Anything that gets started now, will have a difficult time scaling

I think the market is quite saturated. In terms of digital products, we have most of them at our disposal due to staggering success and headways in the last 15 years or so.

You have food apps, ride apps, and apps to teach you habits and help you coordinate with colleagues at work from the comfort of your sofa (like we saw in the pandemic), and still seeing it with WFH being a permanent way of doing work, at least for knowledge-based industries.

There's a digital product for EVERYTHING. Anything that gets started now, will have a difficult time scaling. Unless it's a super-specific niche that no one's tapped yet or a select few are working on. Otherwise, digital products are commonplace.

Although, since 2018 and onward, with the advent of EU/GDPR, LGPD & CCPA laws -- software to discern what data companies have on customers is catching on.

  1. 13

    I don't agree. There are tons of opportunities everywhere.

  2. 7

    I think this is not a very helpful mindset.

  3. 3

    While I agree with some of your points (harder now, if you build it they will not come) I'd have to respectfully disagree in essence.

    There is no finite market. It grows and oscillates just like the products.

    Who needed Twitter when you had Facebook, Who needed an iPhone when you had Nokia Communicator.

    “No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” Heraclitus
    Translate it to people's needs. :)

    If you're solving a problem that people genuinely care about you're halfway there. But only half.

  4. 1

    Hey Usama, you make a good point, I do agree that digital products are commonplace. But, I don't think this necessarily limits the potential for innovation. So long as new digital products can find a way to solve a problem, or solve a problem better than an existing solution does, I don't see a reason why they'd find it difficult to scale.

    1. 1

      I agree! Plus, arguably, some digital products create new "problems" for users. Wherever a user wishes a product they use had a feature that helped them do something faster, organize something better, streamline communications...whatever - that's an opportunity for someone else to jump in and improve on the existing product with a new one.

      But you're right Usama in the sense that it's hard to imagine a 'revolutionary' change. It's about tapping into the marginal benefit. Say you're in the desert, you haven't drank or eaten for (insert however many days a human can live without food for) and suddenly you (miraculously) come across an apple tree full of apples. The first apple essentially saves your life; the benefit of that apple is huge. As you continue to consume apples, they each individually become less and less valuable; having 15 apples vs 14 won't make as big of a difference as going from 0 to 1.

      In the same way, an innovation that revolutionizes an industry or the way we live is the first apple. But it doesn't mean the other apples need to go to waste, especially since there are a lot more "people to feed" online.

  5. 1

    Sure, it’s harder to say compete with Uber or Lyft now that they have become established. But, there’s still plenty of opportunities out there, especially for new innovations.

  6. 1

    This can be very subjective.
    An idea can always be added to current digital products to improve it or make it better.
    There is always a way to improve something even in the smallest ways, the possibilities are endless
    As mentioned already by OStirbu if there is a problem find a solution for it.
    Some area markets are flooded with the same thing, but there is always a way to make your digital product better than the rest you just have to be passionate and put your mind too it.

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