    • Funding: We haven't decided what to offer investors yet, and planned to do it after organic growth, but the war ruined all plans. We are currently looking for emergency funding and could you help with materials for Kickstarter, Indiegogo, etc. For now, we can offer coins that can be exchanged later.
    • Connection people: What platform would you recommend for quick communication. I wanted to blow up HN with an app demo with Show HN, but I'm not sure if it's worth it for an app with a lot of bugs, plus I've heard that HN is no longer the place for such projects as it was 10 years ago. I thought about ProductHunt, but it takes time and an initial audience. Does it make sense to write in DOU? What do you recommend?
    1. 1

      Hi Victor, thanks for your comment!
      Sure, contact us at [email protected], we try to help you!

  23. 1

    Wow! Well done, very inspiring

  24. 1

    It's too difficult to face all this in the war. Our team also has a teammate in Kiev, Ukraine. At the beginning of the war, he considered leaving, but he insisted on staying. When encountering an air raid alarm, he worked in the subway and sometimes went to church to help others. It was not easy for everyone. God bless you all.

  25. 1

    Wow this is truly incredible. Thank you for posting this!

  26. 1

    This an incredibly inspiring story. In the face of catastrophe you doubled down, helped your people and your country and still found time to keep your business not only surviving, but growing! Love your product too, just what we need at work!

    1. 1

      Hi Dean,
      Yes, we get used to living in such conditions, unfortunately(
      Dean, if you have design needs, maybe we can have a quick call?
      Can you please email us at [email protected]?

  27. 1

    What an inspiring story! Best of luck!

  28. 1

    Very Useful. Thanks for sharing this article

  29. 1

    This is one amazing story... Slava Ukraini!

  30. 1

    You had a really bad time, but you did a great job. Congratulations to you and your team. All conscientious people are with you.

    Slava Ukraini!

  31. 1

    lots of love and support man! hope everything gets well! god bless you guys!

  32. 1

    Keep going my dudes! Slava Ukraini <3

  33. 1

    Wow this is amazing! Well done.

  34. 1

    This is an amazing post. Thank you for doing all this for you employees and wish there were more companies like you.

    A ques: Despite Ukraine forbidding men to leave the country, I've been seeing more and more men do that. How do they manage to "escape" Ukraine?

    1. 1

      I'm no expert, but there are some legal ways how men can leave the country. From the problem with health and some moments when it is allowed by law.

  35. 1

    heartbreaking story 💔
    Slava Ukraini!

  36. 0

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  37. 1

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