Milestone $2.5k MRR 🎉

💸 MRR: +8.4% major milestone 🥳
🦶 Subs: +7.6% 👍
♻️ Churn: 38.5% increase 🤬

Major MRR Milestone → $2.5k MRR 🥳

When the business was listed for sale on @microacquire the MRR was at ~$2k

The 161 new sign-ups resulted in 13 new subscriptions, an 8% conversion.

It's the first month I'm calculating the conversion rate and I was quite happy with it. There are some tweaks I'm making to improve this.

Not all good news though.

Most of the churned accounts were "legacy" customers, and I still believe that the new onboarding will yield higher quality subs in the long run.

✅ Notable improvements:

· Custom JS support for Notion
· Custom CSS for JotForm
· 2x blog posts published

🎯 Objectives for Q2:

· MRR growth of 8% MoM
· Keep churn below 5%

More details here:

, Founder of Icon for Cloakist
on July 11, 2022
  1. 3

    Thanks for sharing your wins! What channels are you acquiring these people through? May affect the quality of leads being put into the funnel.

    1. 1

      Thanks Eric!
      It’s mostly organic search reaching the content on the site. Secondary is traffic from some product specific forums.

      My goal is to 1. Add more valuable content to the site, and 2. Work on getting quality backlinks.

      I’d be keen to hear your (or other) views on this and which other channels I should be exploring.

  2. 1

    Well done on your growth!

  3. 1

    Sounds good Bruce! What exactly did you change about the onboarding? What was the most important improvement?

    1. 1

      The biggest change was removing the credit card requirement upfront. And changing the trial period to only start once a site is live.

      This led to only getting people that have correctly configured their sites to start the trial. Thus, a higher quality funnel.

  4. 1

    Huge milestone! Congrats!

  5. 1

    Congrats on the big milestone!!! I wish you nothing but the best of luck and more growth!

    1. 1

      Thanks, much appreciated!

  6. 1

    Wow! What an awesome win! Keep us updated on the progress!

    1. 1

      I'll try and post more regular updates... in fact, I have a post in the works to talk about a new feature that allows you to collect email signups for access to a Notion doc...

  7. 1

    Thanks for all the interest and support for this post 🙏

    I thought I’d mention that Cloakist also has a dedicated Notion app called Sotion.so

    I just rolled out a feature that let’s you create a Member Email Signup for Notion pages.

    The Sotion site has not been updated yet, but if you sign up then you’ll have the option available.

  8. 1

    Congrats! Is the 8.4% the following month change? If so, that is great. Having a churn % goal is a good idea, we should do that!

  9. 1

    This awesome and a big milestone. I hope for a lot more success in the future!

  10. 1

    Congrats Bruce, I'm rooting for you!

  11. 1

    Is it still on @MicroAcquire or did you buy it, Mr. worldwide? 🤔

    1. 2

      I acquired it in Feb already. Been finding my way around and making improvements since then:)

  12. 1

    8% conversion is quite good. My conversion with the WBE Space is really low compared to that (1%).

    1. 1

      There were some particularly good months, and some not so good. Last month was flat, so I'm still trying to figure out what works i.t.o. marketing and features. Learning as I go 😅

  13. 1

    What kind of Ads are you running? How are you promoting?

    1. 1

      Hey Rodrigo... At the moment it's just organic traffic. I'm working on getting more content published as that seems to have worked well in the past. I've not done any paid ads

  14. 1

    Not bad at all! Congrats!
    I think I've seen Cloakist on Twitter a few times :)

    1. 1

      Thanks Daniel! Good to hear that Cloakist is getting some visibility on Twitter as well:)

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