$66,756.44 = Final #SponsorGames cost 😳 Got tired of waiting 10+ years for someone to create an in-person event where you could learn how to pitch & negotiate more lucrative brand partnerships... Decided to take matters into my own hands LOL Can't believe we're just SIX DAYS AWAY!!!!!
You rock for taking this chance. See you in a few days! 🤗
No way!? WOAH! So excited to experience the magic.
Excited to get to experience this inaugural event and the people you are bringing together 🤯
It’s gonna be amazing! Excited for all the work you are putting into this event. See you soon 🤘🤘
I've never seen a live event break 20% net margin, but they are great for building other things around, as I'm sure you are doing.
holy cow
When you say final cost…
Looks like a great event! Have fun! I hope it goes well!
You’re always doing something next level! You are a superhero!
1wlet's gooo