How I built and sold my first android app.

Quick backstory

My background is a little different than others in the technical field, but that didn’t stop me from learning how to code. I used to be a lawyer, but I decided to learn how to code because I saw much more potential in this field and I really liked the idea of building something that others will use, like a mobile application. So, I got into learning android development and after several months I got a job as an android developer.

Things change quickly in the android field and you have to keep yourself up to date with the latest tech stacks in order to find better paying jobs. If you really want to improve your coding skills, I think that it’s important to learn/code in your spare time as well, otherwise you mind end up falling behind.

App idea.

While I think that it’s ok for some app ideas to be unique, generally, you should stick to what already works and avoid trying to reinvent the wheel. I got my idea by checking out existing apps on play store and stumbled upon a cool customisation app that allowed users to apply different styles to their phone’s volume sliders, so I decided to try to build something similar.

This wasn’t the first idea that popped into my head, most of my previous app ideas were abandoned after a short while because new ideas always seemed more shiny. I believe that the research phase should be done diligently, something that I haven’t done properly for most ideas, hence the quick abandonment.

So is it necessary to have an original idea?

Definitely not. If you see apps on the store that are already successful, it means that consumers want those apps and you can try to replicate their success. The goal is to build something better than those competitors, not just straight up copy their apps.

App launch.

So I got to work, built the app in a few months and launched it on Google Play. I know that most people consider that it’s better to get customers before actually building an app, but I’m not sure if that is always the case.

Let’s say I was going to build a landing page for the app, pay for some ads and try to get people to sign up for the app. Who was going to sign up for customisation app that hasn’t been built yet when they could also get alternative apps which were already present on play store. Maybe I would have gotten some users, but we’ll never know.

After launching the app, I posted about it on Reddit - r/androidapps and Producthunt. Reddit post gave the app some nice traction, but Producthunt was a flop since I hadn’t researched beforehand their launch process.

A few days laters, my app got featured in a couple of tech blog posts that resulted in the app getting a few hundred downloads. This was all organic, I haven’t paid anything for the promotions. The app design was really simple and pleasing and judging from those blog posts the authors liked the UI which probably was the reason for including the app in their posts.

These sort of promotions kept happening over time, I found out that my app was included in all sort of YouTube videos, TikTok videos and a few other blog posts.

So, build it and they will come?

Well not entirely, but you should focus on building something that’s simple, useful and has nice UI. It’s more likely that people will share your app if it’s UI is really pleasing or if they enjoy it’s functionality which will help you get more organic downloads.

Listen to user feedback.

It’s important to have an app that works great, so try to fix reported bugs or crashes, otherwise you will end up getting bad reviews. Some users will give your app 1 star reviews nonetheless, even if your app works perfectly, but you don’t need to worry about those.
Also, if your app performance drops a significant amount, your play store ranking might get affected, so try to keep the metrics below the bad threshold.

Avoid feature creep.

You don’t have to build every feature that is requested by users. Sure, if a lot of users ask for a specific feature and it makes sense for the app to have it, then you can build it. Otherwise don’t waste time building features that are only wanted by a small number of users.
Try to keep the app as simple as possible.

Getting an offer

Roughly one year after I launched the app, I got an email from someone who was interested in purchasing my app.
At first, I didn’t think about selling it because I considered that the app hasn’t reached it’s full potential yet. At this point, my app had been downloaded about 300k times, while 2 competitor apps had around 5-10 million total downloads, so I thought that there is still a lot of room for growth.

But after thinking about it for a while, I decided to sell it because I wanted to spend my time building other projects, rather than focusing on growing this app further.

Their initial plan was to offer me 2-3x my app’s yearly revenue, but after some negotiation we agreed on 5x yearly revenue.

Built and sold my first android app.

A few takeaways:

  • Spend more time in the research phase and come up with something that has nice potential.
  • Focus on product quality and design. I think it’s easier to get organic traffic when your product is in good shape.
  • Don’t agree to the first offer you get.

Next plans?

Currently working on 2 other mobile apps:

  • AppBlocker - an android app that increases productivity
  • Carena - car specs - iOS/android app that you can use to fetch car specs and easily compare stats with other cars.

Just launched on producthunt:

  1. 2

    Thanks a lot for your post. It helped me a lot. I have some ideas but after a few days thinking and researching I just give up because I always think that my idea is not good enough. That's been a looping for years. I'm planning to take some time and really work in something.

  2. 2

    5 X annual revenues.
    That is a nice number and a usable benchmark there. Cheers!

    1. 1

      Yeah, I agree 5x is a good multiplier and I strive to achieve just as much for my future apps. Good luck!

      1. 1

        Hi @nitupaul91, really happy for your success story.
        discussing revenue, what was the source of revenue for your app, was it Ads or subscriptions?

  3. 1

    Really interesting story and I like the way you split the chapters. So inspiring!

    I saw that you mentioned about reddit and ProductHunt. Don't know if is something you'll need, but I made a collection of places to launch and is free (public blogpost, no email required) - https://www.indiehackers.com/post/where-to-launch-your-startup-a05fc71bef

  4. 1

    Thanks for the share man, it’s good to know that these things can happen.

    1. 2

      Yeah, most people believe that nowadays its impossible to build an app and get a decent amount of success, but its doable, you just have to work for it.

  5. 1

    Can you share how much you sold your first so that i can get some boost of inspiration, only if you dont mind

  6. 1

    Thank you for sharing, Paul.

    I too am trying to build my web app before generating any hype or advertisement for it. I believe that after it is built and provides real utility, it will gain popularity based on its own merit.

    I also am not a coder by training, I am a scientist (still work a day job) and noticed that the current apps that help scientists (or scholars in general) discuss ideas and share data are not what they could be. I am actually trying to build a pretty sophisticated app with no prior coding experience, but over that past 1.5 years I feel as though I have come a long way and am nearing completion.

    Do you have any advice?


    1. 1

      Its good that you’ve started building the app. Not going to lie, but 1.5 years is a lot of time before actually releasing the app. You should try to build an MVP and release it as soon as possible to get feeback from users. Otherwise you might spend a lot of time working on an idea that hasnt been validated. Try to focus on your main app features, get them ready and release the app.

      1. 1

        Thank you, Paul! I appreciate the advice.

  7. 1

    Thanks for sharing, btw what's your tech stack for android dev. And what would you recommend to a beginner.

    1. 2

      @amitverma Personally, I've started with Java, but switched to Kotlin at some point and I like it a lot more.

      If your plan is to get a job as an android dev I suggest you stick to Kotlin and also get familiar with the modern tech stack, such as:

      • Hilt
      • Coroutines, Flow
      • Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, Navigation, WorkManager)
      • MVVM/MVI architecture.
      • GRPC
      • lately Jetpack Compose is gaining popularity and some companies are switching from xml based UI.
      • Espresso for UI tests.

      It may look overwhelming for a beginner, but you can start working on smaller apps and slowly integrate more libraries as you go.

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