How did you build your website and where do you host it?


I'm kind of curious to know where everybody hosts their website and what technologies they use for it.

I'm currently trying to decide on a technology for my website, so it would be helpful to know what your decisions are.

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    I'm currently trying to decide on a technology for my website, so it would be helpful to know what your decisions are.

    Real talk, as someone who has been there: please don't base your decision primarily on this thread.

    Tech decisions shouldn't be about the latest trend or what's popular (unless your goal of updating your tech skills comes ahead of your goal of building successfully, and only you can decide that).

    To choose a tech stack, first, understand your requirements. A static site is different from a blog is different from a custom web app, and there are pros and cons to tooling and hosting solutions for each. Build as little as possible.

    Second, as others have mentioned, almost always go with what you already know and are comfortable with, unless your project has specific needs requiring a different technology.

    All that said, in case you're just curious, here's my actual answer to your question 😜

    Projects I'm building now use Next.js and are hosted on either AWS or Linode, depending on the type of project. For anything with a substantial back end I'm using Nest.js (confusing?) for the API and Postgres for the DB.

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    Recently switched to next.js while building Raport. Development experience is great. And it also comes with a lot of performance optimization built in, which is important for SEO nowadays.

    Most of the time I use VPS for hosting (it is never just a website). But sometimes for small projects, website exported to static .html and hosted on shared hosting or S3/Google Cloud Storage is enough.

    I always choose tech stack based on what I know best but try to factor for scalability, developer experience and project life span.

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    I just do plain HTML and CSS if I can, or perhaps using Jekyll generator.

    https://deploymentfromscratch.com and https://nts.strzibny.name are hosted for free with Netlify. I was also testing their analytics.

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    What sort of site?

    For the marketing site we built it https://versoly.com/ (dog fooding)

    For frontend currently using Neflify

    Backend is all AWS - S3, Cloudfront, RDS

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      I can second Netlify. Quick and easy

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    Personally, as a developer I usually host my websites on my own virtual servers. I can host multiple websites that way and customise the tools that I use.
    So I use Digital Ocean to host and generally build my websites on python frameworks like Flask and Django.

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    Nocode - love Webflow. It's powerful. Created following,



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    Hey Yassine, We build https://pensil.in/ on webflow & hosted it via webflow plan. Domain name from google domains.

    I find webflow a very easy-to-build tool. Which gives advanced functionality to build even complex websites. However, if you want to build more complex logic like social media, marketplace, etc you can use bubble. Recently I made a form builder app on bubble. Will be launching it next week. https://form-tuts.bubbleapps.io/version-test

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    asp.net/blazor, that covers pretty much everything. Hosted on Microsoft Azure

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    I'm a non-technical founder and built the site myself using a WP theme (Avada). I host on Kinsta and use Cloudflare for my CDN and security.

    This combination of vendors makes this possible for me, i.e., easy. I have done technical things I never would have believed I could do by following their directions, video or chat sessions.

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    The answer depends on what you’re building, if it’s CPU intensive, in need of “unlimited” storage, how redundant and resilient it must be, etc. Your question is impossible to answer without knowing your needs.

    Until a month ago, we used over a hundred beefy VPS. Recently we’ve switched to dozens of very beefy dedicated servers, fully replicated across multiple data centers. That could fit your needs. Or maybe a $5 Digital Ocean droplet will do the trick too :)

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    Founderness is fully built and hosted on Webflow. Quickest possible way for me to launch it, pagespeed is great and it looks awesome.

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    MVP was built on Carrd once we validated we moved to a flask setup

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    Building- WordPress
    Hosting- Hostinger

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    I host all my websites and apps on google cloud Kubernetes servers. Some sites I have built using Tailwind CSS, vue, python FASTAPI, and Mongodb atlas for the DB. But as I am creating multiple sites, apps recently and want to get landing pages up fast for my MVP's I have just been spinning up WordPress instances on my GCP Kubernetes cluster

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    I use AWS to host my projects

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    For https://adminkit.io/ I'm using Netlify and Gatsby v4 (+SSG). It made sense because I was already familiar with React and Netlify.

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    DigitalOcean and Hostgator Cloud

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    There's a good saying - the shortest way home is the way you know.

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