I gave up looking for a cool idea and decided to try to solve a huge problem

After the failure of my last SaaS project, I ceased my pursuit of singular, innovative ideas. Instead, I attempted to unearth a substantial problem that affects a specific, albeit smaller, demographic.

I think around 5-10 years ago, it was feasible to choose a reasonable idea, create a beautiful landing page and people would voluntarily promote your project. This was even true if your tool offered an intriguing, yet not fundamentally necessary, service. Nowadays, due to escalating competition across all industries, with numerous SaaS behemoths seeking to expand their product ranges and an abundance of venture capital, the only way for independent developers to thrive is by identifying pressing problems that people are facing and attempting to solve them.

A few weeks ago, I decided to start interviewing for a job in the US. However, as a non-native English speaker, I couldn't initially comprehend the complexity of answering all the behavioral questions. In addition to ensuring clarity of thought, I was uncertain about what to generally prepare for. Consequently, I went through more than 15 interviews just to grasp the overall concept and accumulate some experience. I'm sure a lot of people have been in this situation.

That's why I decided to develop a tool that aids job seekers in preparing for interviews. The service is free and does not require registration.

Currently, the service provides the following features:

● Generation of the most likely interview questions for a specific job opening (using the URL link to the opening)
● Training to answer these questions with the option of audio recording
● Transcription of the user's answers
● Enhancement of these answers with the help of AI (OpenAI GPT)
● Practice in answering standard questions during the initial (screening) interview

You can try out the service using the link provided below. I would sincerely appreciate any feedback you may have.

If you have any suggestions for improving the service or if you've noticed any bugs on your device, please let me know. And also feel free to share why you think the service might not succeed 😀


Have a fantastic day, and best of luck with all your ventures! 🚀

If you want to follow my journey and check the progress of the service in real-time, consider following me on twitter.

posted to
Ideas and Validation
on May 25, 2023
  1. 3

    Starting by solving your own problem never goes wrong. The odds of an audience existing who share the same struggles are surprising. Good to see you progressing, Andrey!

    1. 1

      Thanks a lot for the kind words!

  2. 3

    Great idea - I had the same idea a month ago as I started doing job applications and was playing around with Whisper and GPT-4. Great job with the tool! Very impressed. How long did it take you to put this tool together?

    1. 1

      It took around two months with the help of outsourced freelancers. The combination of Whisper and GPT is very powerful. I'm looking forward to seeing more examples of how people will use it.

  3. 2

    LOL, have the same story. Started commercial product, then realized that I don't have such budget to promote it. Gave up and implementing now open source project :). At least to show at the interview, at most, it will be demanded by users.

  4. 2

    Developing a solution for the problems that you are facing and providing access to others is a great idea.

  5. 2

    Wow, what a beautiful idea! I really like that. What would be truly beneficial is a score that rates the answer. It may be challenging to find, but it would be extremely valuable.

  6. 2

    Hello Andrey, I appreciate your idea, but I would like to challenge it from a different angle. I wonder if your target audience, who may not be familiar with ChatGPT, would find your tool useful. Perhaps they are not tech-savvy but are interested in paying for an interview preparation tool. To enhance the tool's usefulness, I suggest implementing an answer-scoring system like Grammarly's, which rates interview responses based on best practices. This feature will guide users toward perfecting their answers. Additionally, becoming subject matter experts and creating content about hiring and the job market will build trust with users. Overall, your tool shows great potential.

  7. 2

    I need to learn this too! I spend time thinking for that "cool" idea but even if I get one, it is usually something people don't need in first place. Building a product which solves the real problem is the way to go!

    1. 2

      Don't make my mistake and start solving real problems with your first idea!

  8. 2

    I think this is the way to go for everyone. Working on "cool" ideas almost always makes it so that we build stuff no one wants.
    It's better and much easier to find pressing problems people have and then build something to solve that.
    It might be a "boring" thing to work on but I think getting money from others is better than getting positive feedback.

    Congrats on your win.

  9. 2

    yep 100% agreed. solving a huge problem will be the "why" you wake up everyday, grind in the weeknd, and feel content throughout the day. I've been through this!

    and actually this is one of the critical problems that I faced multiple times,
    you need BIG WHY when you work on something.

    I worked in the several remote companies without having clear "WHY" in my mind. So Isolation, stress, and depression hit me hard.

    After talking w couple of other companies , I found one company that solving this BIG problem. It's a virtual office tool that focusing on employee
    happiness. :) so I joined this company few weeks ago and feel great so far.

    hope you find the your own soon!

    oh and if you wanna try out product, let me know! I can arrange meeting w team members. Dms are always welcome.

    good luck w your journey!

  10. 2

    Great problem to solve!

  11. 2

    Right thinking, we create products to solve people's problems. Good luck!

  12. 2

    Thank you for sharing the story!

    Any ideas to monetize new service?

    1. 2

      Not yet, I'm still working on the services and want to create something that will be beneficial for people. I'll figure out how to monetize it later.

      1. 1

        If you are an indie dev, how do you think 'monetize later' will work for you? How long can you afford to work on something without making any money? And what guarantee you have that it will make money?

        I think a lot of VC funded startups fall into this trap of 'monetize later' and just want to grow their user base. Then when they start monetizing, users just leave and find another platform which is in the 'monetize later' phase.

  13. 1

    Killer landing page, great job. Partner with talent recruiters/HR firms to promote it. Good luck!

  14. 1

    Really sounds like a great problem to solve! How do you plan to validate it, especially with potential users? Have you developed a distribution strategy yet?

  15. 1

    Yeah the competition is very high as you say. Check out the landing page was really clean and clutter free. All the best 😊👍

  16. 1

    Pretty dope idea and landing page

  17. 1

    Hey man! Cool website and idea. As others have already mentioned, the idea of solving a problem you have yourself is pretty awesome and perhaps often overlooked.

    If you don’t mind, I’m wondering what tech stack do you use and how do you offer the service for free? 😃

  18. 1

    There are so many areas where we can use artificial intelligence. This project looks very exciting!

  19. 1

    Man, that's why I sometimes wish i got into SaaS earlier. I attempted to build my first saas in 2018, but I didnt have any idea what I was doing at the time.

    It's too bad it took me soooooo long to build a functional SaaS.

    I currently own two products https://obeatow.com, and https://imgartfiscreator.club. really worried I'm on the verge of having to give up on Obeatow as my competition has gotten bigger

  20. 1

    I'm glad you took your own pain-point and looked for a solution! As I interview tons of new hires for our global team, I definitely notice the cultural difference between "strong" interview skills. It's a very culturally contextualized skill

  21. 1

    Good for you man! I agree, SAAS 10 years ago was easy to cash out because internet was becoming mature, and web coding was hard. Now, there're so many people, with so little time from users.

    As for your website, it looks very straightforward and useful. My question would be the business model. From the pricing page, you're planning to charge the ones practicing the interviews? I'm just not sure people looking for jobs (to make money) would be willing to pay for a service before landing a job. I know, headhunters make commissions not from the job candidates, but from corporations. Job posting sites like Indeed or LinkedIn never charge job candidates and do on the business/sales people.

    My 2 cents would be to first validate that pricing assumption. By removing the free option, and find 1 paying user, at least initially :)

  22. 1

    Good idea! Developing a tool to assist job seekers in preparing for interviews is a valuable solution that addresses a common problem faced by many individuals. By providing features such as generating likely interview questions, training for answering those questions, and enhancing answers with AI, this service can greatly benefit job seekers in improving their interview skills and increasing their chances of success.

  23. 1

    Love it! Would be cool to incorporate with leetcode as well for coding challenges under pressure.

  24. 1

    Good idea! I like it

  25. 1

    Great idea! And love the fact you aren't currently charging for premium features whilst you figure out the monetisation part. Best of luck :)

  26. 1

    Great idea, man! This will help a lot of people like me. I currently use different websites to prepare my interview questions, including WriteMe, InterviewBuddy, and LeetCode. I'm eagerly waiting for this amazing resource.

  27. 1

    Great idea, but also a great approach. Problems that people need to be solved are the only thing we as builders should be focused on

  28. 1

    Just went through the website, this looks like a comprehensive and effective resource because the course provides users with a comprehensive guide to interview preparatio

  29. 1

    Just went through the website, this looks like a comprehensive and effective resource because the course provides users with a comprehensive guide to interview preparation, covering everything from research to practice interviews.

    Congratulations on the successful launch of your product!

  30. 1

    I think it is a good idea and product. How do you plan to monetize it?

  31. 1

    I'm new here and I cannot still post, but this is what happen to me too, I was trying to do something way too complicated while also being amazed at a single idea that we though was cool in how simple it was... then I decided to do that better, thanks for sharing!

  32. 1

    Great idea! I am in similar situation right now, a lot of information around me, but I still practice getting my objective. Thanks for sharing.

  33. 1

    Looked at the website, it looks crisp. Found a typo in "Ready to crush your interview?" section. "The service is completely free"

    1. 1

      Thank you so much. I will fix it today!

      1. 1

        Also, don't forget your testimonials section, I think you know what's wrong there:)

  34. -2

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