Newsletters for entrepreneurs: Best 50+ entrepreneur newsletters from marketing to coding

Fan of newsletters? Me too. So I put together a list of the best newsletters designed to help founders stay up to date, learn, and grow their businesses.

I'm subscribed to a lot of newsletters, so much of this list comes from my own experience, but I've also selected recommendations from other indie hackers and lists. Hope it helps!

Marketing newsletters

Let's start with marketing because I have a hunch that many of us are looking to learn more about this important topic. Here they are, in no particular order:

  • Stacked Marketer: Curated marketing news, tech, and advice by @Manu_C. I've been on this list for a while now. They have a fun approach and provide lots of short summaries of marketing news and tactics. Free.
  • tl;dr Marketing: Marketing news curated by @SaijoGeorge. Each email includes a ton of links with short summaries. I'm a subscriber and have found some great nuggets in his links and summaries. Free.
  • Growth & User Acquisition: @zerotousers has analyzed hundreds of interviews to figure out which acquisition channels consistently work for founders. He summarizes those opportunities and more in his weekly newsletter. Free.
  • Marketer Crew: The latest news, tools, and insights from @FalakDigital. I subscribed to this one fairly recently and was pleasantly surprised. Tons of great info in each email. Free.
  • Gene's Weekly: Weekly growth, marketing, and design tips. I've been following @genemachine's work for a while now and it's always impressive. Freemium.
  • Positive Human: B2B SaaS marketing and growth with a really nice, human spin. I'm a subscriber and I've enjoyed each email. I'm not alone — @andreboso said, "If you’re interested in SaaS growth marketing you should subscribe to Positive Human by @iammarcthomas." Free.
  • Marketing Examples: @harrydry provides actionable marketing tips and writeups. I'm a subscriber and I really enjoy his content. Super interesting, and it always feels very personable. Free.
  • Zero to Marketing: @andreboso offers writeups on growth strategies from real companies. Free.
  • Honey Copy: For @KenyanChale, "Honey Copy is one of my favourites because it focuses on the lifeline of any business… SALES… Cole writes on how to sell 'ice to eskimos' using copy." Free
  • Raisin Bread: Includes Q&As with top marketers, as well as news, tool discounts, and more. Can be consumed in 5 minutes. I saw this one mentioned by a number of people. Free.

Growth hacking newsletter

Here's an interesting subset of marketing newsletters that specifically focus on growth tactics.

  • Growth Bites: Bite-sized growth tactics filled with practical advice. I should note that I do have a hand in the creation of this newsletter, so I'm biased. Free.
  • The Growth Newsletter: @Julian of Demand Curve has a great newsletter that I've been subscribed to for a while now. Each edition has a few super solid growth tips from experts. Free.
  • Growth Currency: By Dylan T (@growthcurrency), Growth Currency offers curated resources, tools, and courses for creators. I recently became a subscriber and have enjoyed the emails. Tons of content in each one. Free.
  • Growth Unhinged: The newsletter's creator, Kyle Poyar, calls it "an unorthodox take on how to grow a SaaS company." I'm a subscriber and each email includes interesting commentary along with some interesting links. Free.
  • Ariyh: An acronym for "Academic Research In Your Hands," Ariyh is stellar resource from @tdmck. I've been reading it for a long time now and it offers tons of science-backed advice for growing a company in an easily digestible format. Free.
  • Kickstart Side Hustle: By @Michal_kanka, this newsletter focuses on psychology and how to use it in your marking strategies. I'm a subscriber and have learned some very interesting tidbits. Free.
  • Growth Memo: @Kevin_Indig's newsletter on SEO and growth. I'm a subscriber. Lots of thorough write-ups and case studies. Free.
  • The Growth TLDR: Interesting write-ups by @kflanagan on various topics to do with business and growth. I'm a subscriber. Free.
  • Epic Growth: By @pisarevsky, get B2B SaaS growth insights. I'm a subscriber and I've learned a lot from this newsletter. Free
  • First 1000: Weekly articles on how different companies got their first 1000 customers. Not a subscriber, but I saw it mentioned a few times and checked it out — the articles look very thorough.

SEO newsletters

And while we're talking about marketing subsets, here are some SEO newsletters that will help you up your game.

  • SEO Notebook: Tons of great tips, strategies, and tricks from Steve Toth and other experts. I've been a subscriber since I first got into SEO and every email has had some really solid information in it. Free.
  • Ross Simmonds: Essays on how successful businesses do what they do by @thecoolestcool and his team. Really great long-form writeups. I'm a very happy subscriber. Free.
  • Ahrefs Weekly Digest: Weekly articles from their blog (and elsewhere). I've found some real gems here. Free.
  • The weekly SEO: SEO articles curated for you each week. I'm a subscriber and it's pretty good but I haven't personally found it very actionable. Free.
  • #SEOFOMO: Top SEO news and resources delivered to your inbox. I'm a subscriber and it comes highly recommended by experts. Free.

Entrepreneur newsletter

Now that we've discussed marketing, let's get into more general entrepreneurship newsletters.

  • Indie Hackers: News snippets, interesting articles, top posts, and tips — if you haven't already signed up, it's definitely worth it. I really enjoy reading it. Note: I'm a little biased because I work with IH, but I don't work on this newsletter — it's just really good. Free.
  • Morning Brew: They've got a few different newsletters — news, marketing, tech, finance, and more. We've all heard of them. From what I can tell on IH, people either swear by Morning brew or find little value in it. Free.
  • For the Interested: Daily tips, articles, and tidbits from @joshspector. I've been subscribed to this for quite a long time, and it's been super valuable to me. Valuable (and entertaining) stuff. Free.
  • This is How I Do It: @joshspector also has this paid newsletter. I'm not a subscriber but it includes practical advice for creators and sounds solid to me. $120/year.
  • The Bootstrapped Founder Newsletter: Essays by @arvidkahl on bootstrapping, audience building, and building in public. Recommended by @polisaez. Free.
  • Maker Mind: @anthilemoon delivers neuroscience-based strategies for makers. @petecodes said, "A great newsletter for staying sane while you work as an entrepreneur. Anne-Laure Le Cunff breaks down neuro science in an accessible way and gives tips on how to have a healthier mind and be more productive." Free.
  • Ungrabbed: By @sasan, get high-quality domain opportunities sent right to your inbox. @ramy said, "Ungrabbed is the only newsletter I open without fail even though I've never purchased a domains they've featured. FOMO is what makes it so effective." Free.
  • Check Your Pulse: This is a newsletter about tech and startups, but it's designed to make you feel more human. I like the sound of that. Free.
  • YC's Newsletter: Read what the folks at YC are reading. Free.
  • hackernewsletter: Curated articles from Hacker News. @ayewo said, "[Hackernewsletter] is a personal fave that curates links that made frontpage on HN on a weekly basis." Free.
  • Founder Weekly: Features must-read articles, how-tos, tips, resources, and events for entrepreneurs. Free.
  • Justin Jackson's Newsletter: Startup stories, lessons, and tips from @mijustin. @martinrlzd said, "I love to read Justin Jackson's Newsletter. He's always to the point, shares his personal experiences and - don't know how to say this - just feels so human!" Free.
  • First Round Review: First Round sends out lots of interesting articles each week. I'm a subscriber and have found some value in it. Free.
  • The Tilt: A newsletter that educates content creators on how to build successful businesses. Tips, articles, spotlights — I signed up pretty recently and I've already seen some great content. Free.
  • The Hustle: Another one we all know. They've got nearly 1.5 million subscribers. They deliver business and tech news that can be consumed within 5 minutes. Free.
  • This Week In Startups: Interesting stories about entrepreneurship. @jna said, "This Week in Startups by @jasoncalacanis. I like how honest and blunt he is." Free.
  • Rosieland: A newsletter about community building by one of the best — @rosiesherry. Freemium.
  • Trends: Vetted business ideas in your inbox. @filippkowalski said, "Trends.co - Interesting insights, high quality content." Free.
  • Trends.vc: Another newsletter designed to help you discover new markets and ideas. @ramy said, "Trends.vc is also awesome. I love how so much information is distilled into such few words." Free.
  • Software Ideas: By @Kevcon80, you'll get validated SaaS ideas delivered to your inbox. Recommended by @jones_spencera. $57/quarter.
  • Exploding Topics: By @joshahowarth, Exploding Topics provides trending topics before they take off. Free.

Engineering newsletter

Here are a few that come highly recommended by coders:

  • Status Code: Covers the latest ideas, releases, trends, and articles about software development, web operations, infrastructure platforms, and performance. Free.
  • React Newsletter: The latest React news, tutorial, and resources. Recommended by @upat5_gustav. Free.
  • Pony Foo Weekly: Trending topics about frontend web development and related tech. Free
  • Full Stack Heroes: Articles, guides, interviews, and free courses on web development. Free.

Product management newsletters (along with some UX/UI design)

As far as product, here are the best newsletters I've found ranging from product management to design.

  • GrowthDesign: By @danbe and @louisxavierl, excellent and highly entertaining case studies on product design, UX, and growth. Plus, it's in comic-book format. I've been following this newsletter for a while now and it's well worth it. Free.
  • Lenny's Newsletter: @lennysan is a big name in newsletters, and for those of you looking for info on product growth, it's a really solid resource. I've been a subscriber for a few months and enjoy his work. Free.
  • Product Buff: Comes highly recommended by product managers. Includes content about product management and marketing, from idea validation to product/market fit. Free.
  • Mind the Product: @tscionti said, "Huge fan of 'mind the product' a newsletter for product managers, sends weekly on mondays and generally full of great content." Free.
  • User Interface: Weekly UI and UX tips. Recommended by @petecodes, who says it's "Great for polishing your design skills." Free.
  • Ray Sensenbach's newsletter: Tips about product design from a pro, designed to help you grow. Free.
  • Product Habits: Content for creating better products, efficiently. Free.
  • Sidebar: Five links per day about design. Free.

A few honorable mentions

And finally, here are a few that aren't quite right for any of the categories above, but they made the cut anyway.

  • EDIT (3/9/22): I just started a newsletter so I'm adding it in here now 😀 It's called Rhythm of the Ancients and in it, I examine ancient cultures through the lens of shamanism — a lens that deeply affected their worldviews. I also share the latest news in archaeology and anthropology.
  • TLDR: I really enjoy this newsletter by @tldrdan. You get daily TLDRs of the latest news in tech, science, and coding. It's always interesting and a super quick read. Free.
  • Tangle: By @isaacsaul, Tangle tackles political issues from all sides. My wife is subscribed and she's a fan — I've learned a lot by extension. Freemium.
  • TheSlice: Lots of indie hackers have mentioned @TheWonderingZall's newsletter. It's all about ways to improve your thinking. Free.
  • Sunday Brain Food by FarnamStreet: Actionable ideas and insights for home and work. @Trunksome said, "The one I am looking forward to the most each week is Brain Food from Farnam Street. If you don't know it, check it out!" Free.
  • Hurry Slowly: Actionable ideas on how to be more creative and resilient. Free.

My take

Here are my top 8 from the list:

And a few that I'm super excited to check out:

Over to you

What are your favorite newsletters (shameless plugs welcome 😀)?

  1. 7

    Thank you for the mention.

    This is a HUGEEE list of amazing newsletters. Worth bookmarking twice.

  2. 1

    Subject: Assistance Needed: Google Meet Screen Sharing Issue via HDMI

    Hello Google Community,

    I hope this message finds you well. I've recently encountered an unexpected challenge with screen sharing via HDMI, and I'm seeking some assistance to resolve the issue. My setup includes a Logitech TAP directly connected to an CTL Meet Compute System (Intel 10th Gen). All components are up-to-date, and the system has been functioning flawlessly for several months. However, the problem arose suddenly, and I'm experiencing difficulties with the video aspect of screen sharing.

    When attempting to share my screen, it appears as though the process initiates, but the video itself doesn't display, leaving me with a black screen and a spinning loading wheel. Oddly enough, the audio from the presentation works perfectly fine.

    In my search for a solution, I stumbled upon information in the "Google Workspace Admin Help" regarding known issues with the Mimo Vue HDMI Touchscreen controller, a qualified peripheral for the Google Meet hardware kit, much like the Logitech Tap. The description of the problem seems eerily similar to mine:

    "Presenting to a room can fail
    When presenting to a room using HDMI, the presentation stream might not start, or it starts without audio.
    Make sure the Mimo touchscreen is connected to power correctly and uses qualified USB 3.0 cables. For more information, see our configuration guide.
    Sometimes, this issue occurs even if the cables are set up correctly. So that we can investigate, file a support ticket."

    While my situation aligns with this issue, there's a slight difference as the video fails to start while the audio functions as expected. Restarting the CTL Meet Compute System temporarily resolves the problem, but it reoccurs after a few hours.

    I'm reaching out to this community for guidance and potential solutions to troubleshoot and resolve this screen sharing hiccup. Has anyone encountered a similar issue or have suggestions on how to address it effectively?

    Your insights and assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Best regards,
    Maciej Buczek

  3. 5

    Wow talk about an extensive list James! Thanks a ton for including Ariyh and I'm honored it's one of your favorites.

    Let's put this scientific research to work to grow our revenues!

    1. 1

      This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

  4. 3

    Wow, so honored to be listed here, thank you so much, James!

    1. 1

      My pleasure, it was an obvious choice — great content 👍

  5. 3

    This is fantastic @IndieJames! Thanks for taking the time to put this together.

  6. 3

    Thanks for the mention! Btw, if people are looking for other newsletters to consider here are my suggestions of the Most Helpful Newsletters For Creators.

    1. 1

      Solid list, thanks for weighing in! 💪

  7. 3

    Great list! And thanks for the shoutout :-)

  8. 2

    How is Friends Of SaaS not mentioned in this ??!!

  9. 2

    Solid list. I'd also throw in a bit of a shameless plug here, but HardlyHustle.com would be quite fitting. It's a newsletter where you can discover stories from Entrepreneurs each week on how they are finding alignment and balance while building their business.

  10. 2

    Cheers James. Quality list

  11. 2

    Great list!!
    my suggestion https://initiatorcreator.com (Shameless plug 😃 )

    1. 1

      Looks solid, thanks for sharing! 💪

  12. 2

    Holy smokes, I was wondering where I suddenly got a massive uptick in subscribers and I've got you to thank, James! This is an epic rundown of some of the best newsletters our there. Greatly appreciate the shoutout and your time and effort put into this! 🙏

    1. 1

      Glad it gave you a boost 😃 Well-deserved!

  13. 2

    Great list, here's an addition for people interested in technology:

    RNinTECH.com - concise, high-quality tech updates, that make sure you're easily updated about the important things going on in tech news, without having to read through a ton of noise. Free

    1. 2

      Nice, thanks for the suggestion! 💪

  14. 2

    Thanks for the support @IndieJames 🙌

  15. 2

    Oh man, thanks for filling my inbox up with a heap of new "please confirm your subscription" emails... Seriously, thanks for the awesome list!

  16. 2

    Great list, Thank you so much. Many I knew but some are news to me.
    How long did you took to do that?

    1. 1

      Hah, it took a hot minute 🙂 Glad you got some value out of it!

  17. 2

    Great collection of exciting newsletters. Thanks for the collection of interesting stuff.

  18. 2

    Ohh that's an awesome list, @IndieJames is always putting out the most comprehensive posts here.

    But how do you all keep up with so many newsletters? 😄

    1. 1

      Haha, good question 🤓

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

  19. 2

    May I recommend my own newsletter? I'll build community in public, so feel free to join:
    It's under profile.

    I've built the community with over 26000 tech people, so I know what I do :)

  20. 2

    Awesome list James👏👏👏

    Hope to have ListenUpIH there some day🤞

    1. 2

      Looks like an awesome resource! 💪

  21. 2

    Awesome list!
    https://ideabot.io is my addition (shameless plug)!

  22. 2

    This is amazing! What are the paid newsletters from that list?

    1. 1

      There are three freemiums: Rosieland, Gene's Weekly, and Tangle. I think the only fully paid newsletter on he list is This Is How I Do It.

  23. 2

    Awesome, thank you! Hope to have Founderness on a list like that one day.

    1. 1

      Looks like a good one! 💪

  24. 2

    Thanks a ton for chosen newsletters, James.

  25. 2

    Thanks For Sharing List of Newsletters.

  26. 2

    Oh WOW... so cool to see my side project https://tldrmarketing.com in that list. Thanks, @IndieJames

    Now on to getting it into your top 8 for next time. 😁

    1. 1

      Haha, well it's to 10 for sure 😉

  27. 2

    A solid list of newsletters! Was sub'd to quite a few and made some new discoveries.

    Speaking of Newsletters, I recently launched https://newslettertosocials.com
    I think the future of newsletter marketing is high-volume and high-quality content creation. I know it certainly was for growing my newsletter. This tool helps generate social media content quicker than Canva and specifically for newsletter!

  28. 1

    Another shameless plug here but a newsletter inspiring creators of all forms to unlock their potential and defy the ordinary.

    the vivus collective newsletter

  29. 1

    I would also add Unheard Roots to that list.

    It reports on the stories of major startups that have changed our lives (Youtube, Canva, etc).

  30. 1

    Great list! I think I subscribe to most of them.

    Here's a new one recently called "the next morning brew"

    8AM https://get8am.com (its surprisingly simple)

  31. 1

    This is an amazing list! Thank you so much for this.

  32. 1

    This is a great list! I'm writing my own newsletter, 5to9, dedicated to sharing founder success stories, indie/bootstrapped business examples, and side projects people can start.

    It's at https://the5to9.xyz and I'd love for you to give some feedback!

    1. 1

      I subscribed to your newsletter a few days ago and loved it. Congrats!
      I am also writing a newsletter about online business, but I will focus on newsletter business. I am in the middle of the iteration process :) Here is the link if you are interested.


  33. 1

    Thank you for creating this list! I always love to have golden nuggets like these recommended by someone who gets the product!

  34. 1

    Thank you for creating and sharing such a comprehensive list!

  35. 2

    This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

    1. 1

      Looks great, thanks for adding it to the list! 🙌

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