What's the best investment you've ever made?

Of course, I mean in your indie hacking journey.

For me, it was the decision to focus on what I want vs. what's "most profitable" and I don't want.

  1. 7

    A gym membership :) Helped me stay in shape/keep me mentally sharp, which contributed to me being more productive overall.

    1. 2

      Running shoes in my case :)

    2. 1

      I agree, The exact same for me

  2. 6

    I don’t know if it counts as investment but,Tailwind UI, great value for $279

  3. 4

    Investing in personal growth and individual therapy.

    I struggled with stress when I worked as a software developer. I thought that it was because working at a large company was soul-sucking and starting my own business would be freeing for me.

    The reality was a lot more complex. I had to do a lot of personal growth with managing and understanding my emotions and better communicating with my partner (we were having consistent destructive arguments). Getting my mindset right and living a calmer and more intentional life aligned with my values has made all the difference.

    It's allowed me to make choices that actually make my life better rather than just being based on assumptions that would often lead me to feel more stressed or unhappy.

  4. 3

    Became a triathlete, It saved my life.

  5. 2

    I think that buying and reading books has been the best investment so far. Books are really cheap and you can learn from people having a lot of experience. Be in startup building, product or marketing, there are a ton of books that can help you to learn new skills.

  6. 2

    A good PC. Not only it lasts for a long time (4+ years) and makes you more productive, but having high quality products makes you better understand what makes a high quality product and how to make one yourself.

    1. 1

      I was going to say the same! A computer and an internet connection have changed my life

  7. 2

    Learning copywriting! It now colors everything I do in my businesses

  8. 2

    Learning and skill building

  9. 1

    I think that one of the best investments for me was buying a fintech platform for automated lending to customers. To be more precise, with the help of https://neo-fin.com/ I was able to implement an optimized process of granting loans, without unnecessary movements and applications to the bank manually.

  10. 1

    For me, the best investment is my education. I saved up for it independently. I am studying to become someone like a financial advisor for medical professionals. I believe that if a person does not understand economics and investments, it is best to invest in education, which is a win-win investment that you will never regret. Also, education helps to become smarter and more experienced. In addition, you can make good acquaintances and friends. I am a social person; therefore, I cannot live without communication with others. Peace and good luck to all!

  11. 1

    Travel. I cannot imagine not living and experiencing those moments on the road.

    Part-time. Not a traditional investment to go part-time and leave money on the table, but you are investing in your well-being and good mood.

    So there you have it, none of my investments made me money. In fact, they costed me money :D.

  12. 1

    I saw in the comment gym and therapy and that’s it for me

  13. 1

    The time I invested making my apps.
    I make almost $5k/month now from them, and they take little upkeep.

    1. 1

      Can you tell us a little about the domain/use-case in which you were able to achieve success with app monetization?

  14. 1

    Probably buying good domains.

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