We grew a SaaS at +140k users by organic TikTok: Ask Me Anything!

Hey there, 👋🏻 It’s Gianluca, co-founder of Teta, a low-code full-stack app builder, or if you like it better, an all-in-one low-code app builder.
It was first published on 28 Sept 2021 in the Alpha version.

Today, after 9 months Teta is in +170 countries worldwide and with +140,000 registered users (80% of them acquired organically through our socials and especially TikTok). Teta was the first SaaS to use TikTok as the main channel to launch alpha, with +50M global views, +400K global followers on socials, and a discord server with 12K members and 11 language channels.

I hope that my experience will help you, let's dive right in!

Initial numbers and launch. Goal: to be Global from day zero

Sept 28th: 130 alpha testers by invitation
Sept 29th: first viral video on TikTok
Oct 1st: 285 alpha testers by invitation
Oct 6th: second viral video on TikTok
Oct 9th: third viral video on TikTok
Oct 10th: fourth viral video on TikTok
Oct 14th: 6211 we opened the alpha version to everyone, without invitation
Oct 29th: 22,000 registered users
Nov 28th: 60,000 registered users

Ok we are only talking about TikTok
Here is a 2021 Recap video 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii48yDMxzZk
we were all incredulous at times by the results generated by TikTok and I learned that putting limits on yourself, filters, and not trying is the biggest mistake you can make on Social. I learned, also thanks to Andrea, the CEO of Teta, and a great friend of mine that we have to dream bigger and bigger and push harder and harder as long as all our strengths allow, feeding off the small achievements along the way.

Competitors, GenZ approach, trend research, and a lot of fun.

We were the first in the SaaS world to use TikTok as the main social to tell the product. Super important acquisition channel for us, and if you wonder why just think that thanks to TikTok in 2 months we reached 60,000 registered users (80% of them organically).

We wanted to be disruptive to the current competitive market (all the other players were always on the same social and with very institutional communication at times or at any rate always distant from the many young talents), the intent was to create super catchy content to go viral and acquire as many leads as possible in a very short time. We started from the analysis of the content that was running at that time on TikTok and we acted in two ways:

  • horizontal, seeing all the global visual and music trends
  • vertical, seeing all the trends in the tech and dev world.

So we applied a Munari-like design process and methodology: What should I do? Has anyone done this before and better than me?
We research, analyze, and take the positive values by scaling our product. We take the negative values and figure out what creates pain, and what is wrong, to avoid reproducing those mistakes.
Now you may ask, "where is the fun in that?" What!? Do you think it's not already cool to do all these things? I go crazy, I get excited. But we didn't miss anything. We added a "PLUS": having fun ourselves first, joking around, being self-deprecating and laughing along with the community, and even becoming the court jesters. Why not indulge in a TikTok dance by showing some of the backstages of the startup? Do it.
At the beginning of November, we had 40,000 registered users (80% from organic acquisition, thanks to TikTok content) with an acquisition cost of 0.02€ per user (0.40€ if we take into account paid, made on TikTok Ads only) going viral with 84 videos.
Here are some links to the videos that generated the first 30M views (you can find all of them on our TikTok channel: @teta.so)
3.2 M views 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/@teta.so/video/7013318818906836229
7.1 M views 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/@teta.so/video/7016763289405263110
Product Meme 👉 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMN5xkaTj/?k=1
From Scratch Part 1 👉 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMN5x5mYh/?k=1

What have I learned?

I learned that consistency is everything.
From the day we started publishing speedcodes, we did it every day, never skipping a publication and especially never stopping responding to comments. I also learned that users were fed up with structured, institutional, grown-up Tone of Voice. They needed normal people with whom they could talk, and share thoughts naturally. We simply spoke our own language, fresh, natural TOV that spared no jokes or fat laughs. I learned first of all that well-researched content can really win and even win on TikTok Business, which does not go well with large acquisition numbers (Am I advising against using TikTok Business? At least in the initial phase yes, my personal experience was that we did very well to push first with organic with beautifully crafted content. Since activating the Business Profile, TikTok's metrics have dropped dramatically.)

What about today? We are going to launch TetaCMS on Product Hunt 👩‍🚀

Today Teta is the most globally followed low-code full-stack builder on socials, present in more than 170 countries with more than 140,000 registered users on the platform. You can find Teta on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Reddit, Youtube, and a Discord Server with 12,000 members, super active and helping us every day to improve Teta.

Get quick access to all our social 👉 https://linktr.ee/teta.so
See more trivia and our Open metrics 👉https://teta.so/metrics/

✨ July 18 will be the launch of our CMS on Product Hunt, we are super excited about this event and can't wait to tell you more. In the meantime, if you want to take a look, here is the Upcoming Product you can sign up for

👉 https://www.producthunt.com/upcoming/teta-cms

Wish us good luck ✨ and if you want to help us out, share the upcoming product with your best friends or anyone who might be interested in our product. 🚀

I am available for questions in the comments!
Gianluca @Teta

  1. 3

    Funny a friend suggested TikTok as a marketing channel to me just yesterday and today I came across this!

    Congrats on the Product Hunt launch, #4 of the day! Looks like it went well.

    Congrats also on the marketing strategy. I'm very surprised something like this takes off on TikTok. That said the quality of your videos and sound tracks are great. As I see from the YouTube video you clearly have some content creation and editing chops (which I do not). How much time and effort does it take to put one of these together? Is there a tool chain that makes it easy?

    Thanks and good luck going forward,

    1. 1

      Hey Tony, first of all thank you for the compliments and for following the results of our first launch on product Hunt.

      Undoubtedly TikTok is a very powerful channel (at this time we are also doing a very interesting test which I will tell you about in the future).
      As mentioned in the article the winning weapon is consistency, but also the quality of the videos as you said.

      That is why we have a team of designers (followed by our CCO) who just do the content design and creation, clearly using different software like adobe after effects, da vinci resolve and tiktok internal tools.

  2. 2

    Did you do any "fake seeding" to boost the initial engagement? For eg, after posting each video, asking friends to like/comment so the algo could see that you have some traction.

    Also, curious what's your primary audience that came from TikTok. This sounds both like a B2B and a B2C product. Did you have a significant number of developers coming from TikTok?

    1. 1

      Hi, nope ✨ no fake seeding. All the likes and comments were and are coming directly from people who started seeing our content in the "for you" section.

      The audience coming from TikTok is mainly B2C (developers, product managers, or flutter students) but also some companies we are still in contact with have found Teta on TikTok. Ah, super cool thing 👉 many investors and business angels got in touch with us through TikTok

  3. 2

    Congrats on the success. I'd be curious to know more about the particular strategy/tactics you used that worked. Also, what is the retention rate of users signing up from tiktok?

    1. 1

      Hey, thank you very much for the feedback and questions.
      What would you like to know more about the strategy? Do you have any questions in particular?
      On the retention, I can tell you that being in the alpha version, our main goal was to have a massive number of people try the platform and it performed very well. Now with the launch of the CMS on Product Hunt and the upcoming release of the Beta version we will have realistic retention percentages.

  4. 1

    I am for using whatever channel that works. I'm an old fart. I just for the life of me don't know how I could possibly promote our forms backend fabform.io on Tik Tok. Any Tik Tokers on here got any marketing - creative strategies that would work for our product? Would I have to dress up as a big banana and make a complete ass of myself and dance or something to get the word on fabform out?

    1. 1

      I would advise you to narrate and enhance the product well. We have done this. Then if you want to try your hand at some sympathetic dancing, to introduce the team, why not?

    1. 1

      Hey 👋🏻 Thank you! Have you ever tried Teta?

  5. 1

    This is really amazing. I had a look at your TikTok - it had great content. I never imagined TikTok as a powerful SaaS marketing tool. I run an IT services and consultancy startup, do you think it's a good idea to invest time/money in producing TikTok videos to promote my services?

    1. 2

      Hi ThejanW, yes I do. It could be super useful. Clearly, you need to do all the research and trend analysis work and good design 🚀

  6. 1

    You guys are rocking!

    1. 1

      Thanks Ariel 🚀 ✨

  7. 1

    Impressive! Excited to follow your PH launch too

    1. 1

      Thanks Matteo 🚀

  8. 1

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      This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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