8 things we did to build a successful bootstrapped startup

  1. 1

    Wonderful article! Everything is to the point and I totally agree with you on all the points specially point 3 (building a community around early users) even after two years of our product launch we still get a lot traffic from our first users and that’s how we realized how important it is to use their feedback and continuously improve the product.

    Thank you for sharing.

  2. 1

    Great Article. You have consolidated points really well especially point 5(5 - All the free acquisition channels matter) that you have added. Great resource.

  3. 1

    You make working from the countryside sound so appealing :D

  4. 1

    thanks for sharing.

  5. 1

    Thanks for sharing, especially agree with points 3-6. Question: working 3 days a month to pay the bills seems easier said than done - how did you find such work?

  6. 1

    This is a great story - congrats guys!

  7. 1

    Love this! It just goes to show you can compete against the giants, you just need the right approach. Choosing a freemium model clearly worked wonders for you. Congrats on your success.

  8. 1

    This is gold. All of these tips are super replicable, unlike most startup advice that assumes you have unlimited wealth, time, and resources. Bookmarking this for future reference. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  9. 0

    Is there any startup want to test your MVP?
    Let me do it for free. How can I help you?

  10. -2

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  11. 1

    This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

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